Crazy megalodon glitch involving the harpoon.

  • Wasn't really sure where to put this, in terms of bug reporting however I thought this was pretty amazing. I'm sure most of you know you can harpoon onto the megalodon, and it takes you for a pretty wild, hypersped ship ride, but this was a strange occurrence

    Video of bug in question

    If anyone knows where I should report this as a bug, please tell me. This glitch is able to be reproduced. If you grapple a meg and tow yourself towards it while it charges this may happen.

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  • @iceyhot-doom

    Ahoy matey, you can submit your bugs through the Sea of Thieves Support site. Just select 'Bug Report' from the dropdown :)

  • @murkrage Thanks, Cap'n!

  • Nice find lol

  • Sharknado. It does exist......

  • @vincenttnecniv Not pictured in the video, though it was stuck in the animation beside our ship allowing us to kill it in seconds.

  • Also had a bug few days ago with a meg being stuck in the back of my sloop, i just killed him with my sword

  • If this is a glitch then leave it in the game. That was awesome!

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