So now what?

  • @sardukar1234 said in So now what?:

    @straptt I will always remember the gathering of crews to play drums to summon the meg as one of the best mechanics ever introduced in SOT.
    I will always remember the fact that it was taken out as one of the most poorly made developer decisions.
    Yes it was a timed event but you could have left it in the game in some form for the players that missed it.
    I stopped playing for four months and recently come back to so many bugs.
    Islands ive been on glitched me underneath them.
    Grog chest Music continously playing.
    Ive been mermaided to an outpost while my ship was still ok.
    Died on a skeleton ship and respawned on another players boat.
    Shot out of my canon only to end up in my captains cabin
    Cant select a banana while im on a skelly ship.
    3 sword swipes on a skeleton and the skeleton sword lunges me.
    Got wind in the sails and the boat slows down.
    Got the bone crusher cannons on my boat, oh hang on only one cannon has the skin the other is a plain canon.
    But hey their working on a PVP mode and turning crossplay off.....

    Yeah this is honestly how i feel. I feel like some of what they are doing is mistimed and out of order.

  • @vderickv said in So now what?:

    @aclassali said in So now what?:

    It definitely brought more interest to SoT and it may have made a few people sit up and consider buying the game but Summit and his ilk are purly PVP’ers and they were always going to move on to games like Apex eventually.

    I'm purely a pvp guy. Mostly because i'm a legend now and well what else do i do? Summit is also a legend. So again goes to say not enough end game content or legend content that's why you see people like me and summit playing the game for pvp.

    I don't continue playing SoT as a Legend for pve or gold.

    As a Legend i continue playing SoT for content updates and pvp. And this will always be the case for some people as the game is called "sea of theives" To say rare shouldn't care about pvp or the players who play solely because of pvp is because they will "eventually move on" is just not right. infact they are adding a mode called arena specifically for those people. However they are doing it to remove some of the people pvping in adventure mode. I will continue to pvp in adventure mode because this is what i bought the game for.

    Same thing here, legend with nothing else to do but pvp and kill the new content in hour or less. I pvp 90% of my time on SoT and will also be staying in adventure mode.

  • @straptt curios why you would prefare to stay in Adventure Mode? easier kills ?

  • @d4rk5tar71uk said in So now what?:

    @straptt curios why you would prefare to stay in Adventure Mode? easier kills ?

    I enjoy the encounters with all sorts of different adventurers, its fun never knowing who you are about to engage in combat with or what they might be doing.

  • @straptt sagte in So now what?:

    So now what?

    Dunno, tell me!

    You all have lost the twitch streamers and roughly have between 2k and 20k viewers...

    The game was fun before those streamers took over and is even after they let go. Can't see your point, here.

    Your changes made the game less fun to watch so intern streamers stopped.

    The game makes more fun if you play it, compared to watching a stream.

    Many of the bugs that have been in for months are still in...This is absurd, these bugs are causing many in game issues.

    We suffer some bugs from the begin. Sometimes they are solved, somethimes they are back. Wiedergänger. We would all be glad if those bugs would be fixed. On the other hand, there is heavy development and demand for new stuff. While adding new stuff you can't / it is hard fix them bugs.

    The weapon changes just simply switched the meta to sword/gun...Now i get salt for using sword, probably the same salty players who got mad over the double gun.

    Matter of taste, isn't it. But sword and gun is no issue, like double gun was.

    You are separating the player base so that it will be like every other game...One of if not your biggest selling points was crossplay,

    how do you know...

    how about finding a solution to keeping us all together instead of splitting us all up.

    would have prefered this, too, but there was a large number of players demanding "Stop Crossplay".

    The amount of cosmetics being put out is crazy slow...Many people have millions of gold with nothing to buy.

    Don't play the game to become a rich man. You will, either way.

    I guess the better question is what exactly is your plan for this game?

    They keep talking about, mate.

    It seems like its a hurry up and wait for merchant mission? You all had every opportunity to create something amazing,

    ... and they did, afaik.

    especially with all the press you all got from the streamers...

    As far as I'm concerned, the streamers had a very negative impact by the way they played. They mainly showed PVP. It's also more fun in the stream than catching chickens, isn't it? Since then, the players attracted by the streamers in particular have been attacking every other ship in a completely pointless way. That wasn't the case before. I therefore do not weep for these famous streamers.

    now its gone, so again I ask.

    I am glad it is.

    So now what?

    I am still waiting for your input.

    Also all the videos about being friendly to each other and then discussing pvp. Is this Sea of Thieves or Sea of Friends. Which way are you pushing the game, do you want us to pvp or are you now wanting us to pvp in the instanced pvp you are creating? This game can be so much fun, pick a direction and roll with it guys.

    It is PvEvP. Roll with it, @Straptt. The game makes offers to carnivores and predators. Both meet in one area. This is the direction, imho.

    I doubt this is the answer, you wanted to hear, 'cause you allready knew it.

  • @wyvernhavvk Then you are clearly blind, i'm not a big fan of streamers live dosent really gets me but the reason why so many new joined the game is because of them and youtubers.
    And yes we do need them RARE wont go far without more players, they are great developers really! Treating us like devs should but without new players our journey wont go any far.
    They have brought alot of players and those who understand the vision stayed and those who are "toxic" and treat the game like Fortnite didnt stayed to long because the game is just not for them.
    You dont have to like Summit and those streamers i dont but they have increased the player base and that is a fact which is good for all of us.

  • @d4rk5tar71uk That is just pathetic dude, who says that Adventure Mode is easy mode?
    Adventure mode is mixed and its perfect not everyone wants to go balls deep into chaos most of us want to choose when to ingage.
    Its ok to be cynical but that was just sad.

  • @straptt said in So now what?:

    The weapon changes just simply switched the meta to sword/gun

    To be honest in my opinion, that's what the meta should be. This isn't Fortnite!

    But I do agree that the combat changes were a bit of a knee jerk reaction to double gunning and now the sword is a bit too OP when compare to the guns with that horribly implemented delay.

  • @wyvernhavvk said in So now what?:

    Those streamers that left are not missed. This game is about pirates not big time streamers that put out toxic content to gain viewership.
    There are plenty of great streamers that are loyal to this game and continue to put on quality streams without exploiting game machanics.

    What toxic behavior ate you talking about?? This game is litterly about killing and taking other people's loot/gold.. and if people want to go out and pvp against other players then so be it.. that's the game.. people are suppose to be salty evil or good pirates its a thieves pirate game not my little pony

  • @draconumkingx Ok there is a misconception of what 'toxic behavior' is. Killing people and taking their loot (PvP) isn't toxic behavior, it's part of the game. However, killing people and taking their loot whilst shouting through the mic, swearing at them and insulting them and generally 'trolling' IS toxic behavior.

  • To answer the question so what?
    To me it's business as usual.
    I go to work, i take care for kid and dog and one or the other day i play Sea of Thieves.
    Mostly with a crew, sometimes solo.
    All changes were good to me until, all additions were welcome and fun to play.
    I don't watch streamers as i dont habe time to see someone playing when i can play by myself.
    From what i recognize the game is dying all the time to the gamers what live in their internet twitch bubble and every change they dont like for whatever reason.
    So what?
    I dont care for 20k twitch watchers what dont play the game, but watch twitch and follow streamers what i dont want to rate about here, because i dont know.
    But what i know about streamers and so called influencers is nothing i miss when playing and having fun.
    So what?

    Tbh the question was torwards Rare i guess and Rare wont answer here and so this thread is just another rant and complain and nor good critic neither helpfull.
    Just express bad feelings shouting into the world so everybody know you suffer.

    Great, can someone hand him a handkerchief?!

  • @faceyourdemon said in So now what?:

    @d4rk5tar71uk That is just pathetic dude, who says that Adventure Mode is easy mode?
    Adventure mode is mixed and its perfect not everyone wants to go balls deep into chaos most of us want to choose when to ingage.
    Its ok to be cynical but that was just sad.

    First of all not once did i say Adventure is easy

    Secondly, i understand not everyone wants to go “balls deep”. which is why i simply asked what the appeal is of not going to Arena to fight and choosing Adventure

    Only reason i could think of would be that Arena will be full of people seeking PvP whilst Adventure will be mixed, therefore Adventure will have a lot more easier targets since the ones that can’t fight will mostly avoid Arena. Make sense? sorry no stats to back this, just my thought

    Apologies if my asking a question somehow offended yourself.

  • @straptt The plan is to announce a mega update on March 20th. As for the game, their changes didn't hurt the community that badly. Apex came out and everyone is playing it. I myself have only had 1 play session recently because I have been having fun on Apex. Eventually I will get bored and be back to nightly sail session, just like a ton of others.

  • @d4rk5tar71uk Your cynical question didnt offended me in anyway it wasnt even towards me but i dont like the way you did it.
    curios why you would prefare to stay in Adventure Mode? easier kills ?
    That is where you have claimed that Adventure Mode is easy.

  • @faceyourdemon said in So now what?:

    @d4rk5tar71uk Your cynical question didnt offended me in anyway it wasnt even towards me but i dont like the way you did it.
    curios why you would prefare to stay in Adventure Mode? easier kills ?
    That is where you have claimed that Adventure Mode is easy.

    Not at all, that is most defiantly a question and not a claim. Regardless, happy sailing

  • Since the release of the game we hear the same kind of speech, and yet we are still there! And more than ever!
    Did not Rare show that they were listening to the players and that they knew how to meet our expectations? So what's the problem ?

    Yes we have to wait longer for the release, but you do not wonder why? Rare's plans look huge for the mega-update, I prefer to be patient and have a huge DLC that will please all players.

    Must everything be fine and it must ask them a huge job

    None of the big updates have disappointed me so far, and 2019 should not be any different

  • Game definitely needs to implement more stuff to spend gold on. Some ideas...

    Already in-game:
    -Cannonballs and all cursed types.
    -Wood planks.
    -Explosive barrels.
    -Wood, crate, and cannonball crates (session uses.)

    Soon to come:
    -Additional quests for better rewards.

    I would like to see:
    -More skins for everything currently existing.
    -Weapon attachments/types of some sort (ammo pouches, scope optics, slingshot, spear, etc... )
    -Crafting supplies (to make water bombs, ammo types such as grog shots, poison shots, etc...)
    -More ship customization options (lanterns, deck blueprints for layouts of cannons and supplies, )
    -Rowboat skins in general.
    -Gliders, anyone? How sweet would it be to cannon out and glide to enemy ships? Also glider skins.

  • Yeah, the loss of big name streamers was because of the patch changes, and definitely had nothing to do with Apex Legends garnering 25 millions players in it's first week, and overtaking Fortnite as the biggest thing on Twitch to the tune of over double it's viewer count most nights, haha.

  • @goedecke-michel said in So now what?:

    @straptt sagte in So now what?:

    That's just it, no one knows what now...its why i asked the question.

    I disagree with your opinion on the streamers but no need to argue it as we are both aloud to have different opinions.

    This seems like an excuse to me, the bugs need to be fixed asap.

    Watch the new dev update about the sword being in the wrong place.

    I dont know that, its just my perception and view. It could be wrong, only time will tell.

    What does being rich have to do with adding in cosmetics, we get a new set once every 5 months or something.

    The talk very little on anything other then arena mode and crossplay being removed.

    Again thats your opinion and while i appreciate it..its still just an opinion.

    I have no input to give, its why i asked the question "so now what".

    Your last comment about it being PvEvP is something id imagine everyone knew but it feels like they are trying to push the PvP part aside and move it out of Adventure mode.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar

    Can speak only for myself, i bought the game after watching he's streams playing SoT, and im pretty sure im not the only one. And he raised this games popularity without a doubt, 30k+ viewers every stream speaks by itself..

  • @keslv

    It speaks, the debate is over just how loudly. As I've said previously, I always viewed the streamers as a nice, if temporary, boost. Having been here from launch, I find their departure regrettable, but not really concerning.

    I know some responses to the streaming thing come off as hostile, and that is indeed unnecessary. Just try and keep in mind that while many players were brought in by the streamers, the majority have been here for quite a long time. So when someone implies that the success of the game is dependent on a few streamers, it's not surprising that some of us veterans might find it frustrating.

    The salt may be misguided, but it's understandable.

  • @vac-hombre said in So now what?:


    It speaks, the debate is over just how loudly. As I've said previously, I always viewed the streamers as a nice, if temporary, boost. Having been here from launch, I find their departure regrettable, but not really concerning.

    I know some responses to the streaming thing come off as hostile, and that is indeed unnecessary. Just try and keep in mind that while many players were brought in by the streamers, the majority have been here for quite a long time. So when someone implies that the success of the game is dependent on a few streamers, it's not surprising that some of us veterans might find it frustrating.

    The salt may be misguided, but it's understandable.

    I only meant they did not capitalize on the free press they had, nothing was released during the times of summit and the 30k + viewers. They did offer the game at 50% which was nice and maybe they just did not have anything ready to release but man they missed a great opportunity. I should have worded it better, but from October of last year to around the end of December they had tons of opportunity.
    I as well have been here since day one, i was even in the server stress tests...I want this game to succeed with the original ideas they had and I am just starting to get frustrated.
    I will say however the newest dev talk was nice, i am glad they are going to do slow tuning on the weapons and it was nice to be told that was the plan.

  • Oh no.......not the twitch streamers......might as well call it a day Rare.

  • This game is promoted to be sea of friends, it's constantly brought up over an over\

    Streamers did boost this game community a lot

    The number of players you assume are playing this game are not playing it, that's why the achievements for simplistic things in the game are so low, next time you go look at the overall achievements of who has done what, look at how many people have not even set sailed. So yes, this game can die rapidly.

    The bugs in the game from blank screens, to random disconnects, noises that never go away, randomly sinking ships have no water in them, loot dropping inside rocks, etc.. it's ridiculous, the insane double gun excuse doesn't fly, I can literally one tap you with a blunder

    There is not a lot to do after becoming a PL than kill people.

    The new gun mechanics are awful. Really awful. Worst idea of a "fix" this game has produced yet.

    This whole Xbox vs Pc players thing is out of hand. If rare knew it to be true that there was enough people to support both platforms they wouldn't approach the problems like they have. They wouldn't offer the choice of crossplay they'd just remove it. Fortnite has this system where you can crossplay and their forums look nothing like this. Of course fortnite also has a lot of gun play that would make 75% of this community go into save the whale mode. Difference is one has a a giant player base and the other has a shrinking playerbase.

    Community itself is an issue. It is a pvp hybrid game, people are ALWAYS going to be toxic. I can't name of game in the world that doesn't have alot of toxic people in it when it comes to pvp. People making you mad in a game because of "WORDS" is a personal problem, you choose to feel that way.

    Someone needs to say it, the carebear system in a pirate game is just awful. I called it right after the update, I made a thread about these changes being terrible and the rest of it having a backlash, well welcome to the backlash, not as many people as this community thought are satisfied, because unlike it was said then, this game isn't all pve players, and it's not holding water without pvp in it. This game would literally die without pvpers. So keep discouraging it.

  • @mc-leggers

    Ahoy there.... just wanted to jump in and add something here, it certainly feels as if you and I are playing completely different games as I don't recognise any of your comments as part of my experience.

    Which leads me on to the fact that with so much freedom to play as you wish, there are going to be a whole range of different viewpoints and ideas on where the game 'ought' to be heading.

    Rare have addressed some of the items you mention - optional crossplay, the continued development of combat systems, player numbers and their disappointment in verbal toxicity, which is certainly not a necessary component of pvp encounters.

    They also post a variety of themed streams on Tuesdays including PvP based ones and more PvE focused, but the truth is you can start off playing PvE and end up being involved in PvP, or vice versa, or both simultaneously, it really is up to you.

    @Straptt There's a post recently which had an excellent quote in it from reddit which sums up why it's important we keep submitting bug reports for issues we encounter, even if they are months old.

    You're able to find it here -

    While I'd love to see many more cosmetic items, particularly clothing, we do know that March 20th is the date when some major announcement regarding content we know is coming will happen - Arena, major quest update, pets and more, plus before then, a qol update in early March. Some of which is already being tested by Pioneers.

    I think it's significant that we're seeing both PvE and PvP centric announcements so close together - it really will be something for everyone whichever end of the spectrum you play on and double the bonus for those who enjoy the whole world of Sea of Thieves and what it has to offer.

    I also think Rare know exactly 'Now what', they just aren't sharing much of it just yet.

  • @straptt said in So now what?:

    I only meant they did not capitalize on the free press they had, nothing was released during the times of summit and the 30k + viewers.

    No, but Forsaken Shores was released a little while ago while Shrouded Spoils came out just before the streamer boom. Both of which could be argued to have CAUSED the streamer interest in the first place.

    Sure, it would be nice if Rare could drop some good content within the publicity window, but given all the stuff they've added to the game and how recently Shrouded Spoils dropped, I don't think it's very realistic.

    Given the bugs Rare are already working on, trying to rush out content within a publicity spike with unknown time limits would probably be ill advised.

    Could they have done better?

    Maybe, but I don't think they could have done MUCH more. Most streamers are transitory by nature, so trying to plan your content drops around them is nigh-impossible unless you're going to start paying them.

    Also, nice to know you've been sticking it out since launch. My comment was more in response to the other guy, but always nice to acknowledge another veteran. =)

    @mc-leggers said in So now what?:

    People making you mad in a game because of "WORDS" is a personal problem, you choose to feel that way.

    Just because something is common doesn't mean we shouldn't try and minimize it.

    Also, PvP does not equal toxicity. As I said before, I've met many PvPers who were not only "non-toxic", but downright delightful even AFTER they sunk my ship, killed me and stole my loot.

  • @katttruewalker said in So now what?:

    I also think Rare know exactly 'Now what', they just aren't sharing much of it just yet.

    I think this is a problem in a game where after hitting Pirate Legend you have nothing left to do. You could argue the athena grind to 10 but really its just more of the same with a cool chest at the end.

    I play mostly for the PvP but to me it seems like they are trying to separate it from the adventure mode as best they can without exactly saying "hey pvp is to much for some of the players so please move over here". If they had more PvE things to do perhaps i would not be sinking ships 90% of my time on the game.

  • @straptt
    I personally enjoy the grind. It's quite relaxing for me. I like gunning for commendations while doing normal voyages, I like the little bump of earning gold and rep (even if its not much), and I enjoy that the moments of tension are interspersed amongst a lot of peace and quiet.
    Edit: sorry, this pic showed up WAY bigger than I expected it to
    alt text

  • @vorondil1 said in So now what?:

    I personally enjoy the grind. It's quite relaxing for me. I like gunning for commendations while doing normal voyages, I like the little bump of earning gold and rep (even if its not much), and I enjoy that the moments of tension are interspersed amongst a lot of peace and quiet.
    Edit: sorry, this pic showed up WAY bigger than I expected it to
    alt text

    I pretty much PvPd my way to PL, i was in no hurry to get there as there is nothing to get to but a purple suit.

  • @straptt Going by your OP: The only thing that has happened is putting a delay time between weapons. Thats it. If some streamers have stopped streaming due to this, I dont know what to say. As a player who never used two guns at once, I do not have any particular dislike of the changes. But if a streamer is that bent out of shape, I dont see how they contribute to begin with if they are so fickle.

    But lets see what has changed: I have yet to get double-gun exploited since the change. I will say, it has only every happened twice the entire time I have been playing the game. But I can tell you right now, having it done to you is beyond the most frustrating thing I have ever dealt with in this game. It is such a cheap exploit. This is not when someone like summit uses two guns legitimately. I am talking about the macro exploit. To be one-shot from opposite sides of a galleon, and once even from separate ships...... its too much. And that was what was addressed.

    Now if the streamers cannot get over the need to address that exploit, well, that sounds more of a problem of ego. I know a few other streamers couldn't care less and have made videos goofing off about it.

    As for crossplay, maybe we should reserve judgement when it goes live.

    And all the glitches people are complaining about, well, I have been through the same past 5 months everyone else has. I see glitches come and go. Not the same ones from 5 months ago. Except the "top of the ladder go up down" thing. But that is a glitch that I can live with. The rest are new glitches (or old ones that were taken care of previously but came back recently). I have no doubt they will be addressed. Just like the one when skulls found on beaches could not get picked up. Or the one where you couldn't feed the pig anyone and it would die in its cage. Glitches are getting taken care of.

    So, I dont share your opinion that the state of the game, and the quality of the people who keep playing it for months on end, are subjected to the changes made, or that are going to be made. I personally believe that the 'new blood' those streamers would have brought to the game would not last very long in the SoT environment.

  • @hazeree said in So now what?:

    @straptt Going by your OP: The only thing that has happened is putting a delay time between weapons. Thats it. If some streamers have stopped streaming due to this, I dont know what to say. As a player who never used two guns at once, I do not have any particular dislike of the changes. But if a streamer is that bent out of shape, I dont see how they contribute to begin with if they are so fickle.

    But lets see what has changed: I have yet to get double-gun exploited since the change. I will say, it has only every happened twice the entire time I have been playing the game. But I can tell you right now, having it done to you is beyond the most frustrating thing I have ever dealt with in this game. It is such a cheap exploit. This is not when someone like summit uses two guns legitimately. I am talking about the macro exploit. To be one-shot from opposite sides of a galleon, and once even from separate ships...... its too much. And that was what was addressed.

    Now if the streamers cannot get over the need to address that exploit, well, that sounds more of a problem of ego. I know a few other streamers couldn't care less and have made videos goofing off about it.

    As for crossplay, maybe we should reserve judgement when it goes live.

    And all the glitches people are complaining about, well, I have been through the same past 5 months everyone else has. I see glitches come and go. Not the same ones from 5 months ago. Except the "top of the ladder go up down" thing. But that is a glitch that I can live with. The rest are new glitches (or old ones that were taken care of previously but came back recently). I have no doubt they will be addressed. Just like the one when skulls found on beaches could not get picked up. Or the one where you couldn't feed the pig anyone and it would die in its cage. Glitches are getting taken care of.

    So, I dont share your opinion that the state of the game, and the quality of the people who keep playing it for months on end, are subjected to the changes made, or that are going to be made. I personally believe that the 'new blood' those streamers would have brought to the game would not last very long in the SoT environment.

    They stopped playing because lack of anything new to do, that and more entertaining games came out so they swapped.

    I come across bugs every time I log into the game, its super frustrating.

    PS, you said people complaining about old glitches are not the same ones from 5 months ago and then say later in the same paragraph "or old ones that were taken care of previously but came back recently"

  • @katttruewalker said in So now what?:


    Ahoy there.... just wanted to jump in and add something here, it certainly feels as if you and I are playing completely different games as I don't recognise any of your comments as part of my experience.

    Which leads me on to the fact that with so much freedom to play as you wish, there are going to be a whole range of different viewpoints and ideas on where the game 'ought' to be heading.

    Rare have addressed some of the items you mention - optional crossplay, the continued development of combat systems, player numbers and their disappointment in verbal toxicity, which is certainly not a necessary component of pvp encounters.

    They also post a variety of themed streams on Tuesdays including PvP based ones and more PvE focused, but the truth is you can start off playing PvE and end up being involved in PvP, or vice versa, or both simultaneously, it really is up to you.

    @Straptt There's a post recently which had an excellent quote in it from reddit which sums up why it's important we keep submitting bug reports for issues we encounter, even if they are months old.

    You're able to find it here -

    While I'd love to see many more cosmetic items, particularly clothing, we do know that March 20th is the date when some major announcement regarding content we know is coming will happen - Arena, major quest update, pets and more, plus before then, a qol update in early March. Some of which is already being tested by Pioneers.

    I think it's significant that we're seeing both PvE and PvP centric announcements so close together - it really will be something for everyone whichever end of the spectrum you play on and double the bonus for those who enjoy the whole world of Sea of Thieves and what it has to offer.

    I also think Rare know exactly 'Now what', they just aren't sharing much of it just yet.

    This did not touch on much of anything I said. I don't think rare knows what it's doing when it comes to PvP at all. Which feels bad because this game is so different.

  • @draconumkingx said in So now what?:
    This game is litterly about killing and taking other people's loot/gold..

    I'm still reading through this thread, but I REALLY disagree with this statement. Although it's an option, PVP is not the main focus of the game. This game is about being the pirate you WANT to be. Some people view that as strictly PVP (which is fine), but this game isn't meant to be a strictly PVP experience.

  • @keslv said in So now what?:


    Can speak only for myself, i bought the game after watching he's streams playing SoT, and im pretty sure im not the only one. And he raised this games popularity without a doubt, 30k+ viewers every stream speaks by itself..

    People watching someone else play the game doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to go and buy the game themselves. Those viewers are now watching the streamers play other games because they're there for the streamer, not the game. Can't assume that player count and viewer count scale equally.

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