Kraken wraps around ship and pulls it down when you sink

  • Imagine seeing that would be dope but could potentially work but gotta maybe adjust a bit maybe idk just a idea....

  • 5
  • Shoot the "head" of the tentacle till he releases you. The "head" is the closest to the ship.

  • sorry for not understanding but what????

  • but not to be rude so please don't get offended but i don't understand what what you said relates to my topic

  • @targasbr
    Sounds like he is not complaining about it. I'd suggest rereading what he wrote.

    Kraken wraps around ship and pulls it down when you sink.....Imagine seeing that would be dope but could potentially work but gotta maybe adjust a bit maybe idk just a idea....

    He's talking about a ship sinking animation.

    Not too long ago the forums were alight with constant threads on how the Krakens ability to wrap the ship was too strong. He misunderstood what you said.

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