Am i invisible?

  • Was on an open galleon last night with some really sound fellas i stumbled upon. Just finish selling our loot at the outpost and see another galleon pull up..

    They have fancy sails and seem well dressed so i think theyre fair game and decide to rob them.

    Now having seen the various videos of a certain streamer lately we all know how to sneak onto a ship in a stealth fashion i decide that a more direct approach may be more appropriate so i board the ship 'good evening chaps just here to rob you' i announce boldly walking into their captains quarters.

    3 of them are in there and they have all the loot on the bed.. theyre very methodical chaps as they have formed an orderly queue up to the loot and wait their turn to take a piece.

    Being british, i decided the only appropriate thing to do in this situation was join said queue and wait my turn. As i did the 4th pirate returned and also joined the queue.. behind me!

    It was like being in tesco (or m&s or aldi depending on how posh you are when it comes to your weekly shop)

    When i get to the front of the queue i whip out my bag for life (im no fool, i aint paying 10p for a bag) pick up a skull and have it on my merry way.

    After a leisurely stroll to the proprieters of skulls r us i return to their ship and help myself to a chest which i proceed to sell..

    When i return the 3rd time all this shopping has left me a little tired and i know a tea break is imminent so am in need of a labour saving technique

    They dont seem to have a work experience boy on duty to carry the remaing chests to the island for me so i start to load their rowboat.

    Well, this must have been the point their security manager came back from his break as all of a sudden i heard someone shout at me then shoot me in the back.

    They then cannoned our ship until it sunk my cheering about how ill never steal their treasure (apart from the skulls and chests id already had?)

    It was so surrealstrikethrough text

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  • @nikjw This made me chuckle, especially waiting in line for the loot! I wonder if they were in an alliance and perhaps thought you were just a member of the other crew?! Strange behavior, either way!

  • Haha, the in line waiting is briljant xD

    They could have disabled their hud (for some reason) so they didn't reconized you wasn't part of the crew / ship (reference to best movie ever made)

  • @luciansanchez82 ahh thats a good point, didnt think of the alliance thing

  • @nikjw that's a slap stick comedy right there mate

  • @nikjw that's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen ... so it would seem music

  • Excellent story fella! There's some odd goings on at sea lately!

  • @sshteeve yes mate

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