Gilded Merchant's Voyage... I can't figure out where to get the crates?

  • I'm quite sure this is just me being a moron in some way, but I have accepted the merchant's guild gilded voyage, placed it on my table, and I have a scroll that reads, "By the order of the merchant alliance ye are hereby requested to collect 50 crates in the name of Willow from Galleon's Grave Outpost"

    Now my conundrum is that I am currently standing on the dock of Galleon's Grave Outpost, and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to acquire 50 crates. I went to a different outpost and talked to the merchant representative there and had no luck either. I am only level 10 merchant and have not done any missions specifically for them yet (thus me selecting them to catch up on rep) so I feel like this is me being a dummy, but I can't find anything online to help me figure this out, so I thought I'd turn to the community.

    -New Guy, Totally Confused and Somewhat Ashamed

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  • UPDATE: I'm an even bigger moron than I expected. After poking around the internet for an answer, I realized that I needed to go find "Willow" to acquire these chests. I rejoiced, and grabbed my controller to do just that... only to get kicked offline for inactivity, and lose my gilded mission entirely.

    I'm so so bummed out, I was just coming back to the game and excited to raise that reputation. Is there any way to get the quests back? I'm seriously crushed that I just lost that valuable mission simply because I was searching for a solution on how to complete it... :(

  • @the-stagfather
    Ouch! I have heard tell that you can contact the support if you lose the gilded voyage to bugs or disconnects and such, so that is worth looking into.

    Also, at first I had to laugh a tiny bit for not knowing where to find Willow, but, you being new on the seas it does make perfect sense that you'd have no idea where to find such a person based on that name. That's actually really confusing, when I think about it from a newcomer's perspective.
    I assume you've gotten that answer from your search, but, yeah, Willow is in the Weapon shop.

    I do hope you can get another chance at the gilded voyage and that it goes well. You might want some help with it, though, as I hear it involved carrying A LOT of cargo items to and from your boat!

  • Thanks for the well wishes! I did indeed figure out what I was supposed to do, and I've submitted a support ticket as you suggested. Fingers crossed!

  • To help out in the future with Cargo Runs, the names of the people at outposts start with the letter of the corresponding merchant guild/ shop. Willow the Weaponsmith, Harry the gold Hoarder, Shelly the Shipwright, Tina the Tavern person...etc. There's a few of the shopkeepers that are odd, but that's the gist of it. It really helps when you've got a ship full of cargo and want to get it unloaded quickly without scouring the outpost to figure out who it goes it.

  • You need to talk to Willow the weapons smith, and not the merchant on the dock.

  • I would recommend you do a few of the bought missions before trying to complete a gilded if you are brand new.

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