Aye Mates! I have a question fer ya..

  • ... is there any way to join a server with a friend so you both can have your own ship? We tried to figure it out last night and just couldn't get it done. Any responses would be greatly appreciated!

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  • The only way to do it is to join a server, find another ship and see if they will let your friend join on them and then exit the server. Sometimes you can "buy" ships by providing them with loot if they will help you out.

  • @sir-popatop you have to use diplomacy to get your friend invited onto a sloop you encounter or vice versa, or matchmake into different servers a bunch of times until you both see each other on the ferry, after killing yourself upon spawn. Lol

  • No, according to the devs this is a system that they decided not to add to the game because it could break it. Take for example if you had a large group of friends, enough to have 2 galleons filled with crewmates. Every time you strt the game you would basically already be in a fleet wioth them. This is a problem because 1. No right minded player will ever attack you, even on voyages (Making the voyage difficulty that much easier) and 2. You and your team mates would be able to gang up on the other players out at sea that much easier.

    Devs wante3d a game where outside your own crew, you had to be weary of other pirates. Even in fleets u are uncertain if you can trust others.

    As a side note please keep in mind that although I'm using "you" as an example, I am actually referring to the general gamer. Although you or your friends might not actually attack other players when you form a fleet, some players will take advantage of the system and will end up having fleets of 2 or 3 crews everytime they strt the game. If this system is added you might find ureself on the other end of the barrel, loosing voyages, time, effort, and loot to a group of friends from a school who log in from the get go and only purpose is to dominate the sea of thieves.

    Also as from the words of the devs the ship nvr truly belongs to you, it belongs to the crew. If you and ur friend are in a crew then the ship belongs to the both of you. I get where your coming from though, but your going to need to figure out a way to evade the negatives of this system before it can ever be implemented into the game

  • @sir-popatop officially, no... There's no way you can join your friend's session... Although, there's some side/mythical ways people around the internet managed to do it .

    One I remember to try (without success for me) was both of enter in the same session then when both are in the host leaves and enter a new session.
    There are reports of this working for some folks after some attempts.

    Another thing I noticed is that is more usually to find people from my region and country if I don't have them added as friends.
    If you want to try any of those mythical workarounds I'd advise you to unfriend each other.

  • @d3adst1ck Thank you for the info. We'll give it a try. :)

  • @a-cranky-eskimo That's a very helpful suggestion! Thank you! :)

  • @red0demon0 All those scenarios make sense. I myself just look for treasure and adventures and steer clear of attacking other ships... unless of course, they attack me first. The size of our crew right now is just two. Thanks for the info. it is very much appreciated! :)

  • @nunoazuldimeter okay thanks matey! :)

  • @sir-popatop there is o e way without buying out another crew. It involves patience and the reapers mark.

    You have one player equip the reapers mark and the other relogs the whole time checking the map each time to see if its there. Keep relogging untill you find eachother.

  • We have managed to get 3, 4 or even 5 ships on 1 server on multiple occasions for clan events, exactly the way @D3ADST1CK described (diplomacy goes a long way). We never used it to gang up on other players though, just to have some awesome events. It was a lot of fun and also very profitable when on one occasion we used our Guilded Athena missions after the event to get everyone a c**p load of profit...

    alt text alt text

  • @aod-woutah78 Thanks for your feedback and the great snapshots! That's a heck of a lot of pirate booty ya have on deck! Must have taken quite a while to gather all that up!

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