The update is great!! - Let’s be real!

  • Ahoy all!!

    Just wanted to post my thoughts on the latest update and forum activity! :D

    I thought I’d post something to cheer up the forums a bit as everyone is giving a lot of criticism.

    Firstly, all I see on the forum pages are people posting voyage stories moaning about - skeletons are overpowered and never miss shots (on a cannon or via guns) and that devils roar volcanoes are horrid because they sink constantly.

    So rare being amazing, listened and made improvements based on that and now everyone hates the fact it’s easier..

    Secondly everyone moaned that Athena’s shoulda be part of black powder stashes as its way too easy to get to pirate legend! Has anyone actually handed in a stronghold barrel to the mysterious stranger and seen how much reputation it gives? It gives barely anything! So I really doubt it will be rushing people to pirate legend Athena 10! 😂

    Also... (trading companies stockpiling explosives) - sounds like a reason to me, maybe a possible future lore on why they are stockpiling and maybe the Athena grade company need to stock pile as well? Let’s not forget there is story and lore to be followed also, whether you like it or not...

    Thirdly the washed ashore mermaid gems, now I think this is fantastic! I haven’t seen TOO many gems and I haven’t seen TOO less gems I think it’s perfect spawn rate for it to be washed ashore or in sunken ship wrecks, plus it doesn’t help towards the old commendations? (Destroying the mermaid statues) you still have to do that so you still have to go on the hunt for them if you are a commendation hunter like myself... the community wanted addition and changes and I think rare have started that off perfectly!

    Also they announced the start of their monthly updates which will show fixes/improvements as well as additions?! This is what we wanted! A great change and a great start to the change! Thank you rare for your continued efforts to making the game better!

    Constructive criticism is key because this is the one company I know that actually takes on board criticism and makes changes! So let’s help them make the game better rather than taking to the forums to be rude about their game!

    Thanks Rare!

    Happy sailing to all

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  • @lewisjf95
    There will always be players who for various reasons think certain aspects of the game are too difficult. Likewise, there will always be players that think certain aspects are too easy. I usually ignore both because they seem quite capable of arguing back and forth without any input from me.

    I appreciate that Rare is continuing to try to balance the game. They have all of the data to know success and failure rates for different events, voyages, regions, etc. and I'm sure they have metrics they want to achieve for them and will continue to make adjustments accordingly.

    With regard to the most recent update patch notes, I was happy to finally see hit registration as one of the known issues they are working on. The more they can do to improve that, the better!

  • @little-squash I do my best to ignore both and play/enjoy the fame too it’s just sometimes a bit much haha! Yes I saw that too! Will be brilliant once that is 100% sorted! 😁

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