Solo merchant perfect water level trick.

  • Ahoy Merchants captain Johnjah here with a Tip o the seas.

    When running plants you can either throw a single bucket of water over the plants to prevent them drying out every couple of mins or fill your ship so that the water just touches the top of the plant pot.

    If you over fill your boat whilst playing solo fill your bucket and chuck it in the air above your ship whilst it's in the air fill your bucket again with the remaining water. The air born water will splash on deck filling to the perfect level.
    Be careful not to throw the bucket overboard.

    I would like to give you the exact number of buckets required but I don't think we've ever tested it compley but 10 - 12 I would bet on.

    Add. Watch out for skellyships they be after me plants ;)

    Captain Johnjah
    Of the broken mast.

    Superbucket tm

    link text

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  • Additional: The link is to my original post with video demonstration :)

  • 10-12 buckets... or 1 hole + 1 plank :)

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