I want to thank Rare

  • I missed legend before the update hit, so the first thing I did was jump online to see what i didn't get. Low and behold, I not only get a frickin' sweet sword; I get a hat and cannons to. Yet, all that seems to be popping up is 'MEH, the rewards are late. Where's my free stuff. MEH" I am left confounded.

    There is NO reason for Rare to offer ANYTHING to Legends, or all players, other than giving back to the people who love their game. It was an incredibly kind gesture in a day and age of micro-transaction malarkey. I am happy to wait and want to extend a HUGE thanks to Rare. You essentially are rewarding me for doing something I LOVE. And that? Is a good thing.

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  • @demonichedgehog Truer words were never spoken, my friend! Thanks for posting!

  • @demonichedgehog said in I want to thank Rare:

    There is NO reason for Rare to offer ANYTHING to Legends, or all players, other than giving back to the people who love their game.

    YES! Rare already has our money. They don’t have to do anything else, and yet, here we are - consistently getting free DLC. Every update costs Rare money and yet they are still giving. Thank you, Rare!

  • @cstrap

    I got the game as a gift. This is one of the greatest, most fun game is have EVER played; and i have not payed a cent for it. Kudos to them and to players like you supporting the game and the community.

  • @demonichedgehog Thanks for posting this topic. You're right. This whole day has just been "why am I not getting my free stuff right away, the devs need to be fired, whos responsible-" etc. It's crazy! It's not like we paid a bunch of money for the cosmetics and stuff- it's free! AND they're cosmetics! You don't need them! So the servers are buggy today - it happens! It's a MMO that potentially thousands of people are trying to get on all at once - and the devs are going faaaaar out of their way to assure everyone that they are aware of the issues and are working hard to fix them. Like, give them a break!

  • @cstrap
    OH, Oh, and the worst ones, the ones that really tick me off, are the " If i am not getting my free stuff, I am gonna stop playing." (Insert stunned GIF here) WHAT? What are you talking about? A week ago you were happy just to be playing the game not knowing about a reward. Now it's give it to me or i quit?

    They should do us all a favor and do that. We don't need OR want sailors like that. I can't even call them pirates

  • Here here! I raise my tankard to this. Well said!

  • @demonichedgehog Although I completely agree with what you are saying, I feel you have a little frustration and annoyance behind your words. Keep in mind that it could spark an argument since not everyone will see things the same way. Try to be respectful towards people regardless of if they are wrong or right or agree with you. Some people can get upset when things don't work the way they were promised. They can overreact, start pointing fingers, and getting defensive. I'm sure people called off work today only to be plagued with beards stuck in the title screen and they take their anger out on Rare because they hold them responsible. Just try not to throw fuel on the fire you know what I'm saying?

    You are 100% right though. Rare is celebrating the first birthday of their beloved game and they are giving US gifts. Would your friends give you a gift because it's their birthday? On top of that, would you demand a gift from your friend on their birthday? I've said it before and I'll keep saying it. Rare is supporting their game amazingly. Free content, constant patches. They even consider player feedback on a scale I never anticipated. They released a roadmap of the next few months when the game was released. That roadmap changed after later feedback brought things to light. Rare heard the players and acted in the best interest of the community. They literally handed us free stuff this time. Already in our stash. Even if we missed the legend items, we should be thankful they think of us at all.

  • The blunderbuss is cool and I like the ship skin. The only thing I wished they would have done is give us a pistol skin to match the blunderbuss.

    That blunderbuss is so cool looking. I love the chain wrapped around it. But I feel that the majority of players use the pistol more. Pistol is just a good solid choice for any type of encounter. The blunderbuss is a pretty specific weapon, same with EoR.

  • @shinten-rai


    But you have a GOLDEN FRICKIN' UNICORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have been chasing that legend figure head since I was a wee sailor. And then i saw this. Instant regret of not spending my doubloons. That ALONE was worth the 390 i needed.

  • @demonichedgehog Well, let us not over praise them for a recolor, eh? The weapons and other items are cool because they are new skins. New designs. But the ship skin? They are cool and I am glad I don't have to spend my gold on the normal PL ship skin now. But at the same time, we must also see that it is just a recolor though.

    They didn't have to do anything though, so I do thank them for the gifts. But I will not overly praise the ship stuff we got.

  • @demonichedgehog completely agree mate! I didn’t manage to hit legend either but I’m very happy with what I did get.

    Unfortunately some people are just ungrateful and will never be satisfied. They didn’t have to give us anything to be honest.

  • @shinten-rai The blunderbuss and hurdy gurdy would be recolored versions of the non existent legend equipment and weapons.

  • @shinten-rai

    that's a fair point. it is a recolor.

    but it's an exclusive recolor that legends didn't have to do anything extra for AND that not "wanna-be legends", like myself, will ever be able to get. That has to count for something.

  • @demonichedgehog Which is why I thank them. Oh yes, don't get me wrong. It was free too. Didn't have to spend any gold on them at all. It is very nice as I still did not have a PL ship cosmetic because they are absurdly expensive.

    I just hope in the future when they release more PL stuff, we will get the rest of the items and weapons.

  • @demonichedgehog
    Hello Sir , you have hit the nail on it's head with yer hammer...Nowawdays , Developer , give you little and mostly nothing for free ...Rare still has to ask your first extra penny for game content , and they have unleased truckloads full with that...

    But people take easy things for granted , look at yesterday , many problems on the servers resulted into an avalanche of complaints on the Forum, sure ,the inability to play cuts a bit as a knife but we all know that Rare is proud , more than proud on this Product and they repair as fast as they can.... Today ,everything works again and the storm has silenced...

    Now to come back to the updates and gifts...Rare has spoiled us , to be honest , with all their free stuff and updates , and , i don't know if you are a parent , but if you spoil your child a lot , then this child expects a new gift , every week or day ,if you spoil them daily...They forget that Mom and dad have to work hard for it , and eventhough the things may be beautiful and expensive , the kid will be bored in an hour or so and start nagging about the stuff it wants tomorrow...

    Rare has given a whole lot more than any other Developer will or would have done, but i never have seen a Developer that get's so much complaints while having a game that is so good that it already has reached a Cult Status for many gamers...

    Thank you, that someone like to thank Rare , because a Big Thank You is certainly a fresh wind on a Forum that slowly slips away in complaints , frustrations , demands and putting eachother down by smartly written , almost political correct lines , just to humiliate a person while the Moderator has to stand there without any means to stop this nonsense....

  • Well said!

    Thank you Rare!

  • @clumsy-george

    Well said. That is exactly the in the spirit of what i was hoping to accomplish. I assume someone from Rare reads these, and if one person there knows how grateful i am for this gem of a game? I am content. It truly is a stand out game, due to both the game it self, but also the outstanding developers supporting it.

    I am looking forward to playing this game for as long if they will let me. Even if i have to wait on pets ;)

  • @shinten-rai

    I am sitting at 48,42,47. I hoping to be joining your ranks soon. I did a devils roar mercenary voyage last night and got 4 Ashen Villainous Skulls. Might try to stream line that trip.

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