I don't love the weapon changes.

  • @swimplatypus7

    Hey first just wanted to say thanks for being cool in the response and not trying to answer sarcastically or be low key rude like a lot of people who commented.

    Yeah man I know they play its why im a bit amazed they didnt mention this in the update or if it is an accident notice it before launch?

    Its weird... but chaging the whole combat systems after a year of release is brutal and usually the death of most games. Perfect example is H1Z1

  • @ticklepantzz I agree with all your points. I played with a lot of great Xbox players myself. This update, to me, makes zero sense.

    You have a game out for a year, then decide "oh the weapon mechanics are off, play this way!" That's ridiculous. The appeal of this game from day 1 has always been the ability to play the way you want. Not possible now.

    Also, the Arena is coming, which alone should draw many of the PvP PC players anyways.

    Why didn't Rare just allow us to carry 3 weapons? Put the sword between 2 guns, ban macros. Problem solved. No double tap.

  • @swimplatypus7 said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    I think some of their intentions were well intended it just missed the mark a little. I think they will make adjustments over time to correct the problems created.

    I think this will actually take place because the devs actually play their own game; this is very good situation.

    They will be making ongoing adjustments - it was implicitly stated in their last dev update. Also, while I know they mean well with their intentions, I wish they'd do more to help us understand their thought processes or be frank in letting us know why they think some of our ideas wouldn't work and why.

  • I feel like I've been repeating myself a lot on this matter since the last update but even if a few people seem to not mind the new delay, it also feels like these same people would not have been bothered with the old ones AS LONG AS double guns was still nerfed; so to me it seems that there was very much a way to satisfy most people.

    If the goal was to give each weapons its purpose, I feel like the new delays only make sense for the Eye of reach (longer ready up time would make people stop using a SNIPER in close combat via quick scopes etc..), but the other weapons really didn't need to feel that sluggish.

    And I also don't really understand why a couple of people keep mentioning that it emphasis sword play like it's a good news; while it's true that the sword is going to be used more, the sword gameplay is also currently very lame with either a 3 hit combo / button mashing, a block or 2 charged attacks that include a self stun and a movement limitation.
    To me it's just far from being good enough.

    So for me, even though my success ratio in PVP seems unchanged, since the last update I just prefer to avoid it because it just feels clunky and unresponsive. Since I'm still fairly new to the game I'm still going to enjoy PVE for a little bit anyway and when I'll be bored of it I'll just move on.

  • @nhagah

    Thanks for the response I agree I played for a few days after update and I was smashing people as usual but i dont feel like i use to I feel lame lol. XD

  • @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @kiethblacklion said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    Rare should have just made 2 builds for this game, a PC build and an Xbox build that way the mechanics and controls could have been tweaked according to the preferences of the platform. Instead, Rare did the cross platform thing (I wonder how much Microsoft influenced that idea) and has been trying to accommodate too many styles of game play.

    Um, they can barely manage one codebase.. why would you consider suggesting two?

    Because that's what studios would normally do; create more than one build to accommodate the features of the various platforms. Who knows, maybe Rare would have had an easier time with the coding of two separate systems than trying to make one system accommodate multiple platforms and multiple styles of play.

  • @the-human-dan said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    However, I think we can all agree that majority of the people who complained about the double gun issue are Xbox, or newer players.

    I disagree, I am a PC player. I could handle fighting off DGs better than Xbox players but I hated it. I never got into sword battles anymore, even xbox players DG, I knew a few who did it quiet well.

    The sniper is ruined. It doesn't make any sense to change the speed in which you can draw, or scope.

    It's more balanced, if they hadn't changed you could have been instakilled with a snipper/sword combo. The accuracy from a distance is way better, the snipper is a great long range weapon

    Also, the animation between guns is silly. You can't even draw a gun fast enough to shoot a gunpowder skelly chasing now.

    It takes getting use too, but I have been doing it just fine, it isn't that huge of a delay, you just have to run a second further away before you can turn around. If you're near shore just run out into water like you always did.

    For onboard ship battles I am using the blunderbuss and it's working out great, before the change I used a pistol. I use the EOR for everything else, the only weapon I feel needs some love is the pistol. With the quick draw gone I don't see a need for it. If am in an underwater fight I rather have an EOR, I don't care that is has a faster reload time I am not shooting multiple times at someone on a ship, I am slicing them down.

  • The delay being every time you draw a weapon is annoying. Switch from a banana delay, after sprinting delay etc. The delay should just be between gun switches not everything you do. In adding this delay its essentially nerfed all guns and slowed the tempo down

    I also don't like the nerf to eye of reach hip fire either. It should just do less damage than scoped rather than rng. I've always used either sword/sniper or blunder/sniper but this nerf has just made the eye of reach pointless in most circumstances.

  • @themasterplan84 said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    The delay being every time you draw a weapon is annoying. Switch from a banana delay, after sprinting delay etc. The delay should just be between gun switches not everything you do. In adding this delay its essentially nerfed all guns and slowed the tempo down

    I also don't like the nerf to eye of reach hip fire either. It should just do less damage than scoped rather than rng. I've always used either sword/sniper or blunder/sniper but this nerf has just made the eye of reach pointless in most circumstances.

    Yeah delay between everything is just bad.

  • @themasterplan84 said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    The delay being every time you draw a weapon is annoying. Switch from a banana delay, after sprinting delay etc. The delay should just be between gun switches not everything you do. In adding this delay its essentially nerfed all guns and slowed the tempo down

    I also don't like the nerf to eye of reach hip fire either. It should just do less damage than scoped rather than rng. I've always used either sword/sniper or blunder/sniper but this nerf has just made the eye of reach pointless in most circumstances.

    Delay swapping weapons is good but I agree delay on everything else is bad. It isn't needed.

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