More ways to get gold.

  • Stealing is good and stuff but since PVE is the only thing that makes gold income, why dont you add more methods then just selling what you looted? The pvp players live of PVE players. PVE players who looted. They play hours to lose alot of loot.

    You completed a voyage? Depending on level heres 500-5000 gold for you out of the box just for completing the voyage.

    You completed a fort, or ship fleet? 2500 gold

    You killed a meg? 500 gold

    You killed a ghost ship? 250 gold

    You killed a tentacle of kraken? 400 gold.

    This is ONLY to balance the PVE vs PVP situation.

    At this point even bottle quests could give 250 gold extra if completed.

    p.s I know Arena is coming out but that doesnt change the mode you are playing right now not one bit.

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  • @growlingkittie I get what your saying but this would take away a sense of accomplishment and adventure from the game.

    Skull Forts in my opinion are the best ways to get income without a shadow of a doubt. If you are lucky you can easily complete a Skull Fort with minimum 2 crew in 20 minutes if you are not disturbed.

  • @mrphilfy This isnt about how big the income can be, This is about the ingame content that could reward more as in generall, no players would complete things like bottled quests. They just leave em sitting around. Players would be mroe willing to fight after theyr completion of a fort, and dont run off into the red sea like I saw a brig do after a 20 min chase....

  • Gold is kinda useless. I think it would be better to reward vanity items for all kinds of tasks in-game.

    Complete 10 bottle voyages - get a broken glass skin.
    Complete 100 bottle voyages - get a whole bottle.
    Complete 1.000 bottle voyages - get a golden bottle.

    Or even something crazy like:

    Kill 10.000 skeletons - transform into a skeleton.
    Kill 10.000 gold skeletons - transform into a gold skeleton.
    Kill 10.000 skeleton captains - transform into a skeleton captain.

    Dig up 10.000 castaway chests - transform into a castaway chest.

    Catch 10.000 chickens - transform into a chicken.

    Sink 10.000 times - get a sunken ship.

    Drown 10.000 times - get a drowned sailor skin.

    Etc. etc.

    Gold can be stolen, pve achievements do not so it would be more rewarding for pve players while pvp players would not be able to just steal it.

  • @archaell You're about milestones which is good and stuff, I like that but thats not entirely my point of making the otherstuff more viable. This is mostly to stimulate that you at least get something incase you get rekt a few times after another.

    Gold thats in your profile cant be stolen.

    The loot can be.

    I am talking upon completion, you get xxx gold added (Not from selling)

  • I disagree. Nothing in this game is really yours until you sell, so making money for something that has not ended is not cool.

  • @targasbr I dont understand what has 'legal' to do anything with this. This isnt even i nthe game yet. We are in the feedback forum, bud.

    All it is is like a participation trophy.

  • @growlingkittie I'm giving feedback... I disagree, I made my point, let's discuss.
    I'm beginning to think that your problem is not with feedback, but with me. I am wrong?

  • @targasbr Not at all, but bringing 'legal' into a topic about a game thats about piracy... LOL

  • @growlingkittie
    In my language, legal = cool.
    I edited. I ended up thinking about the word in Portuguese and writing it in Portuguese, it's kind of difficult to switch between two languages all the time. Sorry.
    I did not even review it because of the rush of my work.

  • That is not ... uh... the pirate way.

    You find it - and try to bring it home. You find none - and try to steal some.

  • I do think that some small reward should be given in both loot and in rep value for completing a quest. I get it that the loot itself is not yours until turned in. But, I also think spending as much time as you need to in order to get that loot through PvE, then you should be rewarded something. Again, nothing huge, but something. If there were something for completing it, maybe it would encourage some PvP players to do a little PvE. Or maybe it won't. But it will take a little bit of the sting away for the PvE player that dedicated all that time.

  • No gold. You get rewards for trading .... thousands of chickens, sailing thousands of miles etc. This is enough.

  • Let us hit two birds with one stone and make a Daily quest as an incentive to play more often and give a decent amount of daily gold for completing a voyage.
    1 voyage per day get's the completion bonus.

  • Gold doesn't just magically appear. The merchants gold hoarders order of souls ladies and even the misterious strangers in the world don't care or mind who sells the treasure to them but in the end they are the ones with the cash and we get it by selling items to them.

    Why would you get rewarded for killing a kraken? It wasn't bothering one of the merchants, did the Meg bother a goldhoarder? I'm guessing no.

    I don't see why people want to be rewarded for everything they do. Treasure gives reward in the form of gold. Feats reward the titles and dubloons.

  • @hynieth said in More ways to get gold.:

    Gold doesn't just magically appear. The merchants gold hoarders order of souls ladies and even the misterious strangers in the world don't care or mind who sells the treasure to them but in the end they are the ones with the cash and we get it by selling items to them.

    Why would you get rewarded for killing a kraken? It wasn't bothering one of the merchants, did the Meg bother a goldhoarder? I'm guessing no.

    I don't see why people want to be rewarded for everything they do. Treasure gives reward in the form of gold. Feats reward the titles and dubloons.

    I can't say it any better than this, so I'll just quote.

  • @growlingkittie

    Why? There is too much gold around anyways...
    Im sitting on 2.5 mil which i cant use anymore...
    Why we need more money? I mean im all up 4 booty!

    But there is all ready enough to go around imo.

  • I play pve but i hunt every boat i see. Not to attack but to enforce alliances.

    It just need some different aproach but on a long voyage cash keeps popping up from allies.

    At the start of a long session i first invest time in making allies and check for so called friendly server.

    I die from shark to get on the ferry and get to meet the players passing by and start a friendly talk. Hi sir can i ask you a question?

    Im looking for alliances and explain how it works and i can put reaper on to meet when empty. I offer some free loot or to do a fort or whatever.

    I have no loot at start and nothing to loose so i sail to every boat explaining alliance.

    When i have 2 or 3 boats allied i start playing and with some luck the ally slowly gains new members making a friendly server. Turning in loot regularly to keep them greedy happy and allied..

    But there is a lot of details to aproach boats in a friendly way because they are scared and start shooting.. so dont go close and make sure they can see you are no threat.

    I stay on a distance where i can talk but out of gun range or shoot over to get in talking range or drop some loot close or bring a rowboat with presents and take some distance so they can get it and start explaining alliance benefits. If they like i sail just in range to join alliance and move on.

    If i see a boat in trouble i go in and offer help its a nice way to earn trust for making ally. Last night killed karen 10 on a pirate galleon in trouble then i asked if they like ally after helping them and return to my sloop to join the flag.

    If i see them occupied on a mission or fort i sail just close enough to offer alliance or shoot over to explain and to leave them about their bussiness and sail on.

    Everytime we turn in our expensive loot after each map or island and keep the cheap loot to gift away as friendly gestures to make allies.

    When we only have cheap loot we gamble on making new allies but when we have expensive loot we keep distance until we turned it in.

    Many times this is worth the effort since i can never gather so much loot alone as 3 allied ships can gather seperate and it just keep popping up cash from allies turning in loot.

    Sometimes its bad luck and pirates rob me from the free cheap loot i give them but often i dont even try to fight i jump in the water and explain they can take it i just look for allies or ask if i can play i want to do a skullfort but not alone :") then sometimes they change their mind and i can hop on to help a little and have fun before i take a mermaid back.

  • @growlingkittie It's not really hard to turn in. I mean I know sometimes you get pirated but I doubt it's in the majority of the game as the seas are large and servers are a plenty. You get free gold just by finding random loot on the island. Trust me eventually you have way more than you need.

  • @weakdexx If you cant use that gold, why are you posting here? That means you have everything allready. That means you played this game for a long long time. That means this feedback topic isnt ment for you.

  • @growlingkittie

    Well i think it is also for me. And anyone who would like to contribute on this.

    And if all are pro than my opinion can be seen as a con.
    A discussion consists of pro and con elements to have a good balanced thought about it.

    So indeed i cant use the gold. And like me all others will get to this point where neither rep or money means anything. So i asked why we need more ways to gain money?

    I will leave it at this.

  • @growlingkittie You are grossly mistaken my friend @WeakDexx has every right to post on here and add to the discussion. He is an equal member of this community just like yourself so please remain respectful towards others no matter how accurate or far away their suggestion/opinion is.

    I agree that if you have a serious amount of money then this is just a case of the game being played alot which is great. The downside to gold is there simply isnt enough to spend it on just now.

    I would love if they added the mechanic where you could use your gold to stock up resources for your ship.

  • @mrphilfy

    U sir won the internet today!
    Yes i would love to be able to spend me booty on more stuff.

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