Sea of Thieves in the cloud.

  • Microsoft has provided a live demonstration of its upcoming Project xCloud game streaming service. They are promising a cloud gaming service that streams games to PCs, consoles, and mobile devices. In the xCloud trailer at 2:40 you can see Sea of Thieves being played on a tablet.

    Microsoft xCloud Trailer

    Google is going to do the same with what they call Stadia:

    Google Stadia in 14 minutes

    Seems if these services become successful "the data center is your platform". Gaming experience will not be what is all under the hood of the box you have in front of you. It will come down to basically the quality of your Internet connection.

    What do you all think about this? How would cross play work? Would it include all the possible new devices? Will people want more opt out options? Will everyone be able to play together no matter if they are on a console, PC, cell phone, or tablet? Will this be the end of the console as we know it? Will those of us that prefer PCs not need to keep building and upgrading gaming rigs?

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  • i think its a terrible idea, and i dont think it will ever replace a gaming pc.
    remember webTV? that was supposed to kill the home pc. people said the same thing about laptops; they would kill the desktop pc. then it was tablets; tablets were going to take over the pc market.

  • Captain crowheart :D so happy to see you!! Im lost at sea the game is freakin boring without you guys xD hope all is well and we can someday sail out once more :")

  • @ruigtand-nl

    Hey my friend! Yeah it has been awhile. Wolf and I logged on late yesterday, but things did not work out. Was going to play some Arena.

    Disappointed that things came to the Adventure mode after all. Rare has really messed up the cutlass. The anniversary update is a really mixed bag, mostly bad additions, changes, and still nothing in the way of more Pirate Legend or past Athena 10, but hey we can make a parrot boat though lol!

    Hopefully we can meet up very soon. I think we both are very close to stop sailing for good, but would like to have some grand adventures with our friends before we drop that anchor.

  • @tehstepford

    Yeah I remember webTV lol! The waters might be right for this now regardless if it should be done or not. There is a lot of wind gathering behind the end of the traditional console. Everyone may not have the best internet to make this work as well as having the traditional hardware, but I do not think it matters. Seems developers are pushing to move to mobile despite many, if not the majority of gamers want to go there. Also, just like TV everyone wants a streaming service to keep the cash flowing in.

  • @x-crowheart-x

    I can't wait for Project xCloud!

    I'm playing on xbox but when I'm on the move, I'd love to play on my laptop but it's not powerful enough to handle Sea of Thieves or other games. Project xCloud would allow me to play them on it.

    I don't know about playing it on my smartphone, I guess I'll try to see how it is. Anyway more choice is always better and people who own a switch could be able to play with us as well!

    The next generation of consoles will probably have a big focus on the cloud and cross platform.

    Windows Central has some very interesting articles about it:

    Especially this one and how devs can adapt the on screen UI depending on what's happening in-game:

  • @skulliah

    Thanks for your post and opinion! Also thanks for adding the additional links! I love my gaming PC. Gaming on a laptop at the same level can be expensive and still can have issues. I too thought that this could be a solution for that.

  • @x-crowheart-x

    Jup i feel the same i fear im not enjoying this update.. i try to catch me last 40 skellyboats for the canons to complete my boat but im looking for a more friendly game and community experience already :")

  • @x-crowheart-x Serious gamers will probably not adopt it because a physical PC will be a better gaming experience but I can see it catching on for more casual players. SoT targets a lot of those so maybe we will see a lot of people playing SoT that way.

  • @xcalypt0x thank you for the response! I know what you mean. I cannot see me our my spouse giving up on having a dedicated gaming PC. Guess the issue will be if game developers see a return on investment more profitable to put games in the cloud only. We could end up with new games not available as a locally installed option.

  • This is interesting, to be sure. I would be very curious to give it a shot, even if it is just to try new things. However, for me personally, I highly doubt my internet service would be up to the task... I would expect there to be way too much lag to be viable.

  • Mucvjkig

  • I’ve just started the game and boy is it fun! It is so fun finding treasure and attacking other players and skeletons. I’m still searching for the kraken. I am sure that I will continue to play this game. I want to play this game once a get a gaming pc but that won’t be for a while so at the moment I’m playing on Xbox One.

  • @x-crowheart-x Put this game on Stadia. That shouldn't even be a question.

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