Arena Matchmaking Issues Update

  • The devs have actually stated that the matchmaking process is the issue here. Why do certain players from both sides see the need to make it about platform? It's just polarising the issue and getting people upset.

    Reading this post from the top down, it would be very easy to come to the conclusion that PC and Xbox players are not getting along. I'm sure this is not the case across the board, but those that are happy with crossplay are being drowned out by the constant arguing and blame being directed at each other.

    The root cause of broken matchmaking and long wait times has been identified and is being addressed by Rare, let them fix it rather than blame each other when it is clearly not the fault of the players' from either system.

  • @stone0898 said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    The devs have actually stated that the matchmaking process is the issue here. Why do certain players from both sides see the need to make it about platform? It's just polarising the issue and getting people upset.

    Reading this post from the top down, it would be very easy to come to the conclusion that PC and Xbox players are not getting along. I'm sure this is not the case across the board, but those that are happy with crossplay are being drowned out by the constant arguing and blame being directed at each other.

    The root cause of broken matchmaking and long wait times has been identified and is being addressed by Rare, let them fix it rather than blame each other when it is clearly not the fault of the players' from either system.

    Read it carefully. The issue isn't the match making. The issue is players leaving the lobby after joining. Open crew especially is the cause but its still a fact that players leaving are the cause.

    So what console has been known to leave immediately if they see a PC player in the lobby? Which community has actually made posts and had some of the players in the community openly state that they also server hop whenever they see PC players?

    They try to turn the argument around saying PC players also server hop to find easy targets. Again with their "easy targets" arguments. The only time I've known PC players leave a lobby is when the queue has already taken 20 to 30mins.

    If you read further down on OP post, you notice that the best likely scenario to find a game IS to rejoin a new lobby.

    So Rare puts out a post detailing the issue. Xbox community comes in to make a snide remark about "haha see its not our fault" when the comments by Rare state that the issue is players LEAVING open crews after joining lobbies. So the issue is players leaving.

    Is xbox 100% responsible? No. However, do they exponentially add to the problem? Yes.

    Reasons Players leave lobbies -

    1. Player notices the person they are playing with is a noob - Player experience basically.

    2. Person notices their partner is a child - Players will leave when partnered with a child.

    3. Person they are playing with has a constant open mic - Constant Mic feedback is also an issue.

    4. Queue is taking too long - Too long of a queue try again in a fresh lobby.

    5. Xbox players leaving the lobby and server hopping to get xbox only players. - This one I see the most often. Server hopping repeatedly until they get the match they want. Which screws over all the matches they joined in previously. Some of the more present posters of the forums have stated that they will server hop for 20 mins just to get an xbox lobby only game. There were also threads created teaching this method. With more and more players doing this its going to cause issues across the board.

    That is why both sides are making it about platform. One side made a snide remark thinking they were completely absolved when in fact they were big part of the issue.

  • My crew of four played (or tried to play) for 3.5 hrs tonight. We didn't see much server hopping; mainly full crews, but still waiting forever in almost full lobbies. It's ridiculous that the matchmaking still hasn't been fixed before the double xp event; 2 * 0 = 0 when you can't get a game.

  • @xultanis-dragon
    I'd agree that Xbox players are causing this problem, but i dont think its their fault...

    Rare gave them the choice to opt out, but didnt give them the choice to abort before loading them into an open server. The problem was there before opt out, the opt out just aggravated the problem.

    Rare should and are going to address the merging problem, but honestly, the arena weekend should have happened after the fix.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 yeah absolutely, it's not malicious on the part of xbox players and they didn't cause the issue. The behaviour of some of them does have an impact on it, as does the behaviour of crews of any platform that join more than one lobby until they can find one that suits then (be that from the number of players or platform)

    Clarification was needed because of the whole "No collusion!" style messaging coming from some quarters. Not to rub it in though, only so that people can consider how they approach arena matchmaking and avoid doing things that make it worse for everyone. That advice applies to both xbox and PC equally.

  • @purplefiftytwo said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    My crew of four played (or tried to play) for 3.5 hrs tonight. We didn't see much server hopping; mainly full crews, but still waiting forever in almost full lobbies. It's ridiculous that the matchmaking still hasn't been fixed before the double xp event; 2 * 0 = 0 when you can't get a game.

    yep same here well put 2x0=0

    so much for double xp weekend....

  • I think we need to see these fixes before making any accusations.

  • @mferr11 sagte in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    I think we need to see these fixes before making any accusations.

    Actually, the developers named already the issue at hand.

  • @schneebaer17905 Yes but the bug fixes haven't been rolled out. There are probably many people that haven't seen this post and don't know the work arounds or that the issue is a problem with matchmaking rather than crossplay/low population. Once the fixes come out, then we can discuss whether crossplay is an issue.

  • @mferr11 said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    @schneebaer17905 Yes but the bug fixes haven't been rolled out. There are probably many people that haven't seen this post and don't know the work arounds or that the issue is a problem with matchmaking rather than crossplay/low population. Once the fixes come out, then we can discuss whether crossplay is an issue.

    I am just pessimistic that the solution will ultimately be to keep the option to favor one platform, but to not show on which platform others play to prevent cherry picking in the lobby.

  • @schneebaer17905
    They could try to hide this information to prevent cherry picking, but the information is already available outside sot. Takes about a minute to dissect a full galleon lobby, less if you have a team mate.

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