Rare Its Been A Year, Can we re-roll our characters?

  • I have sunk many many hours into this game and after becoming a PL 10 now, I really like to focus on PVP. The only problem with that it that I made my character as a joke and it is very fat. I cannot hide on peoples ships and am very easy to see. I even see posts sometimes that have exactly what I'm looking for, but they say, "Must be able to tuck on ships". Meaning I cannot join because my character is far too big to hide anywhere on someone's ship! This gives me a real in-game disadvantage, and it's making mine overall experience much worse! I guess I just really regret my character decision, I just assumed that a feature this basic would be implemented and it been a year!

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  • Hit delete pirate and start over, most of us came to grips with the fact that this is our pirate.

    No but seriously I know many that would reroll, I was one for awhile. and then like now I think a $ solution to purchase a reroll would be perfect. Make it the 1st item in the micro transaction store.

  • @captain-coel I thought you were serious for a second lol... I've spent way to much time on this character to re-roll, I would pay even up to $20 which would be absurd for a reroll. I would also be fine with a price even up to a mil for in-game currency so changing your character is a big investment and you would have to really work for it. Also, a purchase from the oos that would make them cast a reroll spell would be pretty cool!

  • @a-double-deagle Thats why I started that post. Trust me, I understand too much time. Ive been a PL10 since September. Ive easily got a 1000+ hours in on my flat faced, ugly, son of a gun, but hey he's skinny. I do remember there being artwork for a potion shop in the game from beta era. It never made it in, but it was the space above the OOS. It would be cool if that was how they did it. I also believe that a 10$ fee would not chap people too much.

  • I've come to terms with how my old man pirate looks. A $10-$15 dollar character reroll is most likely going to be done. Though, I also expect once it's announced people will say, "I've been a player since beta, why do I have to put in x amount of dollars to change this should be free?!"

    I'm just glad that the hit boxes are the same though characters, though I didn't think about hiding potential until this post.

  • @jc-yukaze Yes sadly us fat pirates can't hide anywhere but the crow's nest, and it's even hard to not be seen there. I get called fatty or other names whenever I join boats as well. Although the beta players, as far as i know, did get a reroll when the full game launched.

  • @a-double-deagle I'd expect a reset when the game went live, same reasoning why you wouldn't keep progress on companies.

    I know allot of people that cycled through to make the fattest pirate as possible for the meme. Though my crew isn't really the type to hide and sneak in the first place.

  • @jc-yukaze Yea but last night I stole an Athena, one of the reasons I'm posting this, at the end, I got caught even though I was hiding inside or kegs, skinny pirates like my friends cannot be seen within the barrels but mine can, this is what pulled the last straw for me. Sometimes hide and seek is necessary and I just can't hide.

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