Your favourite drink?

  • I love wine, I'm Tuscan... but I'm also a gentleman pirate... so I vote for mojitos and caribbean curves!

  • Regular beer from The Netherlands. Brands like: Amstel, Alfa, Brand, Heineken, Grolsch etc. Also Jupiler from Belgium.

  • I'm going to be incredibly boring but I love milk.
    It's my first drink and It will probably be my last ^_^

    I'm addicted to milk guys I've got a problem.

  • Irn-Bru :)

  • @macdoland said in Your favourite drink?:

    Irn-Bru :)

    Is it still made from girders?

  • @reedski said in Your favourite drink?:

    KingGoblin from wychwood brewery is the beer of choice, for Rum I'd go with Kraken, Red Leg or Dead Man's Finger... or Rum Bullion...

    Wychwood is excellent, and I'm well familiar with Kraken, the others not so much. Preferred work-a-day rums for me are Baron Samedi, Sailor Jerry's or, if I'm on a budget, Lamb's as it's often discounted.

  • I used to work in a forecourt where we all had to be trained as baristas to operate the coffee machine they had there. After many unsanctioned flavoured syrup experiments (for science) I realised that you can't really go wrong with anything that contains caramel flavoured syrup.

  • @reedski Mekkit 4 as well, ya sorted then. Well av spuds and yorkshire puds all around.

  • Me be liking thy Black Rum from me beautiful Isle of Devils.

  • @britishtwin-one mate milk and water

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