Sunmit1g twitch now

  • Giving his live reaction to this weeks developer update on Twitch. Seems kinda defensive

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  • @xraylexx He mad about Joe reminding everyone about the Pirate Code??? :D

  • ‪To be honest he’s slightly dismissive of the pirate code comments and PvE gameplay ‬

  • Well, I just watched for a few minutes, and saw him and his crew attack a couple of ships in an alliance. He did not attempt to steal any loot, but just seemed to enjoy ruining the other crews' day. He called the other crews "idiots" – and worse – for running and defending when they little to defend. His crew didn't want loot anyway. When one crew was attacked by the Kraken he said it was "well deserved". I have no idea why he thought that.

    This type of player is a plague on the game. They have no "sportsmanship"; No respect for other players, even if when they are outplayed by them. They are abusive and rude, and prefer killing and sinking ships (for no reason) to thieving.

    I will be very happy when the "double gun" bug is fixed, so this nasty person loses one of his chief weapons. To think some people suggest that Rare should be encouraging and rewarding him!?!

    The sooner he finds another game to play, the better for Sea of Thieves.

  • From what I've seen, Summit acts like a [mod edited]. It hardly surprises me he'd resent Joe Neate's reassertion of the Pirate Code. Actually having to show consideration towards other players makes it a lot harder to go around trolling people. [mod edited]

    EDIT: For the record, I'd like to make it clear that nothing that was "mod edited" here was vulgar or even personally offensive towards anyone here on this forum. I used very simple terms to describe exactly how I viewed the behavior of one particular streamer. In my opinion, my comments were not out of line and this moderation was needlessly heavy-handed. I don't mind being moderated when it's deserved (and have been several times). But simply expressing my opinion about what I consider to be the childish behavior of a public figure (a streamer with tens of thousands of views qualifies) should not have been censored. I'll leave it at that.

  • @surveyorpete they're competitive pvp players, what else is there to expect? I think the problem is the game blurs the line too much between casual play and hard core play.

  • @genuine-heather Don’t hate on my boy summit

  • @boomtownboss

    what else is there to expect?


    Not long ago, we were at a fort and a sloop tried to attack us several times over half and hour or more. We managed to fight them off each time, but they persisted. After sitting of at a distance for a while, they sailed back in, with one of them holding a chest on the bowsprit. It was a parting gift for a game well played, before they left. We bid each other "good game" and "fare well" before they quit.

    So... RESPECT is what else one might expect.

  • @surveyorpete let's be real, no one is getting banned for that. Pirates code is a guideline, not a law. The only bannable offense is cheating. Sure, he's a great example of what to expect in negative gamer culture. There's no rule saying don't attack someone without loot or don't trash talk. Furthermore they're here to entertain a few tens of thousands of viewers, and he got those viewers doing just that. Sorry, but the bottom line is... Deal with it.

    On a positive note last night he attacked a player and found they had no quest down. When he asked them about it they said they were new and didn't know. He guided them and gave them insight on how to play the game.

  • I have watched some more of him because honestly I didnt even hear about him till the other day. I have to say I do enjoy PvP but I enjoy healthy PvP. From what I saw he seems to be more on the unhealthy PvP side. At the end of the day its all about views for these guys and being an angel just isnt going to get enough clicks so I am sure that part of it.

  • @surveyorpete I love stuff like that. It's so simple, and so much more rewarding. A little respect isn't much to ask for. We're all playing a game together for mutual enjoyment. Our goal in the game should never be to deprive other players of enjoyment. It's perfectly possible to play this game to its fullest, including competitive PvP, without harassing or trolling others.

    That's what bothers me about Summit and others like him. It's not what he does, it's how he does it. He could have his fun and also treat others with respect at the same time. But no, he doesn't do that. He gets his jollies at the expense of others, and that displays a profound lack of maturity and character. Worse, others who similarly lack maturity feel compelled to emulate him. It wouldn't surprise me if this cascade of trolling behavior is what prompted Joe Neate to reassert Rare's Pirate Code.

  • @surveyorpete said in Sunmit1g twitch now:


    what else is there to expect?


    Not long ago, we were at a fort and a sloop tried to attack us several times over half and hour or more. We managed to fight them off each time, but they persisted. After sitting of at a distance for a while, they sailed back in, with one of them holding a chest on the bowsprit. It was a parting gift for a game well played, before they left. We bid each other "good game" and "fare well" before they quit.

    So... RESPECT is what else one might expect.

    Yeah I agree. I find calling people names during PvP childish.

  • @boomtownboss

    I am not suggesting he should be banned. But, I don't have to like that there are people making a living playing games in a way that ruin the gameplay for people that play for fun. Consider, for example, if I tried to make a living live-streaming myself going around in real life, playing loud music and being generally obnoxious to people trying to enjoy quiet picnics in the park. If the revenue from streaming was not there, would he do it?

    You also said:

    the game blurs the line too much between casual play and hard core play.

    I am not sure what you consider "casual play" and "hard core play". I play this game every chance I get. I consider myself a "hard core" player. But I am not exclusively a PvP player. I enjoy all aspects of the game.

    The problem really is: PvP players get to force their style of play on PvE players; whether they want it or not. However, PvE cannot force their style of play on PvPers. I resent any suggestion that "hard core play" (by which I suspect you mean PvP) is the only real way to play this game; and PvE is somehow inferior and that PvE players should just accept that they are just there to be PvP fodder.

  • @genuine-heather It may be why he went over it. I havent been on SOT in a while but I have heard that toxic trolling has gotten bad and toxic trolling is not PvP. All I need to do is read the comments under his videos on his youtube to see the type of gamers who look up to him. Also yes he does have a youtube channel where he posts his vids on even though a poster here last night basically called me stupid for saying he posts his own videos on youtube lol.

  • The problem really is: PvP players get to force their style of play on PvE players; whether they want it or not. However, PvE cannot force their style of play on PvPers. I resent any suggestion that "hard core play" (by which I suspect you mean PvP) is the only real way to play this game; and PvE is somehow inferior and that PvE players should just accept that they are just there to be PvP fodder.

    This right here. Well said Sir! @SurveyorPete

  • Seriously there's really genuine and funny moments also, he's not all bad like some people try to imply. I agree with the negative attitude it could bring from new players but that exists from the start sadly.

  • @surveyorpete Honestly mate, I don't know why you think that what Summit does is special. I have been getting killed on sight forever and I have been called allot worse than what he calls others. The "double gun" is not a bug and will not change summit and others being far better at pvp than some. Regarding the sportmanship and respect, mate respect others sailing the seas however they please maybe? He is exploring and constantly seeking player interactions. Core gameplay dictates to guard your ship with Krakens Megs and Skeleton ships spawning on you. If you think that this game is a sailing simulator I think it is You that should find another game to play.

    Hope to sink you soon!

  • @ursalex

    I don't think what this guy does is special. Not in the least. He just seems to have attracted a bit of attention on these forums lately. It is his whole kind I condemn.

  • @surveyorpete @TimboAGoGo but that's just not what this game is though. you have mission runners and thieves. You can do one thing exclusive or swap between the two on the fly. Telling people they can be a PvE player is fundamentally dishonest in this game.

    "gameplay for people that play for fun. Consider, for example, if I tried to make a living live-streaming myself going around in real life, playing loud music and being generally obnoxious to people trying to enjoy quiet picnics in the park."

    Guess what... People do both these things in real life and in game without doing it for a living.
    If you don't like it, don't watch it. There's no reason to have to come here to complain about it behind his back when you can admit his not doing anything wrong.

  • @surveyorpete Mate calm down with the "his whole kind" you obviously are assuming his character without knowing him. I've been watching him for 4 years and cannot say I know him at all. I cán say that I am one of "his kind" in that I watch him and play this game. I am not like you describe though. I don't agree with your preaching when you seemingly act out of spite and impulse. Condemning him like this... you're just dividing the community even more man I think its a shame.

  • @genuine-heather said in Sunmit1g twitch now:

    @surveyorpete Our goal in the game should never be to deprive other players of enjoyment. It's perfectly possible to play this game to its fullest, including competitive PvP, without harassing or trolling others.

    Agreed. Although there is no harassing committed, he does troll and I get furious whenever I get trolled but seriously if you are talking about being mature then surely you can deal with some trolls... come on

    That's what bothers me about Summit and others like him. It's not what he does, it's how he does it. He could have his fun and also treat others with respect at the same time. But no, he doesn't do that. He gets his jollies at the expense of others, and that displays a profound lack of maturity and character. Worse, others who similarly lack maturity feel compelled to emulate him.

    I do not know why you say he is disrespecting everyone. Because he sinks peoples ships and saying "Whoa your boat is sinking dude"? I cannot recall him crossing common guidelines when it comes to calling names or something. Do you watch him? Or are you just repeating someone elses opinion in different formulated sentences?

    I'm betting on the latter.

  • @genuine-heather As per the Forum Rules we all must remain respectful towards all other community members when posting on the forums. I have moderated your post as it was not in accordance with these rules, failure to remain respectful of all community members will result in a temporary ban from the forums.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


  • Delete this thread.

  • Well, game streaming is meant to be entertainment and one of the major tools of entertainment is exaggeration. It's important to remember that many streamers are (to varying degrees) playing a character; an exaggeration or askew version of themselves.

    Now this doesn't excuse bad behavior. Entertainment through exaggeration can be accomplished without crossing the lines of decency.

    I don't mind a little trash talk from my attackers, but I think it's best when it's on the playful side rather than straight-up ridicule. Just adopting a piratey voice can take a lot of sting out of it.

    Since I've never seen any of the guy's videos I don't know where he falls on that spectrum.

  • Wow I cant respond to Hombre because the filter says that the first four letters of your name is a bad word lol. Sometimes this filter is annoying.

    Anyways I agree with you. I dont think he is an awful person I think he knows that being a great PvP player isnt always enough for major views. Trolling and being rude will get the clicks and people talking. I think he does exaggerate for that reason aswell.

  • @surveyorpete you don't sound like a pirate at all.

  • @combatxkitty I see where you are coming from but I experience(d) him getting clicks and views in different ways like setting up fights like the one he just did where two galleons and two ghost ships fight it out. People are loving this and he is not trolling or being rude in any way. I can recall him ridicule players that called him out for being bad or dumb or whatnot. However he did this as a reaction to people who set the standard themselves by started being rude. I have been following his stream lately, by your comments I assume you have not. Could that be true?

  • @ursalex No I do not follow his stream. I have been checking out videos of him on youtube. Honestly just heard about him other day. Its nothing against him per say I am just not into twitch but I may try to catch a live stream just to see what the commotion is about.

  • What a drama for nothing!

    You should be happy, that streamer gave a ton of exposure to the game and many people joined in because they like the PvP side of the game and everything that sourrounds it.

    Whether you like it or not SoT need these kinds of entertainers to get more players in. And the level of disrespect he has is actually moderately low compared to what I've seen from regular xbox/pc players before.


    SoT is not a dream, players are all the same and this community has the same level of toxicity than any other one out there.

    Again, this niche community needs to stop being over protective towards this game.
    It's reaching a concerning point...

  • @dotcomrobots Right, it's all assumptions taken way too fast out of fear/spite idk
    Well said

  • @combatxkitty Might want to tone down on the accusations then ;p

  • After sitting of at a distance for a while, they sailed back in, with one of them holding a chest on the bowsprit. It was a parting gift for a game well played, before they left.

    Yikes, I don't respect that at all. What draws my respect is the guy I have to sink several times at the fort, maybe once or twice on the way to the outpost, and then having him harass me at the O.P. when I'm cashing in.

  • @dotcomrobots said in Sunmit1g twitch now:

    Whether you like it or not SoT need these kinds of entertainers to get more players in. And the level of disrespect he has is actually moderately low compared to what I've seen from regular xbox/pc players before.

    But he's not a regular player. When you put yourself out in the public space as something like an entertainer, you're setting yourself up to be judged by a different standard.

    You're absolutely right; people like him create interest in a game and get people to join. But when you become popular enough to influence others, you should strive to make sure you're the best version of you that you can be.

    Like I said before, I don't watch him, so I don't know what he's like. But when you accrue popularity by releasing a product for public consumption, you kind of forfeit the right to be judged as a "regular player".

  • @ursalex said in Sunmit1g twitch now:

    @combatxkitty Might want to tone down on the accusations then ;p

    Well ive seen videos on his youtube channel, just havent watched an actual live stream lol. It is still him correct in the videos on his channel? I mean I have just heard about him so I checked out his videos and from what I seen in my opinion he comes off as trolly.

    Im willing to give one of his live streams a chance but honestly not sure if I will feel any different based on what I have watched so far but Im an open minded person so I will try it.

    I notice some people on this forum are very sensitive about this guy, geeeeeeez. Like not everyone has to be a fan. I dont get mad when I meet people who dont like Prince as much as I do. RIP Purple Rain.

  • @Hombre I totally understand what you're saying here but we should not make any difference between a popular and a regular player in terms of language and behavior. A player should stay respectful whatever his social/professional status regarding video games. And as I said, Summit is pretty soft compared to some of the players I encountered by the past.

    In these modern days, streamers have to act a little bit more than usual to get people entertained. I don't fully support that behavior but that's how it works for most of them.

    As long as SoT is getting exposure, i'm all in. Of course Joe Neate did mention the Pirate code in the latest Dev Update and it's perfectly understandable since a lot of new players got inspired by Summit's way of playing the game.. but some people in this forum use the the red card way too often ^^

    It's almost spreading fud...

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