Hate it more than love it

  • Spent the last week holding in this rant but...
    I spent hours looking for a cru who isn't super fresh, (I don't mind helping teach the game to others but when that's all I've been doing for the last month its nice to complete some voyages and get cash) can't match make to anyone of close level or rep.

    So after slooping for 3 hours I give up, this game is making me sick.
    Riot help,
    You fill the game with lots of things( quest events etc) and yet after starting a quest at forsaken shore my boat respawn at Marauder's arch 4 times (couldn't get further away) finally get some loot and get pushed out of bounds by a Skelly ship and then a griefer is watching and waiting at the Outpost to steal my loot.

    Love your product and all the updates but some rework should be focused on some of the communitys griefing problems

    P.s. bring on the pets and arena! Woop

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  • Riot help

    Did League hurt you like it hurt me?

  • Love your product and all the updates but some rework should be focused on some of the communitys griefing problems
    Depends on what you consider "griefing" I personally don't consider someone taking my loot after killing me in a pvp game "griefing" so what's your idea to stop "griefers" it's a pvp game it's a completely valid play to make if u wanna wait at an outpost for someone to turn in it's up to the player who is turning in the loot to notice that there are players on the island from far away whether it be through seeing a siren or seeing their ship parked behind the island
    I just personally don't see a way to "fix" this because it's part of the game it's not a bug it's not a glitch it's a part of the game and if you have an idea of fixing this "problem"
    I'd love to hear it

  • @zenosynem Sorry for quoting my whole reply don't really know how it works in this website :D

  • @kravn-moor-heed said in Hate it more than love it:

    Spent the last week holding in this rant but...
    I spent hours looking for a cru who isn't super fresh, (I don't mind helping teach the game to others but when that's all I've been doing for the last month its nice to complete some voyages and get cash) can't match make to anyone of close level or rep.

    So after slooping for 3 hours I give up, this game is making me sick.
    Riot help,
    You fill the game with lots of things( quest events etc) and yet after starting a quest at forsaken shore my boat respawn at Marauder's arch 4 times (couldn't get further away) finally get some loot and get pushed out of bounds by a Skelly ship and then a griefer is watching and waiting at the Outpost to steal my loot.

    Love your product and all the updates but some rework should be focused on some of the communitys griefing problems

    P.s. bring on the pets and arena! Woop

  • With the griefer, you could’ve went somewhere else (if or after you managed to get rid of the Skeleton Ship).

  • @kravn-moor-heed griefing is not against the rules as this is a pirate game

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