There is nothing wrong with spawn camping. Change my mind

  • @nofears-fun said in There is nothing wrong with spawn camping. Change my mind:

    @viperishemu2992 I am not much a fan of that suggestion. First thing that comes to mind is what @D4m0R3d said. The other, while as I said above I am getting rolled over far to often lately, I want that opportunity to take back what is mine. That and, for the time being, it does give me a chance to try and improve my own game. So far I have little luck in doing so, but I do like the chance.

    I am not sure adding more consequences is the answer, especially with the hotly debated topics surrounding combat lately and even the PC vs Xbox arguments.

    I understand wanting to have a second chance. But a third, fourth, fifth.... etc chance? When does it become unfair to the winning party?

    I also see the fun element at getting some payback.

    But the current death mechanics force players to Spawn Kill, whether they want to or not, just to buy the time to steal loot. This forced Spawn Killing seems to be causing an unpleasant experience for both parties. The killer and the killed.

    I'm not "married" to any of my suggestions. As I pointed out in one of my responses, they are more rough concepts that need some fine tuning. I just think that some changes to the death mechanic (how re-spawn and mermaid work) could help to improve the game.

  • @d4m0r3d said in There is nothing wrong with spawn camping. Change my mind:

    @galactic-geek i mean like i said, i think its about realism. irl on a boat you wouldnt be walking on that part of the ship because you would probs fall through it. sure its a game and you can walk on it, but also like someone else said you can fall off the ship pretty easily from there, someone could blunder you from a while away and knock you off. if they were gonna add a spawn point, i reckon the crows nest would be a good one. up their provides you with good enough cover for you to have peaking advantage

    Actually, no....

    You know that thing when you place gunpowder barrels in the crows nest, and then you jump down, and shoot the underside of the crows nest where the barrel is located, and the barrel explodes?

    Thats because the hitbox, for whatever reason, clips through the floor of the crows nest... And Player hitboxes are no different. :S

    I mean, it's a reasonably stealthy place to spawn, but, you don't get any cover, technically speaking. :S

  • @viperishemu2992 If you are there to steel their loot, then sink their ship? And honestly, if someone has no problems spawn camping me, then why would a third or fourth try make a difference? Truthfully, the only times I have been spawn camped in the past year, it was not for loot or supplies at all. It was totally for the other party to show an inferior opponent (me) that they could do whatever they wanted without any consequences.

  • @nofears-fun Sinking their ship is always an option. But stealing their ship would just be way more fun.

    SoT is too "murder-y" and not "thief-y" enough is really point that I am getting at. Changes to the death/mermaid/respawn mechanic could change this.

  • @sweltering-nick yea he mentioned that, still you recieve cover from sight, like i said, whos looking up there, and even if someone is looking up there, then they are distracted from other spawn points. for this reason i think its a better spawn point than any other spots

  • @viperishemu2992 said in There is nothing wrong with spawn camping. Change my mind:

    @nofears-fun Sinking their ship is always an option. But stealing their ship would just be way more fun.

    SoT is too "murder-y" and not "thief-y" enough is really point that I am getting at. Changes to the death/mermaid/respawn mechanic could change this.

    I understand what you are saying. My problem with it, quite simply is, what happens to the pirate that just lost their ship. You make them sit there on an island, or in the ocean or on the ferry with nothing to do. There is no incentive for them to stay. And if they aren't staying, then you have a ship you stole, but less population on your server. People already complain that there are not enough people on servers or that servers are underpopulated.

    I can see the appeal of steeling a ship. Heck, I have done it myself from time to time. Every once in a while completely shocked that no one showed up for long stretches of time to try and reclaim their ship (either they were scared, or AFK away from their boat). Fun times indeed. But I am not sure how you could implement it without breaking far too many other mechanics of the game.

  • @nofears-fun said in There is nothing wrong with spawn camping. Change my mind:

    @viperishemu2992 said in There is nothing wrong with spawn camping. Change my mind:

    @nofears-fun Sinking their ship is always an option. But stealing their ship would just be way more fun.

    SoT is too "murder-y" and not "thief-y" enough is really point that I am getting at. Changes to the death/mermaid/respawn mechanic could change this.

    I understand what you are saying. My problem with it, quite simply is, what happens to the pirate that just lost their ship. You make them sit there on an island, or in the ocean or on the ferry with nothing to do. There is no incentive for them to stay. And if they aren't staying, then you have a ship you stole, but less population on your server. People already complain that there are not enough people on servers or that servers are underpopulated.

    I can see the appeal of steeling a ship. Heck, I have done it myself from time to time. Every once in a while completely shocked that no one showed up for long stretches of time to try and reclaim their ship (either they were scared, or AFK away from their boat). Fun times indeed. But I am not sure how you could implement it without breaking far too many other mechanics of the game.

    You are right that the "re-spawn" shouldn't be punishing that it makes the game unplayable. That's a good point that I didn't think about.

    I'd just like to see more stealth and theft in the game and less needless killing.

  • @nofears-fun "what happens to the pirate that just lost their ship. You make them sit there on an island, or in the ocean or on the ferry with nothing to do. "

    i mean they could make it so they respawn at another ship, just as if their ship has actually sunk. only problem is on the off occasion where you only want to take a few supplies and redirect them or something. so idk i dont think we should be able to steal ships, its just abit too tricky. although maybe they could do it. idk, it would be interesting to try out, although i feel that would also cause a problem of empty ships floating in the sea cause you might kill some peeps but not sink the ship, 20 people later and their is just 20 ships empty floating in the water. unless the game auto scuttles them after 5 mins of no member interacting with anything on it.

  • Spawn killing is avoided as much as possible by developers in all other pvp games because it sucks, period. For spawn killing to be a Pvp games meta is down right pathetic. I don't have to change your mind at all. You feel how you feel, I feel how I do.

  • @slay76 the change my mind part is a meme

    btw its not like i think spawn camping is good, i just believe there is nothing wrong with doing it. like you cant expect me not to, and theres nothing wrong if i were to do it. i kinda feel like its a smaller issue than everyone makes it out to be aswell. but anyways, how do you think they could stop spawn camping?

  • It's literally the strategy required to sink ships if the enemy crew isn't completely inept. You spawn camp to prevent them from repairing it's not an exploit or a bm tactic. It's just to ensure the sink and there's nothing wrong with it.

  • I think it would be awesome if we could steal a ship by climbing an enemy crows nest and raising a specific flag. At which point the enemy crew recieves a notification and can respawn one last time on that ship. On their next respawn they would get a new ship as if the old one had sunk. This new ship would have no cosmetics and it would be as if they just joined the server.

    The old ship would be visable on the map to the origional crew until it gets sold at an outpost. If you bring it to an outpost successfully you will recieve a reward for the capture of the ship.

    Several limiting factors could include:
    1, a crew can capture only a single ship.
    2, when sold the ship despawns from the world.
    3, the capturing crew does not respawn on the stolen ship.
    4, stolen ships go up in value based on crew size

    In summation, I think that creating such a mechanic would reduce the ammount of spawn killing by giving attackers the capability of stopping enemy spawns; as well as reduce the ammount of murder happy pirates and instead give rise to a number of pirates in it for the grand heist/commendiering of the ship

  • @rattlyfob Grand Theft Sloop

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