Legendary Captain Idea

  • To make the game feel more rewarding to players how have reached max reputation in every trading company, Rare should add a new area with new cosmetics and maybe access to a new boat type. The problem with pirate legend is people usually get it from PvE servers and lack PvP skills. Having them reach rank 50 in arena will force them to go into combat and build skills over time while still getting the PvE they want such as hunters call and the new voyages that come out. Also, adding a new motive to rank up in the game will cause some players to return and much more activity in both PvE and PvP.

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  • @adennarue5773 I absolutely think there should be something for pirates that hit 50 in all five companies. I’ve hit 50 in four out of five. I don’t care for PvP but I’m gonna hit the Arena to max it out also.

    I’d love to be able to name my ship, or even better be able to customize the colors of the existing ship cosmetics.

    In the very least give us some super exclusive cosmetics. Clothes/gear or ship or both. Just not half locked behind more and more commendations. If I’ve taken the time to hit 50 in everything just give me the full set. Don’t make do X thing another thousand times to get some shoes.

  • @oroku Agreed

  • Yeah but then you'd have to fish. Ew...

  • @adennarue5773 said in Legendary Captain Idea:

    To make the game feel more rewarding to players how have reached max reputation in every trading company, Rare should add a new area with new cosmetics and maybe access to a new boat type. The problem with pirate legend is people usually get it from PvE servers and lack PvP skills. Having them reach rank 50 in arena will force them to go into combat and build skills over time while still getting the PvE they want such as hunters call and the new voyages that come out. Also, adding a new motive to rank up in the game will cause some players to return and much more activity in both PvE and PvP.

    Locking boat types behind walls is not something Rare should do and I doubt they will, nor would I want that.

    Remember that what makes this game so unique in this modern age is that you have to work for your rewards, you don't get instant gratification and it's balanced. PVE Pirate Legend came before the PVP update.

    I do believe though that PVE and PVP should be kept separate. rank included.

  • @oroku

    The Arena?


    If I want rep with the Sea Dogs, I'll bribe Duke to hook me up. Nobody forces this pirate to PvP.

  • I just bought my 10 remaining levels as Sea Dog [mod edit]
    And that's what people will do.

  • @oroku not agree I think you should become legendary captain after you reach lvl 10 of athena not all five companies it should be very bad and annoying...

  • Personally I think nothing related to Pirate Legend should have requirements associated with Arena. Most people brought the game to play Sea Of Thieves.

  • @khaifx PvE should always involve a little PvP, as it is a pirate game. At this games current stage, you barely have to work for pirate legend at all, even without PvE grind servers. A new boat would be perfectly fine if its locked to Legendary Captains as they have worked on the game to the point of full completion. The boat can even have the same stats as the three main ships, just with a different hull. Lets be honest, full completion of this game is practically useless and a slap in the face after all that work. Something unique to that would make the experience that much better.

  • @biter-wylie Well so far that "thieving" has turned into PvE grind servers. Arena is just a way to prevent this from happening, and rare can add other methods as well to prevent this.

  • @reapinglegion They are restricting it to one in each faction every month. [mod edit]

  • And THIS is exactly whats wrong with Sea of THIEVES. Sure, its fine to avoid combat, but ditching combat completely and grinding away on PvE grind serves is pretty much an exploit. People have hit PL a10 in a matter of days with and without doubloons, and its only going to get worse once they limit the doubloon spending to once a month on levels. Whats the point of doing Arena if theres nothing interesting about it and no real reward in the long term. Also your name is restricted from the filter so I cant tag you VacaHombre

  • @wilbymagicbear said in Legendary Captain Idea:

    Yeah but then you'd have to fish. Ew...

    I know I know, but theres gotta be a use for hunters call other than to do more boring things while sailing.

  • @adennarue5773 said in Legendary Captain Idea:

    @khaifx PvE should always involve a little PvP, as it is a pirate game. At this games current stage, you barely have to work for pirate legend at all, even without PvE grind servers. A new boat would be perfectly fine if its locked to Legendary Captains as they have worked on the game to the point of full completion. The boat can even have the same stats as the three main ships, just with a different hull. Lets be honest, full completion of this game is practically useless and a slap in the face after all that work. Something unique to that would make the experience that much better.

    If this ship is more than just another skin (e.g. different positions of cannons, capstan, spill, etc.) it would be against Rare's concept of level playing field.

  • Hombre man (can't @ him cus of error) said in Legendary Captain Idea:

    If I want rep with the Sea Dogs, I'll bribe Duke to hook me up. Nobody forces this pirate to PvP.

    Pirate that doesn't PvP? In my book those are called friendly sailors not pirates.

  • @adennarue5773 said in Legendary Captain Idea:

    Sure, its fine to avoid combat, but ditching combat completely and grinding away on PvE grind serves is pretty much an exploit.

    I... I'm an exploiter?

    Oh Yeah! Internet's bad boy, in tha house!!

    Seriously though, why should people have to PvP? I mean, it's baked into the world already and even super-pacifists like me are required to interact with it when it arises, so nobody can 100% avoid it. You either have to be good at fighting or good at running, both of which pit one player versus another.

    (Or you could be like me and just not care, meaning you would have been playing regularly since launch and are only at about 38 rep on all factions. =P )

    Bottom line is, Rare created a PvPvE world where you are free to play how you want (Rare's words, not mine). Sure, if you limit yourself to one aspect, there will be downsides. All PvP? Not as efficient at leveling and can be boring when you can't find opponent's. All PvE? You're almost guaranteed to lose loot when another player attacks you.

    But those choices are ours to make and the consequences ours to deal with. Trying to force players into a certain playstyle is only going to turn people off. I know some PvPers seem convinced that if PvE players are forced to PvP, they'll do a 180 and completely love it. Just let me assure you that for 99% of PvE players, this is not true. Making active PvP mandatory for advancement would just create bad blood all around. And we definitely don't need any more of that.

  • @icymethodman said in Legendary Captain Idea:

    Pirate that doesn't PvP? In my book those are called friendly sailors not pirates.


    I don't conform to the labels in anybody's book.

    I'm a pirate.

  • Neither are there any PVE Servers, nore do legends usually lack pvp skills. Otherwise, proof, please.

  • @adennarue5773

    Legends mainly from PvE servers? What hat did you take that out of? I have met many legends on the seas, I don't play on alliance servers.. ok I tried it twice, got bored - it usually resulted me and some guys on the other ships just pirate on pirate fighting on islands and didn't really make us contribute much to the alliance grind idea.

    Arena requiring you to combat? Do you have any idea what the meta is at the moment? Chests rule Arena, combat is usually a waste of time, unless it is to prevent others from selling chests to keep your lead and even then... gather more chests is usually the better move.

    I don't know where you got the information, but would like to know cause it is not in line with what I see at all. That saying being a legend doesn't mean that the pirate is any good. Being a true legend has nothing to do with the hat, title or anything else than your ability to sail, fight and communicate.

  • @adennarue5773

    I personally see no reason for them to add any perks to reaching level 50 in every trading company if they still have yet to make Pirate Legend a more rewarding milestone - this is where the priority should be instead of rewarding people who reach 50x5, which is an even lesser population than Pirate Legend.

    Pirate Legend is an established milestone in the game that will have the same general unlock requirements for the foreseeable future. As for maxing out in all trading companies, who is to say that more companies won't be added?

    It might be cool to add a title for this accomplishment, but I personally think they should add some glorious new content to Pirate Legend and make that part of the game mean something before they venture off into rewarding max level in all 5 companies....

    I'm just over here like...

    alt text

  • @ReapingLegion @adennarue5773 Please be careful where you post in relation to the Insider build. Any Insider Feedback or information is under NDA and should only be posted in the Insider section of the Forums.

  • @goedecke-michel When groups of people log and dc until they are all in the same server with galleons.

  • @vacahombre Yes, thats exactly what it is. If you go and abuse the servers to get all of your friends in galleons in the same server and just PvE farm your not playing the game as it was intended.

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Legendary Captain Idea:

    @ReapingLegion @adennarue5773 Please be careful where you post in relation to the Insider build. Any Insider Feedback or information is under NDA and should only be posted in the Insider section of the Forums.

    Nothing was mentioned of the Insider build what are you on about?

  • @chronodusk said in Legendary Captain Idea:


    I personally see no reason for them to add any perks to reaching level 50 in every trading company if they still have yet to make Pirate Legend a more rewarding milestone -

    Yes, I agree that PL is currently useless atm. But there still needs to be some reward for 50 in everything as I am currently just sitting here with absolutely nothing to do.

  • @adennarue5773 sagte in Legendary Captain Idea:

    @goedecke-michel When groups of people log and dc until they are all in the same server with galleons.

    ... what legends usually do ... ?

  • @sunbro95 Oh no don’t get me wrong. I think you should have to be level ten in Athena also. Plus 50 in all five.

    But give us the full set of something cool. Don’t make us do another set of commendations to unlock each peace.

  • @adennarue5773 said in Legendary Captain Idea:

    @vacahombre Yes, thats exactly what it is. If you go and abuse the servers to get all of your friends in galleons in the same server and just PvE farm your not playing the game as it was intended.

    Oh, that's what you were talking about.

    Well, I don't take over servers. I'd need friends for that.

  • Lol. I made PL10 about 4 months after launch. Back in my day we didn't have fancy-fangled Brigantines to peacock around in and Doubloon's to buy our way up. We had to chase white chickens without proper shoes just to earn a couple Gold Pieces to rub together. Heck, all we had was our wits and our shovel.

    You kids these days don't know how easy you got it.

  • @biter-wylie sagte in Legendary Captain Idea:

    Personally I think nothing related to Pirate Legend should have requirements associated with Arena. Most people brought the game to play Sea Of Thieves.

    can't agree more

  • Why are people complaining about having to do things they don’t want to do to get rewarded? I think they should add a pirate LORD title and content for people to have gotten to lvl 50 in all factions plus A10. Why you ask? Well it’s because Rare has watered down the difficulty of becoming a pirate legend so much that it’s way to easy. Before cursed sails when you saw a legend it was an exiting rare experience and you would say

    “DUDE your a pirate LEGEND!!!! That’s so cool can we do a Athena??????”

    That experience made you want to grind to pirate legend even if everything wasn’t fun “(mhm cough merchant)”.

    Now if you want to grind to pirate legend it’s as easy as.... well... skullforts and doubloons. Ps I know they are limiting the amount of letter of recommendation to 1 per month even with this change it’s still way to easy to grind to legend cause of fort and monthly mercenary voyages that give you a ton of rep for OOS or GH depending on the event.

    I made a friend who had been only playing SOT for about a month and had grind his way to legend in 2 and a half WEEKS. That crazy it took me 6 months to get to legend while playing with a guy who did Athena’s. This drastic change has made becoming a legend an easy thing to accomplish. Which is why i think a perfect way to bring that wonder and sense of wanting of becoming a pirate legend back is to make a new threshold For players AKA Pirate lord.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

  • @adennarue5773 sagte in Legendary Captain Idea:

    Yes, I agree that PL is currently useless atm. But there still needs to be some reward for 50 in everything as I am currently just sitting here with absolutely nothing to do.

    here we go - @AdennArue5773 has nothing to do needs more meaning to his effort and make himself more special in comparison to those who dont put that much effort in it.

    If i think of that we talk about a game what is meant to be played for fun mainly i have two thoughts.

    1. you compare yourself to others ant let others who get it "more easy" compromise your "fun playing the game" or to be more precise your "effort to work the games achievements off".

    2. you are searching for a meaning of pixels what makes me feel sad about you.

    Sorry to sound harsh, but its what i got from your posts.

    p.s. and yes of course PL is useless, its not about that, it's about the journey, fun playing a game and not putting effort in it to work it off.
    And the game has horizontal progression!
    Didnt you think about that before why it was made this way?
    It's useless by design!!!
    "It's not about the gold, its about the glory."
    Ramsey Singh

  • @bugaboo-bill I genuinely hope you reread your post because of how stupid it is. PL is meant to be useless and lvl 50 in everything is meant to be a waste of time with no reward? A meaning to pixels? Based on your post alone, I gather that your one of those guys that claims "video games causes violence" on fox news. The whole point of this post in the first place is because I want there to be a meaning and reward to when players have hit this stage. Just because I have claimed that I am already there doesn't mean I am comparing myself above others, as I am just using it as a reference point as I have firsthand experienced the total boredom someone has once they reach full completion. Monthly events don't cut it anymore. And also claiming that I need to be special because I put more time in the game is a stupid claim. Just because you don't play the game as much as someone else doesn't mean the devs can't reward players that play the game a lot more. I mean, thats a bit entitled of you to shut someone down because their idea requires time and effort as opposed to a 1 hr play session after work.

  • @britishmango05 This is what I am struggling to understand as well. Just because someone doesn't have as much time as another doesn't mean it has to be easier for everyone. This game at launch took effort to reach PL in, and now people are hitting it in a matter of days.

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