How to Solo Sloop Ghost Ships

  • Good day Shipmates!

    I created a video on how to Solo Sloop Ghost Ships by using just your bail bucket.

    I give all credit to Straw Hat Blake, it was his post here on the forums that inspired me to sail out and try it myself. Now I am sharing my experience and what I do to take on those Ghost Ships on your own. I have even taken out 3 Ghost Ship Clouds using this technique.


    Straw Hat Blake

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  • @hazardousmatey thats awesome thanks!

  • I appreciate the effort to educate others, +1.

    Tho' let me say something about the format of your video... since I'm employed as a process manager whose profession is to create instructional material... 15 minutes is way too long, it should be 1 minute and you should focus on and highlight only the most important steps of this particular activity (beating skelly ships with a bucket), because from a learner's perspective all this information is new thus it's very important that the teacher shares only the core information.

  • @bumbumbac I actually enjoyed the full video. Honestly the struggles are what kept me engaged in the video and how he persevered through those difficulties .

    I understand what you are saying as well. Maybe those difficulties could be a 'blooper reel' or something at the end. Get your point across early and have them opt in to watch the full length video, or a link to the full length?

  • @lionofjudah4356
    Yeah I totally get it to keep it short and sweet. I as well am an instructor. I purposely made it "uncut" so everyone can see exactly how it's done from start to finish. I may make a short and quick version later on. But thank you everyone for the inputs! I'll use em in my next videos. Cheers!

  • Using water bucket takes too long. Its a good strategy though but nuch quicker to have half mast, full lock and just pepper with cannon balls.

    If you are consistently a good shot you can kill it in under 5 minutes.
    ![alt text](image url)

  • Great job @HazardousMatey you deserve a metal for going up against those ghost fleets solo back then😅 The Seas aren't as unforgiving now as they were back in our day

    Pretty soon were going to have to put these skills to use against Captain Flameheart and the Burning Blade🍻

  • I second what others have said, the video could have been shorter, also wording is important, these are skeleton ships in the skeleton fleet.

    Ghost ships are very different. :)

  • @capt-kamoba Ghost Ships didn’t exist back then my friend😅 And a lot of people were saying that I was faking my solo fleets at the time. So I think he wanted to provide proof with footage

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