Make yer own Crew or Fleet song to honour thy Crewmates...

  • Hello Dear Pirates , Brothers and Sisters of the Coast , old hardened Buccaneers and New Bloods that just entered our Waters , i would like to welcome ye all ( * Jezus Kayrist , that introduction is far too long , moron - And you, Sunshine , are making it even lenghtier ,Oh Bringer of Light * Mock yerself , Captain Tearface )...

    Our numbers have grown again in an expansional way since the new introduction of the Insider Program and many people are still looking or adjusting to their crews...This may have been done before and then i apoligize and give you all the credit for what will follow , but since i'm a slow reading , stupid foreigner who can hardly write thy Beautiful language , i have not been able anymore to read nor remember every single Topic that appears...

    Hello , Moderator ,if you feel that this is a duplicate post than feel free to erase it and show me the original one ,please so i can add on that one...It will be highly appreciated , since i fully admit i possibly making a double thread , allthough i can't one throught the search machine ( * Search machine!!!?? you four eyed monkey, if you want to sound modern then go all the way...It's SEARCH ENGINE, MOROOOOOON!!!).

    Now what is this about ...Well ,have you never had that feel that yer regular crew makes you happy every single time you play and have you ,just like me , that feeling that a simple " Thank you " doesn't cover that happiness? What if you could make a song , a crewsong or even Fleetsong to honor your cabal of Pirates you like to play with?...

    Oh, i know , many ,just like me , can't compose or sing , or dance or play an instrument...Nor can i , so i took an excisting song and altered the lyrics so they would suit along the tune....

    My song is a Tribute to something called Old Salts , it isn't a Fleet , it just a bunch of Sea of Thieves lovers that come together every year, play regulary , have a Golden Heart for this game and eachother and just love to enjoy all that the Sea has to offer...

    So this song is dedicated to my usual Crewmates , our Ace Helmswoman Mrs Deviouz Dogz , and my Captain Mr J4dio , also renowed Boatswain of this very Forum and famous amongst the Pirate Council , a gathering of many Fleets , since he does truckloads of Seawork in order to preserve a server for the Rogue Legends / Fortune / Pirate Council alternative SOT games like Skullball / En Garde and Beacon Brawlers ...

    This song is based on the tunes of Young Folks made by Peter, Bjorn and John...i will put the original song here together with the real lyrics and will write the alterate lyrics down to honour the Old Salts...

    The Old Salts


    If you should be sailing in a crew or fleet
    you should make a merry song.
    i would like to sing about that crew of me.

    We have sailed the Sea for some two years
    We made a lot of history
    Would you like we sing a strophe ,or three?

    We sail the Sea and grab our share
    we don't hurt no one
    we will always sail in a Friendly way with you

    It doesn't matter who you are
    you just be yerself
    We just sail along and play the night through

    And we don't care about the Troll Folks
    cause we are the Old Salts
    And we don't care about the Troll folks
    cause we kick their buttocks too

    And we don't care about the Troll Folks
    cause they have no style
    All we care about is laughing
    Laughing about me and you


    If you come to bring some grief or tears
    Pirates seem to disappear
    No one wants to play with a griever like you

    i can tell you that this game has a Heart
    Joy seems all around
    Everyone is enjoying and so do you

    It doesn't matter what happened to you
    or where we sailing to
    we just stick around and play the night through

    All together we form the Old Salts
    no , we are not the Old Socks
    And we are also Pirate Trainers
    Teaching a Bucaneer or two

    And we are yer favorite Old salts
    caring for yer fun too
    All we care about is laughing
    laughing about me and you

    And we don't care about you , Troll Folks
    Talking all that trash talk
    And we don't care about you Troll Folks
    cause we change yer diper too

    And we don't care about you Troll Folks
    Boasting with yer playstyle
    All we care about is sinking you
    Together with yer arrogance
    Together with yer pretences too...


    Good or not , i don't care , come on, join me for once and share some fun with us, please ...

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  • @clumsy-george nice mate

  • @clumsy-george That's great! I sang it for real :) Love the chorus haha!
    Here's my little contribution to the Old Salts, just a quick drawing :

  • @jetorchidee97
    Goddiggity damn, i didn't know you were a Graphical Artist ,Mr JetOrchidee97, i know you are a silent person , but man, you are made of many hidden layers and secret Traits...i love that drawing , i have to tell Captain J4dio about this...Can we use this as a Logo? , Mr JetOrchidee97?

  • @clumsy-george a dit dans Make yer own Crew or Fleet song to honour thy Crewmates... :

    Goddiggity damn, i didn't know you were a Graphical Artist ,Mr JetOrchidee97, i know you are a silent person , but man, you are made of many hidden layers and secret Traits...i love that drawing , i have to tell Captain J4dio about this...Can we use this as a Logo? , Mr JetOrchidee97?

    Thank you George :) Maybe it needs some refinement? It's a bit rough no? You and Captain J4dio tell me, I'll be happy if you want it :D!

  • @jetorchidee97
    For me , it's Perfect , a Logo doesn't need to be cristalclear and i like that roughness , people think twice before they call us old hippy pirates , hehehehe

  • @clumsy-george a dit dans Make yer own Crew or Fleet song to honour thy Crewmates... :

    For me , it's Perfect , a Logo doesn't need to be cristalclear and i like that roughness , people think twice before they call us old hippy pirates , hehehehe

    Hahaha :P Here it is in bigger format.

  • @clumsy-george That's awesome mate ;) although I know another version or two ;)....... The Old Salts will be around for many years to come, and if we can get that into a recording I'll be grinning from ear to ear... also @JetOrchidee97 Nice work there matey, pretty much capture us with ease, we may be old, but we know what we are doing ;) (Rough around the edges, but still graceful)

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