My own little ghost story

  • So I was sailing and pirating the seas with my cousin (not pirating the game but pirating IN game) and I had what I can only describe as my own little ghost story experience. Three small occurrences that scared both me and my cousin. First was when climbing back on the ship at an outpost. I jumped on the deck from the dock and glanced ever so briefly at the bow of the ship. I saw what I thought was my cousin there, only catching a small glimps of a figure standing looking to sea before I looked away. However upon looking away I saw my cousin at the stern of the ship sorting the sails. I thought nothing of it at the time believing I just thought I saw something and my mind filled in the gap. Until later. We were on an island hunting skeleton captains for a quest. I encountered a gunpowder skeleton while on the shore next to our ship and ran. As I passed the ship I caught another incredibly brief hlimps of someone on the ship's deck and thought again it was my cousin. I was sure of this when, two seconds later I saw a gunshot come from our ship and his the gunpowder barrel, blowing up the skeleton. Later however I was loading cursed skulls on with my cousin and I thanked him for shooting the gunpowder skeleton. He, however, confirmed he was in the OTHER side of the island fighting other skeletons. This is where I became freaked out because I might have imagined the figure but I sure as Davy Jones didn't imagine the gunshot. There were no ships nearby and no other people on the island that we could see. The third event got us the most. While digging for loot my cousin went to bring the ship round the island so we could load the chests on. He pulled it off flawlessly with no bumps or bangs and NO nearby cannons to shoot us. However after he jumped off and we loaded the first chests we noticed the cabin below decks had filled with water. There were three holes in the ship on the OPPOSITE SIDE to the island. There was no way my cousin crashed and NO WAY he was attacked. This is a freaky little tale but I promise you it's true. Has anyone else had an experience like this and does anyone have an explanation?

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  • @madhatterciesus geeeeeez, this gave me chills! 😱😨

  • @madhatterciesus That's scary! I had a few times where I was hit by something while alone in the middle of the ocean or at a deserted outpost like someone sniped me from afar or poke me with a stick from behind but there was no one to be seen.

  • Not too long ago, I started a game and was at the starting outpost. While I was running around gathering my initial supplies, I was hit by SOMETHING, took damage and everything.

    So I began looking around and was expecting to take more damage and die, because that's how these things normally work out for me. But there was NOBODY on the island with me. Although I did feel as though that somebody else had spawned on the same island as myself. I had that feeling the entire time I was on that island until I finally decided to cast out

  • @madhatterciesus me too my chest moved without some one moving it

  • @madhatterciesus so this story is from back when the game launched .. about a month into launch my wife and some friends were running a gally. Now my wife is stitting beside me so we essentially can screen peek. well i was standing in the captains cabin looking out and my wife was on the bow one guy on wheel positioning us into crooked masts and one guy off the boat. ll of a sudden my wife says whoa as you turned aand walked out the captain quarters a cannon moved on it's own .. So I quickly hit record so we could watch it back . sure thing plain as day some invisible force looked like it grabbed our cannon moved it from where it was aiming and then , nothing . This game does do some creepy stuff .. Another one is one night we found a empty sloop with no owner, one could argue he was afk farming . but we kept the sloop for over 13 hrs as our second boat , 3 man gally one man sloop .. our guy even fell off it once and we chased it all the way till it ran into smugglers bay and we caught it and kept using it . Not a person to be seen or heard not a mission down on the sloop nothing . GHOST SLOOP

  • I was on brigantine with my brother and dad, we raised the sails and my brother dropped the anchor. We don’t usually drop the anchor but he did, we were streaming it too. As we were doing a bounty we saw our ship sailing off with some speed in the distance. My father and I laughed thinking my brother was pulling some mutiny on us, however he was stood opposite cursing thinking one of us raised the anchor. We then believed someone stole it, even though no ship was around us. We managed to catch it and saw no one on the ship, and anchor still show lowered. Though we believe it could be due to server jump?

  • @och4yetheno0

    That's happened to me on occasion as well. Not sure why it does that though. I can only speculate that it happens on the occasions when you park like directly ONTO the island itself and the game can't recognize that you dropped anchor or something. But ya'll definitely aren't alone in that regard

  • @och4yetheno0 said in My own little ghost story:

    I was on brigantine with my brother and dad, we raised the sails and my brother dropped the anchor. We don’t usually drop the anchor but he did, we were streaming it too. As we were doing a bounty we saw our ship sailing off with some speed in the distance. My father and I laughed thinking my brother was pulling some mutiny on us, however he was stood opposite cursing thinking one of us raised the anchor. We then believed someone stole it, even though no ship was around us. We managed to catch it and saw no one on the ship, and anchor still show lowered. Though we believe it could be due to server jump?

    I had something similar happen to me and a friend as well. We dropped our anchor in deep water (near a ship wreck in fact) and as we were climbing back aboard, we suddenly got a server change notice, and then suddenly our ship started moving, even though the anchor was CLEARLY down. In fact, the ship would move even with sails up as well, though a lot slower. Nothing we could do would make the ship stop, outside of beaching the thing.

    We just put it down to a server change bug.

  • Probably had to do with being tired here but unloading lastnight on a galley and kept seeing pirates in the captains quarters and on the walk around the back, apon inspections no one there, and my crew was running loot from the docks so they where accounted for, as I said though I was tired so most likely that.

  • @och4yetheno0 yes I belive this is due to the server merge I have seen tails of this as of late.

  • If there was some spooky ghosts in the game that did stuff like this but very rarely to the point of it being hard to confirm even with video if specific occurences happen so rarely people wont catch the same ones on tape, that would be amazing. Lol

  • @madhatterciesus
    I was playing solo last week and had a similar occurrence. I was selling off my loot and while I was running back to the ship I saw someone appear in midair and jump off the dock into the water. I looked around and nobody was there. I have a clip of this too, just don't know how to add it here (unless this worked).

  • We anchored at an outpost and found our ship was still moving. We were so confused because the sails were all up and we were looking at the anchor.

    Then one of my crew noticed the Crested Queen Megalodon was under our ship at the outpost!!!

    The Meg was literally moving our boat! It then got stuck on the broadside of our galleon, so we pummeled it with cannonballs. It then proceeds to JUMP over our ship and then start swimming in the air until it cleared our ship’s hitbox!

    We were so confused but couldn’t help but crack up!

  • I had my own ghostly encounter tonight that gave me the hibby-gibbies, while sailing solo. I was sailing back to an outpost, after diverting course to run from a storm because of the gunpowder barrels on board. When a megalodon swam by with no announcing music, as I turn back to check my course and sail to wind direction I see a figure climbing up the mast of my sloop. Thinking somehow someone had climbed abroad, I drew my sword and proceeded up the mast steeling myself for some close quarters combat in the crow's nest. However, when I got up there, there was nobody there. Between all that, it being night, and the three skelly boats lurking in the area it spooked me to the point that as soon as I turned in the loot I had on board I scuttled my boat and called it a night!

  • I went to inspect crooks hollow today, we have all heard through the grapevine about something odd there right? Strange sounds and music on the island?...a bald lady ghost sighting...So I thought I was smart by initiating the fate of the Morningstar tall tale, digging up the coffin for... the lamp that...reveals things...(attempting to be spoiler free here) my reasoning was, maybe the devs would do something like that; make tall tale items that have a particular function for particular places also able to reveal something outside of their primary purpose in unrelated locations to the tall tale. I think I was wrong at least in terms of the lamp revealing anything ghostly on Crooks Hollow. During my investigation I scoured the island a few times at night, when I went through the caves there on my third maybe fourth run around, I discovered a skull of ancient fortune sitting on the skeleton by the dead campfire and a few other items lying around that I didn't see on my initial couple of sweeps of the island. Probably just missed them but I could have sworn those things were as if someone laid them out for me to find. Very weird.

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