Backstabbing pirates

  • Yeah me and my crew has just been backstabbed by our alliance when we killed the stronghold captain. They disbanded the alliance and killed us. Iam so [Mod edited] you need to change this : To disband alliances BOTH crew need to agree by voting. NO friendly fire between alliance crews and there should be some way to identify better your alliance during battle. What's the point of making an alliance if i should be aware of even my alliance. This is ruining the game for me i am never gonna make an alliance again. Also on xbox i can't befriend or report any player because they dont appear on the recent player list

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  • Its not agenst the rules in this game to backstab people (so dont trust people) alwaise guard your ship/get the loot you want most and run/and be rdy for battle If it goes that way

    So No u cant report players doing that, and u shuld not do forts with other crews, mutch money u know.

  • Do you know what this game is called?
    Your fault for letting your guard down.

  • It happens to the best of us mate, but I wouldn’t want it any other way aha

  • I understand your frustration, but I personally like the fact that alliance members can betray you. If both parties had to agree to disband, it would be so much harder for one crew to leave the alliance. I have been betrayed multiple times by an alliance I joined/formed. It keeps the game interesting, and forces you to be alert. Every alliance I make, I never trust.

    I do agree with the alliance needing to be easier to to recognize. In the middle of a 3-4 ship battle, it can be hard to see who is who. I think the colors of the players should reflect what color alliance you are running (green, purple, yellow, etc.)

  • I agree that names should change color when in an alliance (not the same color as your crew but also not white) but not the rest of it. What you're describing is just having bigger crews. The danger of alliances is what balances out the ability to form them. It adds risk and excitement.

  • I agree with those above... Betrayal is a thing that exists as much today as it did in 'Pirate Times'.
    Some people just can't be trusted, and though an alliance may be beneficial for both parties, it's just as likely one would use the others to get something done, and then turn on them to get more, if not all, of the reward.

  • Avast! Those cretins! It's always in your best interest to keep an eye on your "allies" while doing anything within proximity of them. You never know what they might be up to. But that's how the game is played and it's the way it should remain. Alliances were never intended to be a safe way to sail the seas. They were always meant to be a "shaky" agreement to "not" attack each other. Otherwise they'd be way too overpowered and there'd be no reason not to be in an alliance.

    I will agree though that coloring alliance members names blue or something would be a great help!

    Good luck out there in the future!

  • @grash89

    The fact that they do have friendly fire is awesome, so many games fail to do that.

    The fact that people can turn on each other at a moments notice; also awesome. Most games fail at this because they're promoting care bear mode gaming.

    Today I robbed 2 different groups of their skull fort victory and I feel GREAT! I rather enjoyed the last one the most because I am kinda c**p at sword play regardless of controller or M&K depending, most likely just because I am old..

    But they were busy killing the boss in the fort when I ambushed them, and took the key and sailed away to safety only to come back a bit later and take all the loot. thanks guys

    All of this, this robbery at sea, cut throat action, and backstabbing is what this game is all about, well that and firing the cannons; that never gets old.

  • @grash89 if BOTH crews needed to disband the Aliance you would just get trolled harder. Imagine its like not being able to kick a person from the game... you would be stuck giving those same people your loot reward till you left the server.

  • @GrAsH89 Welcome to SEA OF THIEVES a pirate game where you get to play as a bloodthirsty and greedy pirate who only is thinking about himself. A game where no-one except your own crew can be trusted because just like real pirates you can be betrayed with no warning and your spoils be taken by someone else.

    Learn and adapt, or be consumed by the sea. I care not which just stop acting entitled to anything regardless if you worked for it. As far as I see it, if you couldn't defend it, it shouldn't be yours.

  • @grash89
    Hello Mr Grash89. Breaking or betraying an Alliance is part of this Pirategame. Have you ever watched Pirates of The Carribean Movies or the Black Sails Series? In both franchises Pirates betrayed each other like it was some kind of second job for them. And...We loved that and the stories that unfolded or evolved from betrayed feelings...

    i know that it's a hard feeling if your growing trust becomes betrayed but on the other hand, i bet you and yer crew were set upon revenge , seeking them out and try to steal back what was stolen for you...

    For me ,personally , as long as no verbal humiliating trashtalk is uttered ,or spawnkilling is involved, then i'm ok with it...Normally an Alliance story ends by selling and sharing the spoils, nothing wrong with that , and that's the way we play, we have never betrayed an Alliance but ...If you get betrayed something of a grudge feeling gets into you and you do things more focussed and better in order to catch up with the fleeing traitors ...It brings Salt and Pepper into an adventure...

    i see you have written that you will never make an Alliance again...Hmm, i wouldn't do that if i was you ...Many Pirates honor the Alliance during the whole Session...And sometimes ,in the back of yer head there is a little voice in yer head that warns you that things are a bit fishy...If you feel some distrust then don't deny it but try to keep one Pirate on board as a Guard ... Betrayel belongs to the Pirate world ,but pulling every Pirate over the same comb , no ,i wouldn't do that , there are many Pirates that honor an Alliance...

  • @grash89 Ahoy matey!

    I have just edited out the little swear word that fell into your post there, we try to keep this place family friendly.

    Please remember to stick to the forum rules when posting in the future.

    Thanks for your help with this.

    Obscene and Vulgar Language
    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • Yes i see, i'm sorry for my language but that thing happened seconds before my post rant and i was enraged. I'm more of a PvE guy than a PvP and always avoid conflict if possible. Like more of one you said you like being despicable peoples but I don't. Lesson learned, from now on i'm gonna be a real pirate.
    see ya everybody and thanks.

  • @grash89 This is the way it is suppose to be more careful with who you team up with.

  • @grash89 Welcome to the feature as it is intended. Alliances are intended to be uneasy and easily broken because pirates.

  • They're pirates.... i love the unpredictability personally

  • Honestly you should just adopt the policy of "always betray first" since he who has the initiative often has the advantage in this game. Unless you reeeaaalllllyyyyy think the other crew is just a bunch of stand up guys. Even then... fail to betray at your own risk. Now, that doesn't mean you have to be a completely evil fellow, you can stick to the alliance and give them half if your heart really hurts about the evil act you just committed. It's just insurance for yourself really if you take them out first and hand out the loot on YOUR terms. Or just take all of it. Your call.

  • If we are being honest I think it's the most realistic that way cus back then pirates backstabbed all the time and never trusted anyone so playing a game as pirates and forging an alliance you to should never trust anyone that's why you always backstab first and a little advice is to when the captain appears and there fighting it always keep a secret barrel and go keg their ship and they won't know normally but by the time you light it it's too late kill them and camp their ship easiest way to get your loot and not be backstabbed

  • Some crews are sheep and some crews are pirates. Close enough.

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