[Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.

  • @boxcar-squidy said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @muffinstuffingu not to mention human reaction time which varies between as low as 0.2 of a second up to well over a second depending on cognitive ability.

    It's not just how fast something displays, it's also how quickly your brain can recognize, interpret and respond to something.

    A higher fps doesn't allow you to see into the future. You see things at the exact same time, higher fps just sees more frames of the same thing over the same time period.

    Useful but not essential in precision aiming on a moving target. That's it. Literally no other advantage from higher fps other than seeing smoother and more fluid animations.

    I think we can put FPS firmly in the "you've never lost an engagement due to this" category.

    @boxcar-squidy Thank you for your addition!
    I didn't want to make my post that big brained i have to dumb it down but you explained it better and more simply than i ever could. If you can't explain it simply, you dont understand it well enough.I guess that its true. BUT(EDIT: most people wont notice anything at all) a point of contention if a enemy is coming out of cover the more updated frames will help you see him first over other lower frames but your reflexes would need to keep up with it so i doubt anyone but a really top line professional gamers could take advantage of this.Sorry but i have to be intellectually honest even if it doesn't help my point BUT i could be wrong @boxcar-squidy seems to be more knowledgeable on the subject

    but like @boxcar-squidy said
    "I think we can put FPS firmly in the "you've never lost an engagement due to this" category."

  • @fancy-footworkx sagte in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Personally the only reason I think the PC community cares is that they will have less free loot from Xbox players.

    You haven't read a single post in this thread, have you? This is not about "free loot" or any nonsense of this sort AT ALL.

    but why do I care... your profile has been created only for this post. Much wow.

  • All this talk about fps and my SoT has always ran at 30 fps on cursed, choking most of the time. I never really complained about framerate/performance issues because my perspective is heavily squewed, but from a toaster driver I'll add this:

    Whenever I'm playing seriously, in all my time playing SoT, I have only sunk twice in pvp. Either I'm lucky or just secretly a pro, I don't think performance is a good measure to indicate skill between players, my opinion in this matter is, regardless of setup, a skilled player will always be skilled.

  • @urihamrayne said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    All this talk about fps and my SoT has always ran at 30 fps on cursed, choking most of the time. I never really complained about framerate/performance issues because my perspective is heavily squewed, but from a toaster driver I'll add this:

    Whenever I'm playing seriously, in all my time playing SoT, I have only sunk twice in pvp. Either I'm lucky or just secretly a pro, I don't think performance is a good measure to indicate skill between players, my opinion in this matter is, regardless of setup, a skilled player will always be skilled.

    @urihamrayne Very well-put sir
    I think we're just trying to dispel this myth that every time a console player dies its from an "advantage" and not skill

  • @muffinstuffingu Correct, it's not every time, stating that is always a consistent variable is indeed a myth. Though as I said before, there is an edge for PC due to the nature of the current combat mechanics baing more favorable to efficient aiming, it may not cause every battle to be a victory for PC, but it helps nonetheless. My argument is that Optional Crossplay does solve the issue, but it's not the solution I wanted to see, I would have much prefered improvements in combat rather than seeing a straight up division of the mechanic of crossplay, heck even Mike C. shares this kind of perspective when talking about weapon balancing:

    @mikethemutinous said in Combat Balancing Changes:

    While it would have been easier to just remove hip firing from the Eye of Reach, we always strive to make mechanics just work as you expect, therefore we always want the fire button to do something, rather than just taking that ability away.

  • @muffinstuffingu thanks.

    I mean yeah there are edge cases where that extra 30 frames will allow you to react faster, or track a shot better on someone moving etc. It is a very slight advantage.

    It's just a way smaller advantage than being 10 years younger and having faster reaction times due to that will give you.

    In the real world, that's never going to be why one person won and the other lost. If you're in a spot where 7 miliseconds is the difference between you going to the ferry instead of them then you would have lost anyway.

    Besides, nobody from the "PC advantage" crowd has managed to explain to me how they are less capable at SoT with a controller versus k+m than Rockynohands is versus k+m in PUBG with, wait for it, No Hands!

    You think he spends his days on internet forums complaining to Devs that their games aren't fair for him? Or do you think he practices within his own limitations until he overcomes the problem?

  • Anyone who thinks there is no cheating on consoles has not been paying attention to what they are doing with packet sniffing and man-in-the-middle strategies. These kinds of attacks are harder to detect because they don't alter the console in any way so you can be playing against someone on a console who has complete information on his surroundings including your position, name chest locations, etc... and have no idea.

  • @boxcar-squidy said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @muffinstuffingu thanks.

    I mean yeah there are edge cases where that extra 30 frames will allow you to react faster, or track a shot better on someone moving etc. It is a very slight advantage.

    It's just a way smaller advantage than being 10 years younger and having faster reaction times due to that will give you.

    In the real world, that's never going to be why one person won and the other lost. If you're in a spot where 7 miliseconds is the difference between you going to the ferry instead of them then you would have lost anyway.

    Besides, nobody from the "PC advantage" crowd has managed to explain to me how they are less capable at SoT with a controller versus k+m than Rockynohands is versus k+m in PUBG with, wait for it, No Hands!

    You think he spends his days on internet forums complaining to Devs that their games aren't fair for him? Or do you think he practices within his own limitations until he overcomes the problem?

    @boxcar-squidy oh no you're giving them ideas about opting out based on age shhhh. Its funny the kid with no hands playing video games and not crying about fairness and limitations but perfectly able people will quit because fairness and they cant overcome this huge "advantage" the only limitations are the ones you put on yourself

  • @muffinstuffingu said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @boxcar-squidy said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @muffinstuffingu thanks.

    I mean yeah there are edge cases where that extra 30 frames will allow you to react faster, or track a shot better on someone moving etc. It is a very slight advantage.

    It's just a way smaller advantage than being 10 years younger and having faster reaction times due to that will give you.

    In the real world, that's never going to be why one person won and the other lost. If you're in a spot where 7 miliseconds is the difference between you going to the ferry instead of them then you would have lost anyway.

    Besides, nobody from the "PC advantage" crowd has managed to explain to me how they are less capable at SoT with a controller versus k+m than Rockynohands is versus k+m in PUBG with, wait for it, No Hands!

    You think he spends his days on internet forums complaining to Devs that their games aren't fair for him? Or do you think he practices within his own limitations until he overcomes the problem?

    @boxcar-squidy oh no you're giving them ideas about opting out based on age shhhh its funny the kids with no hands playing video games and not crying about fairness and limitations but perfectly able people will quit because fairness and they cant overcome this huge "advantage" the only limitations are the ones you put on yourself

    People who face adversity wants to be treated like everybody else, those kids from the xbox show are a great example.

    They got equipped with the tools they needed to compete with the rest of the players with those adaptive controllers, they don't want to be put in a separate special box. I don't remember which kid but one of them was all "I bet I can kick any my friend's a*s!". That's the spirit, kiddo :)

  • @faceyourdemon said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @genuine-heather Statistics speak diffrent im not talking about the quality of the gear, if someone spends alot he most likely to care and dedicate himself.

    What flippin’ statistics? Please share the source of these “statistics”. Here’s a pro tip: Your opinions and assumptions are not “statistics”. You’re making claims with absolutely no credible evidence. There’s nothing to support your claims at all.

    Of course alot of people are diffrent but its quite pointless to be polliticlly correct just to make someone feel good.

    I have no idea how you think “political correctness” plays into this discussion. Where did that come from?

    Its a fact.

    No, it’s not. It’s an opinion. A rather weak one, at that.

  • @bloodybil Yep. Gimmie a crew of those guys and girls any day of the week.

    A person who knows how to play the hand they were dealt with courage and grace is inspirational.

    A person who spends all day complaining about how unfair everything is instead of being grateful for the opportunities they do have is not.

  • @genuine-heather Yes it is being politically correct to try in some way pretend like a kid and sometimes they can destroy an adult but im afraid in most cases its not true and i am stating facts.
    Not a big fan of wonderland.

  • @faceyourdemon

    it is being politically correct to try in some way pretend like a kid and sometimes they can destroy an adult

    This entire phrase. Just read it and try not to die. I failed.

  • So i just watched the latest Developer update, it appears as though they are watching this thread , and mention that they are reading feedback on this topic and will be taking it all in to consideration and will speak on it very soon.

    I am pleased that this is the response, and look forward to what they have to say in the coming weeks regarding our feedback.

  • @troubled-cells Yeah, it was a decent Dev update. I'm not fully back on board yet. They're chipping away at my intransigence though.

    I've gone from "it's War then!" to "I'll hear you out"

  • @cokney-charmer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    But to answer your question, as someone who has played alpha/beta and since launch, and having friends sensible enough to test suspicions with the help of our friends who played this on PC as well playing this on PC to see the difference ourselves, we found notable differences (all be it months ago at this point) that ship turning speeds, slowing down etc was different....a group of 15 of us who regularly crewed together all saw it, tried it and accepted it and when we tried to raise this on forums we were shouted down, mocked and attacked and everything else you have heard other Xbox players and PC players who brought this up to try and get it sorted.

    I would love to have been there for your testing... because we have had ALL of the ships on a single server multiple times, and ALL sailed together (both PC and Xbox) and NONE of the ships ran any differently.

    You realize that ship movement is NOT a client-side function right? You angle your sails, and the server moves the ship... the client-software DOES NOT make the ship move, or stop. The server handles all of that.

    If any of that was sorted on the client-side we would see people with flying ships, and ships that can teleport, and ships that move at light speed, or make turns like the old 80s TV show Automan... ships wouldn't suddenly jerk up or down when water changed during a bit of lag.

    So no, I don't believe you, and I think you speak from a place of great inexperience.

    That being said, there are a few things that can make ships perform differently.

    1. not using the same ship type
    2. crews operate differently (and please don't tell me that you made sure everything was the same because you can't set sails and direction with any degree of precision)
    3. as for stopping, water will slow your ship down. it doesnt just cut through waves...they move it up and down, which takes away from some of the distance the ship will travel forward

    This is the kind of thing that I am talking about with console players. You literally have such a dumbed-down gaming experience that you don't really understand much. We were fighting a ship, no joke... and as soon as I typed something in chat to one of my crew, one guy on the other ship started SCREAMING (and this was an ADULT) that we were "PC HACKERS! OH MY GOD, LOOK HE TYPED! PC HACKERS!" (he literally said that...in those exact words)

    Your 15 friends is a far cry from the clan I was in that is 3000+ members. The Sea of Thieves division was close to 200 people, some of which were Xbox. In addition to that, I had MANY game sessions where I grouped with other Xbox players. Running on the island behind them doing chest, or looking for skeletons I DID NOT EVER run faster than them.

    You have made some pretty outrageous claims with no way to back them up and I think that most of us see that.

    I have made this point many, many times about console players crying for crossplay removal on these forums. You made the decision when you got into gaming on a console to be at a disadvantage from the standard old-school definition of what a "gamer" is. You likely knew it full-well going in, but here we are with people whining about how something is not fair.

    Here is what is not fair.

    For months this game ran with a low player population. It was not as "healthy" as people claim it was. Now, because of a few streamers... the PC population has bloated to 35% of the total population. Pretty soon, that will die... very soon, actually. Between that streamer and the hope of "arena" being something grand the hype will die...and those players will go back to saying this game is shallow, and has no real content...because in the end, it has the same lame core loop it has always had. Even with all of the "new content" that people say has been added, nothing has changed on that front.

    I have literally watched someone that I know was on an Xbox fight and kill another person who then immediately cried that they were on PC. That is the thing with crossplay and the state of "gamers" today. Most of the claims in games are literally just claims. You don't actually know anything and most of what is touted and spread is just speculation.

    Edit Also, you said with your friends on PC? You have friends you play with on PC that you are willing to bail on to get away from playing with strangers on PC? I can only imagine what happens to clans now that have both Xbox and PC members because of this. What an inconsiderate decision that has been made because of a literal minority set of posts.

  • @nintenkid9000 I'm not sure if this is completely off topic, in the end we're talking about balance, and balancing issues are basically the reason of the crossplay announcement.

    To go by your analogy, I can't understand how is it balanced if the player who plays in "hard mode" goes against people who play in "easy mode"?

    Let me give you an example: If I were not good enough to play "hard mode" and I couldn't play with other people for a reason or another, what should I do? I resorted on not playing the game anymore...

    Moreover sloops can't run away because every other ship is faster half of the times, and solo players can't fight back because they are outnumbered. That's how the game is designed, it's the designer fault, not my fault.

    Not everything in the game is unbalanced of course, but I really hope they do something about all those big balancing issues that are present, just like they're trying to do with this crossplay option. Maybe they'll finally realize it when The Arena update comes out. By the way, does anybody know if sloops, galeons and brigs are gonna be put against each other even in Arena matches?

  • @enrico-117 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @nintenkid9000 I'm not sure if this is completely off topic, in the end we're talking about balance, and balancing issues are basically the reason of the crossplay announcement.

    To go by your analogy, I can't understand how is it balanced if the player who plays in "hard mode" goes against people who play in "easy mode"?

    Let me give you an example: If I were not good enough to play "hard mode" and I couldn't play with other people for a reason or another, what should I do? I resorted on not playing the game anymore...

    Moreover sloops can't run away because every other ship is faster half of the times, and solo players can't fight back because they are outnumbered. That's how the game is designed, it's the designer fault, not my fault.

    I really hope they do something about all the big balancing issues, just like they're trying to do with this crossplay option. Maybe they'll finally realize it when The Arena update comes out. By the way, does anybody know if sloops, galeons and brigs are gonna be put against each other even in Arena matches?

    This post reflects what I said about gamers speculating, whining, and crying about things that just don't make sense.

    IRL, a ship like the sloop would move slower than other ships because -- physics.

    The sloop also operates with less drag than the other ships, so it is faster going INTO the wind. It also turns much better than the other two ships. If you cannot get away from and brigandine or a galleon with a sloop, or even sink a galleon with a sloop you are hands-down doing it wrong.

  • @fluidsc I believe it's not my fault if you can't make sense of my comment. It's quite clear and it's an answer to a previous comment, so it's even more clear to the author of that comment.

    IRL I guess you're not a physicist, but let's talk about the game.

    I believe the sloop is faster going against the wind, but that happens raughly only half of the times statistically, the other half of the times the bigger ship is gonna be on the side where the wind is coming from, so you either go into the wind, being slower of the bigger ship, or you go against the wind but toward the enemies. Going into the wind, the bigger ship has every single possible advantage (number, speed, power, health, height), going against the wind instead, they keep all the advantages except speed. So basically you're guaranteed to loose half of the times and maybe you can flee the other half of the times. Those are the only options when you're talking about players with the same skill level.

    If you expect a sloop to sink a brig even half of the times, let alone every time as you say, Then I guess you're not a game designer either.

    To reiterate my point, I think the crossplay option is not the right solution, I sudgested a better solution to the mouse and keyboard vs controller problem. A progressive Elo MatchMaking that solves a lot of balancing issues without splitting the PC and Xbox community.

  • @enrico-117 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @fluidsc I believe it's not my fault if you can't make sense of my comment. It's quite clear and it's an answer to a previous comment, so it's even more clear to the author of that comment.

    IRL I guess you're not a physicist, but let's talk about the game.

    I believe the sloop is faster going against the wind, but that happens raughly only half of the times statistically, the other half of the times the bigger ship is gonna be on the side where the wind is coming from, so you either go into the wind, being slower of the bigger ship, or you go against the wind but toward the enemies. Going into the wind, the bigger ship has every single possible advantage (number, speed, power, health, height), going against the wind instead, they keep all the advantages except speed. So basically you're guaranteed to loose half of the times and maybe you can flee the other half of the times. Those are the only options when you're talking about players with the same skill level.

    If you expect a sloop to sink a brig even half of the times, let alone every time as you say, Then I guess you're not a game designer either.

    To reiterate my point, I think the crossplay option is not the right solution, I sudgested a better solution to the mouse and keyboard vs controller problem. A progressive Elo MatchMaking that solves a lot of balancing issues without splitting the PC and Xbox community.

    Um, we fight larger ships all the time with a sloop. The cool thing is if you are good at it, you can get behind the larger ships and stay there and nothing they do can get you off of their tail. You can even keep yourself angled in such a way as to keep shots on them when they can't fire at you. That usually leads in them running away.

    What happens when the enemy ship is ahead of you? If you are traveling against the wind running from a ship, and they are in front of you... you did something wrong. lol.

    As for approaching a ship, just sail past them. If they fire at you with all of their cannons and hit you once on a sloop but don't turn to chase, you have nothing to worry about. The sloop is really hard to sink...and can easily be managed with holes by a solo player. If they do chase you at that point, turn the ship into the wind, go below deck, bail and repair... they won't catch you. You seem to think that being shot on the initial volley is the end of the world for you, and it isn't.

    Being able to sink a brig with a sloop is NOT about game design.

    None of this belongs in this thread, but I felt like I would respond to you anyway. I am done with this discussion, because you cannot quantify something so easily when there are so many variables involved.

    Segregation is not the answer to the problems people have with this game. Once the population dies down for PC players again, we will be right back to dead servers and sailing for hours and hours without ever seeing another ship.

    Elo ratings are not the answer to the problems people have with this game. What would you even base the system on? You can't go by skill of the player...because there really is not a way to measure skill in this game. You can't go by a k/d ratio, you can't go by time played... your entire game experience in this game is created by you. It is different for every person that plays it.

    You can't fix ignorance (generalizing, not talking about any single person). We had a galleon attack us at a skull fort this past week. We sank them FIVE TIMES before they stopped coming back. Literally five times...We were on a brig, and we never moved from the spot we were in. I won't get into a discussion about why they sank, because I love it when people come at us and make terrible mistakes... Even more-so when they make those mistakes over and over again.

    Most of what I see complained about in regard to this game and how things actually work are said in absolute ignorance or misunderstanding of how things work. Cohesion of your team and skill in the game absolutely determine the outcome of a fight regardless of what type of ship you are on. The same thing absolutely determines how fast your ship goes, or whether or not you can out-sail another crew.

    The problem is not as cut-and-dry as "no fair, they were on PC" or "no fair, I was in a sloop and he was in a brig, there was nothing I could do!" and continuing to complain about those things in that way are why this game is where it is.

    So again, my entire point remains...when the hype dies down and there are not enough PC players left in the world to get a good experience out of the game on segregated servers, is Rare going to step-up and take the "option" to segregate one the game's community back out of the game? It is coming... an army of pre and teen children are not going to stick around for what this game is offering. They will bow-out as fast as they came rushing in within the next few months.

    When it goes back to 5 or 10% of the player population being PC, will optional crossplay be reverted? Why is optional crossplay even a thing when the game was marketed and sold as a crossplay title? At least 90% of this games player-base was Xbox...that was said so many times on this forum it was ridiculous. The reason the PC population never really gained a foothold was because of the stupid negative reviews fired out because people just couldn't be patient and handle waiting for content patches. This game was literally considered a "disaster" by most reviewers and "speculation" content creators. I have no idea why the "new content" hype started around Shrouded Spoils, or why big-name streamers jumped on-board to play this game...but I am glad that it all happened, because the game felt more alive once people started playing again.

    That will be short-lived though -- and when it is all said and done PC players will be sailing the loneliest seas ever to be seen, and if Rare expects to keep a PC community at all they had better be ready to revert that change when it happens... Unless their over-hyped content updates actually deliver on what they promise most of the influx of new players and returning players will hit that revolving door and go right back out again.

    As far as we know, the core-loop of the game won't be addressed for a while. Once people pull off the wrapping paper and get right back to that core-loop and see what is in the box this "honeymoon phase" will end.

  • @fluidsc honeymoon ended a while ago, people came back for the pvp hype, because they know the game is shallow. People are interested in hunting for the big game, the "massive haul steals", not the deliver 5000 chikens to reach pirate legend part.

    All this will be adressed after march 20, when they will tell us what exactly they are planning to do for this year, hopefully is variety, so I can finally rest and leave.

  • @urihamrayne said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @fluidsc honeymoon ended a while ago, people came back for the pvp hype, because they know the game is shallow. People are interested in hunting for the big game, the "massive haul steals", not the deliver 5000 chikens to reach pirate legend part.

    All this will be adressed after march 20, when they will tell us what exactly they are planning to do for this year, hopefully is variety, so I can finally rest and leave.

    well anyone here for pvp hype is going to be out after today, imho. lol... not even about the double-gun fix... everything else just feels bad.

  • @troubled-cells they won't change there mind about optional cross-play but happy to hear there listening. Im looking forward to testing out optional cross play.

  • @katttruewalker you still need to update the main post. Says proposed but even Craig duncan said its here to stay.

  • Oh man, crossplay is finally going to be optional. All it took was for the xbox players to speak with their WALLETS. Looks like a sufficient number of console players did the same. Its the ONLY REASON rare would have made this change. To the PC players out there, see ya, and I won't miss a single one of you. With the constant, CONSTANT cheating, and the perfect mouse aim and instant 180 turns, and insta banana consumption. And I don't care if you say "good riddance" You were a blight on my experience and all my console friends' experience. I'm not exaggerating. I had about 20 friends on this game for about 3 months. Every single one of us quit b/c of forced crossplay. now about 5-10 of us might come back. I would bet money 80% of the console players will choose to turn crossplay off. Plain and simple, it sucks for console players and is GREAT for PC players. That's why the PCMR were fighting so hard to keep it. To maintain their unfair advantage. Again, I say have a nice life. Enjoy playing against all PC players. If there is no advantage, you should have no troubles.

  • @oneeeyedwilly said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Oh man, crossplay is finally going to be optional. All it took was for the xbox players to speak with their WALLETS. Looks like a sufficient number of console players did the same. Its the ONLY REASON rare would have made this change. To the PC players out there, see ya, and I won't miss a single one of you. With the constant, CONSTANT cheating, and the perfect mouse aim and instant 180 turns, and insta banana consumption. And I don't care if you say "good riddance" You were a blight on my experience and all my console friends' experience. I'm not exaggerating. I had about 20 friends on this game for about 3 months. Every single one of us quit b/c of forced crossplay. now about 5-10 of us might come back. I would bet money 80% of the console players will choose to turn crossplay off. Plain and simple, it sucks for console players and is GREAT for PC players. That's why the PCMR were fighting so hard to keep it. To maintain their unfair advantage. Again, I say have a nice life. Enjoy playing against all PC players. If there is no advantage, you should have no troubles.


  • @natiredgals said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @troubled-cells they won't change there mind about optional cross-play but happy to hear there listening. Im looking forward to testing out optional cross play.

    I'm not asking them to revert, I'm asking for equal options for ALL players.

    And honestly I think that they know we have a extremely valid point.

    Hence why the book is still open for them regarding this.

  • A few arguments that need to be debunked.

    1. FPS is a huge advantage. A higher FPS does make things feel smoother, however, by itself it is not a determining factor in the ability to perform well in a game. Your reaction time will be a much bigger determining factor. As long as your FPS is high enough where lag or jitter isn't a huge concern there will always be much bigger considerations. Most gamers also only have monitors with 60hz refresh rates. Better screens are not cheap. While there are those of us who use higher refresh rate screens this is not the norm.

    2. Resolution makes a difference - Maybe in a game where it is difficult to see people due to heavy foliage and other considerations this would make sense. But even then in my experience the inverse is true. Lower resolutions tend to leave quite a bit of detail out that make it easier to see the difference between a person and a bush. In game like this, where the assets are very basic the difference is essentially non existent. Also most PC players use 1080p screens. Look at steam stats, they are responsible for over 60% of users. The laptop screen resolution of 1366 x 768 is responsible for over 14%. Computers over 1440p make up just over 5% of gamers.

    In general high end gaming PC's are the minority, most PC player play on a fairly strict budget that does not allow them the luxury of much better components than XBOX players. KB&M support for consoles is welcome to me and should be the only fix necessary. If you must add an aim assist.

    I am however encouraged by some of the stats released. My concerns are definitely less severe now. Having facts at hand tend to do that. Although I question their methodology. I suspect these numbers are merely based off a snippet of massive growth due to PC streamers.

  • @urihamrayne said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @muffinstuffingu Correct, it's not every time, stating that is always a consistent variable is indeed a myth. Though as I said before, there is an edge for PC due to the nature of the current combat mechanics baing more favorable to efficient aiming, it may not cause every battle to be a victory for PC, but it helps nonetheless. My argument is that Optional Crossplay does solve the issue, but it's not the solution I wanted to see, I would have much prefered improvements in combat rather than seeing a straight up division of the mechanic of crossplay, heck even Mike C. shares this kind of perspective when talking about weapon balancing:

    @mikethemutinous said in Combat Balancing Changes:

    While it would have been easier to just remove hip firing from the Eye of Reach, we always strive to make mechanics just work as you expect, therefore we always want the fire button to do something, rather than just taking that ability away.

    @urihamrayne said "there is an edge for PC due to the nature of the current combat mechanics baing more favorable to efficient aiming, it may not cause every battle to be a victory for PC, but it helps nonetheless"

    @urihamrayne Sorry but i have to push back on this statement, respectfully

    This "advantage" is something we cant quantifiably measure so we have to treat this
    as it's all relative to each individual until we have data to prove otherwise.
    It's like if someone killed me with better aim and he's on a controller and I'm on KB&M
    (or vice versa) does he have an "advantage" YES! he's better at using his imput device and it's different from mine. It's not like anyone who plugs in a KB&M is instantly better than every controller user(or vice versa). If we had this huge difference between the two we would be able to quantifiably measure this easily

    I will refer to my other post as well:
    Its all about who's behind the input device they use.Nobody can assess this difference between the two because someone might be better on one or the other and many other variables making it impossible to establish a baseline for proper data collection

  • @fluidsc It's clear you're just fishing for compliments. You're good at the game. Congratulation. You only talk about personal experiences, which are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Some of your examples don't even make sense. Do you really think they don't have enough statistics to tell which player is better than which? That's kind of adorable.

    Rare is trying to make this game competitive for Arena, they noticed there are some unbalances like kb + mouse vs controller, or in the gunplay. So it's only a matter of time till they understand they can't put teams of 1s against teams of 4s in the same match: it's clearly not balanced. It's hard to believe there are people who can't realize it, but in the end there are people who can't make 2+2, so I guess there are also people who don't understand 4 is greather than 1.

    Come back when Rare decides to stick with sloops vs galeons in Arena, after balancing things out.

  • @fancy-footworkx you are welcome to buy a keyboard and mouse as PC players can use a controller if they wish. The PC community is too small to allow players to exclude, whereas the XBOX community suffers no consequence to OPT out of PC players.

    PC Players also do not have any ability to choose their servers, and many of us rely on XBOX players as possible crewmates. We are getting punished due to lack of skill.

  • This is a bad idea. Each community has the option to buy their preference of controller or keyboard if they believe it makes that big of a difference. I have played with excellent XBOX users and often rely on the XBOX matchmaking community to find crew. There will be virtually no consequence for an XBOX user to OPT-Out of PC matchmaking, leaving the already small PC community on an island due to a "perceived" advantage.

    Further, the PC community are where many prominent streamers hang their hats. Ostracizing them hurts promotion of the game that we all love.

    Finally, lets not confuse the average age/maturity of the XBOX player is lower simply due to its availability and the expense of gaming PC's. Many of the respect issues the Developers (Joe Neate) have been highlighting are not nearly as present, in my experience, amongst PC players.

    I have played SoT since its infancy and at the end of the day, this is a pirate game. We should not make sweeping changes because people are acting like pirates...

  • I just think overall its fowl they went back against what they sold us. This game was supposed to be cross-platform no matter what game, it was one of the biggest reason i bought this game.

    The streamer hype is falling off just as fast as it came on, the crowds will dwindle down just as fast as they rose up. I just hope us PC players will still have a decent amount of people on the waters when this drops.

    I am just waiting for the in game cosmetics to start having a dollar sign next to them, I know its an additional way for Rare to bring income in...I just hope the items can also be purchased with in game gold as well.

  • @deadrekoning said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @fancy-footworkx you are welcome to buy a keyboard and mouse as PC players can use a controller if they wish. The PC community is too small to allow players to exclude, whereas the XBOX community suffers no consequence to OPT out of PC players.

    PC Players also do not have any ability to choose their servers, and many of us rely on XBOX players as possible crewmates. We are getting punished due to lack of skill.

    Yes I agree they need to make a compromise with pc players being allowed to play on controller servers at the least or not segregate a entire player base the only things i hear from console players as to why not is because its easy to fool the system into thinking you playing with a controller but its a M&KB BUT the same applies to console users as well.

  • @muffinstuffingu said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @deadrekoning said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @fancy-footworkx you are welcome to buy a keyboard and mouse as PC players can use a controller if they wish. The PC community is too small to allow players to exclude, whereas the XBOX community suffers no consequence to OPT out of PC players.

    PC Players also do not have any ability to choose their servers, and many of us rely on XBOX players as possible crewmates. We are getting punished due to lack of skill.

    Yes I agree they need to make a compromise with pc players being allowed to play on controller servers at the least or not segregate a entire player base the only things i hear from console players as to why not is because its easy to fool the system into thinking you playing with a controller but its a M&KB BUT the same applies to console users as well.

    Binary registers (keyboard) vs axis based (controller) can be identified.

    With this in mind a system can be implemented to constantly detect movement information being sent and instantly kick a user if a change from axis to binary occurs.

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