Regional Flags

  • Ahoy Mates!
    Remember the Regional Sails from the time limited Cursed Sails campaign?

    Those were some really great Sails weren't they... though I can never find some good Flags to match the Sails...

    Hey, what if there were Regional Flags?
    Like Flags that look like the Regional Sails.

    There could even be a Neate commendation tied to unlocking them as well?
    Maybe you need to set foot on every island in the region to unlock it's respective flag, just a thought.

    Anyways mates, do you want Flags that look like the Regional Sails? (I know I do)
    Let me know!
    Until then see ya on the seas!

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  • @sgt-palooggoo

    Great idea...
    I've always liked the "Wilds" sail myself... a matching flag would be pretty!

  • Customizable flags is what we need. But this would be fine although I wouldn't use them.

  • Great idea mate! Let's also fly more flags.

  • Those purple ones would go good with the kraken haul.

  • The flag idea is great, but why not go further and add in new and matching hulls, figureheads, capstans, cannons, and wheels too? I for 1 wouldn't mind also seeing clothing, vanity, weapon, and tool sets for each region either!

  • @sgt-palooggoo

    You had me at more ship customization. The @Galactic-Geek took it a step further and suggested even more! I agree, I like the idea of adding in more flags. I find myself some times wishing we had more flag options to choose from, nothing wrong with a bit more variety. I would however, like to see Rare finish some existing sets before really focusing on more sets. The Ocean Crawler and Kraken sets have flags for instance but why don't the Admiral or Sovereign sets have any? Perhaps we need a flag flood!

  • Nice idea, would love to see it implemented.

  • @galactic-geek said in Regional Flags:

    The flag idea is great, but why not go further and add in new and matching hulls, figureheads, capstans, cannons, and wheels too? I for 1 wouldn't mind also seeing clothing, vanity, weapon, and tool sets for each region either!

    I don't see why not?
    Imagine a Yellow Shores of Plenty Jacket! 😆

    @je0rgie-p0rgie said in Regional Flags:

    You had me at more ship customization. The @Galactic-Geek took it a step further and suggested even more! I agree, I like the idea of adding in more flags. I find myself some times wishing we had more flag options to choose from, nothing wrong with a bit more variety. I would however, like to see Rare finish some existing sets before really focusing on more sets. The Ocean Crawler and Kraken sets have flags for instance but why don't the Admiral or Sovereign sets have any? Perhaps we need a flag flood!

    Aye, more Flags for the current sets would be great.
    Luckily I believe your wish is going to be granted mate.
    In the Arena Trailer you can see a Ceremonial Admiral Flag:

    If ya look closely at the far Galleon's flag, it has the Ceremonial Admiral's Anchor Symbol on it.
    I hope Rare adds that soon!

  • @sgt-palooggoo Good catch!

    "I spy with my little eye..."
    "Dude, just use your spyglass!"

  • @Sgt-Palooggoo ”A Neate commendation” i see what you did there, well played xD

  • I think this is great idea, I never see any one using the sails anymore so this could help bring them into the spotlight again

  • @sgt-palooggoo

    That would be a nice addition to the game, I like it! :)

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