Solo players having trouble

  • So, all ships regardless of party count currently share same spawn chances of non player threats (Megs, skelly ships, and Kraken). I have tried to see how the game is with just playing by myself post shrouded spoils updates and all. I have noticed an increased difficulty with having to deal with the kraken as well as skeleton ships.
    First off, the kraken when spawned can rap around the main stairs making it impossible for one pirate to go downstairs to avoid grabbing cannonballs and going downstairs to avoid being sucked up by a tentacle. This has happened to me and wasn't able to get the tentacle to unwrap before being sucked in and die watching my ship sink. Not too sure how this problem can be addressed other than move where the tentacle wraps on the ship. All i know is that it is much much more difficult to fend off against the kracken while soloing a sloop. Skelly ships I think could be easier for a solo sloop to sink, If I didn't have to waste 50 cannonballs to get a possibly small amount of loot would be worth the time. The only effective way I see sinking the ship on a solo sloop is by ramming w/ a keg, boarding with it, blow up lower deck, guard holes, and pray your ship stays afloat. Any thoughts on how the skelly ships can be addressed to make solo players enjoy and fend off easier? Kraken as well. Lets keep this game fun for our solo players!

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  • I haven't found Karen to be much trouble, but then I've never had her wrap and block the stairs. I never stop to engage and just patch/bail like mad. If you see her rear up and start to inhale that's your sign to grab onto something, cannon, monkey tower ladder, helm, anything really. Karen is easier to survive than a Skelly Galleon taking you unawares.
    As for the aforementioned Galleons, I'd be happy with a simple de-aggro distance or tweeking their magical steering and speed. While I can and have solo'd them, it is a challenge. My tactic is to either rake the deck with cannon fire to kill their gunners, then close in on their side to get under the guns. Though, trying to get them caught up in rock formations is the easiest I've found, but RNG has to be on your side as to where they jump you. The tweeks I suggest came about from me not wanting to engage one, I pumped an anchor ball into it and it seemed to work like a charm. Lo and behold once they got that anchor back up, they caught back up extremely quickly.

  • @colonel-pots Hi there. It doesn't sound like you are describing the sloop based on what you have said. On the sloop you do not need to go down below deck to get cannonballs so I'm a little confused. The sloop also usually does not have the stairs blocked, this is a common problem with the Brigantine.

    That being said, make sure that you are not hitting the tentacle that wrapped your ship. When the Kraken wraps, there will be another tentacle close to the boat in the water that is looking at the tentacle that wrapped the ship. Hit this tentacle with a cannonball. After you do, it will go underwater for a few seconds and then appear on the other side. Keep hitting it after it switches sides. It should only take 3-4 hits and then it will let go of the ship. During this window your ship shouldn't take too much damage, at least not enough to sink you.

  • @xcalypt0x
    The tentacle, once wrapped covers the entire mid section of the sloop, this includes the staircase by the helm, the stairway down to the voyage table, and the cannonball barrels. So, assuming you have no cannonballs and can't get anymore because the tentacle is in the way, what are you supposed to do? While it was doing damage I couldn't get below deck to repair without removing the tentacle. I had about 6 cannonballs on me and was able to hit that tentacle head 2 different times, but during that wrap time another tentacle came out and sucked me away from the ship before i was able to get it to unwrap from my ship and prevent sinking. I died in the tentacles grasp and sunk. It doesn't seem like there was anything I could do without access to my munitions at a crucial moment in the fight. My situation may have been very circumstantial, but that circumstance did seem unbeatable. What do you think?

  • @colonel-pots Okay, gotchya. It sounded like you were saying you could not go downstairs to grab cannonballs.

    In this case, as long as your sails are raised (which IMO they always should be when fighting the kraken), you can try jumping off your ship and climbing your ladder. If you are able to make it up to the helm you should be able to interact with the barrels from above, assuming they are not covered by the tentacle.

  • Also.. if you have a rowboat you can jump on it from the back of the sloop and jump onto the map table through the window 😌 shhhhh don't tell anyone 🤫

  • @xcalypt0x
    You let me know if you can grab cannonballs during that wrap. Maybe there was a sweet spot i missed, but it really felt blocked. I will look further into that

  • My final tip is.. listen for sound cues and animation cues.. they will let you what is about to happen and you can quickly prepare and get into the correct position.. e.g Wrap, suck or slap! Once you learn the mechanics it's a piece of cake!

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