[Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena

  • @GOW-fluid yes. becaue, as a Pioneer i have actually played the current build of Shrouded Spoils and i belive it will make people who play Sea of Thieves happy, just like how there were a great deal of happy players when Cursed Sails were released. And i am still able to meet other players who enjoy Sea of Thieves and have fun with it.

    Have you really gotten so disillusioned to Sea of Thieves and Rare now a days that you think that Rare is only adding in Fog in the next expansion and that will be it before they tear everything down to make it a BR game?

    when i say Disilussioned, i am more refering to how you have in many coments made it clear that you do not like the way Sea of Thieves have gone and that many of the people you usually play with are not playing SoT. am i saying that you are in the wrong for not being happy with the game? no. But i do feel that you are sounding a bit too negative with these recent news.

  • Now that I've heard more trough your panel, I'm convinced the future of SoT looks really bright. Next update adds tons of good stuff. The Arena having a trading company impacting the adventure mode is really awesome to hear, those modes needs to be intertwined in any way possible. Update after that focused on bringing new ways to play ? More lore ?

    All those sounds really great!

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    So the base game sucks, no one wants to fight or steal loot so let's create the same game where no one has to really fight? I hope Arena is a HUGE success or we will just end up with two of the same; Arena if you're short on time or Adventure Mode if you have all day.

    There won't be 6 outpost. It's a condensed map. I don't care who has the most loot as long as your crew has 0.

    It will be much more fun to deny people loot that they worked for... We all have the same maps... I just have to follow you around.

    There is more than one person... you can follow someone, and they may turn around and attack you, and everyone else will just scoop up the loot and you will lose.

    Your argument sounds like a resentful child that is bad at a soccer game and keeps kicking it out of bounds so no one can score. There isn't two teams though so you will lose repeatedly while someone else wins because you weren't trying to go after the goal but just sabotage one other ship.

    You think there won't be players who just want to sink ships and they don't care about the loot or sabotaging your voyage? Hmphf. Don't be so naïve, it's a pirate game, remember? Those kinds of players are already in the game.

    Like are you worried about people just playing the game like it's a death match in fortnite? No, they'll lose. This worry is pointless. Your worried that someone will PvP in a PvP mode? If they don't ever go after the loot they will lose though. Which is fine. That's a fundamental issue with all competitions, if you aren't competing to win but to just sabotage your opponent, you won't win.

    Most of the players that play like this want a mode that has something constructive to fight over. Otherwise they resort to just murdering people

  • @zeroe1ite said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer dude I dunno if you realize but gta online is getting its tail kicked by fortnite and pubg.most people don't have 3 hours or the mental willingness to commit to a game session of that length and that's why the battle royals are killing it.tbh if rare was shutting down the current game mode id be like oooo hell no but they arnt.to me I see this as a win,its getting the game more exposure which will only make it grow that much bigger.but dude from experience with pre release developers Im going to give you a word of advice,patience and persistence wins the race.if you want it now and don't know when its not your hill to die on then your likely to have a brain aneurism by the years end.

    Bro im fully aware of the BR craze and why it's Popular. I'm also painfully aware of the flaws of Share world game. You fail to understand that this was the reason for Dissapointment. It's now Likely we will never get to see a truly great Share World game as Rare was our last great champion for that. I'm not aganist BR in principle it's a fantastic Mode I just don't want it in every single game I wanted to have a game that could truly provide me the PvEvP Experiance and that for me and many other Was SoT. Rare can go the BR route or just the standered Arena route but they simply canpt hope to compete head on with the top studios in this feild there will be to much market saturation. This a simple Fact of Reality. Now maybe Rare could pull off a miracle as they still have the backing of MS. Still you have to be honest with yourself in whats more likely to happen is MS is going to stuff Rare back on the bench as they did their job of selling the gamepass and will put a whole new studio on the front line.

  • @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @zeroe1ite said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer dude I dunno if you realize but gta online is getting its tail kicked by fortnite and pubg.most people don't have 3 hours or the mental willingness to commit to a game session of that length and that's why the battle royals are killing it.tbh if rare was shutting down the current game mode id be like oooo hell no but they arnt.to me I see this as a win,its getting the game more exposure which will only make it grow that much bigger.but dude from experience with pre release developers Im going to give you a word of advice,patience and persistence wins the race.if you want it now and don't know when its not your hill to die on then your likely to have a brain aneurism by the years end.

    Bro im fully aware of the BR craze and why it's Popular. I'm also painfully aware of the flaws of Share world game. You fail to understand that this was the reason for Dissapointment. It's now Likely we will never get to see a truly great Share World game as Rare was our last great champion for that. I'm not aganist BR in principle it's a fantastic Mode I just don't want it in every single game I wanted to have a game that could truly provide me the PvEvP Experiance and that for me and many other Was SoT. Rare can go the BR route or just the standered Arena route but they simply canpt hope to compete head on with the top studios in this feild there will be to much market saturation. This a simple Fact of Reality. Now maybe Rare could pull off a miracle as they still have the backing of MS. Still you have to be honest with yourself in whats more likely to happen is MS is going to stuff Rare back on the bench as they did their job of selling the gamepass and will put a whole new studio on the front line.

    Arena mode is a true PvPvE experience though. SoT is a PvE sandbox where you can kill each other to undermine other people's PvE efforts. Shared maps is a PvPvE experience because its merged PvP with PvE objectives.

  • So the Sea of Thieves is about to become the Sea of Alliances while all the aggro players play on the Sea of PVP.. How long before the game becomes the Sea of Lobbies?

    The PVP lobby sounds all great and all but it really raises some doubts for me.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    So the base game sucks, no one wants to fight or steal loot so let's create the same game where no one has to really fight? I hope Arena is a HUGE success or we will just end up with two of the same; Arena if you're short on time or Adventure Mode if you have all day.

    There won't be 6 outpost. It's a condensed map. I don't care who has the most loot as long as your crew has 0.

    It will be much more fun to deny people loot that they worked for... We all have the same maps... I just have to follow you around.

    There is more than one person... you can follow someone, and they may turn around and attack you, and everyone else will just scoop up the loot and you will lose.

    Your argument sounds like a resentful child that is bad at a soccer game and keeps kicking it out of bounds so no one can score. There isn't two teams though so you will lose repeatedly while someone else wins because you weren't trying to go after the goal but just sabotage one other ship.

    You think there won't be players who just want to sink ships and they don't care about the loot or sabotaging your voyage? Hmphf. Don't be so naïve, it's a pirate game, remember? Those kinds of players are already in the game.

    Like are you worried about people just playing the game like it's a death match in fortnite? No, they'll lose. This worry is pointless. Your worried that someone will PvP in a PvP mode? If they don't ever go after the loot they will lose though. Which is fine. That's a fundamental issue with all competitions, if you aren't competing to win but to just sabotage your opponent, you won't win.

    Most of the players that play like this want a mode that has something constructive to fight over. Otherwise they resort to just murdering people

    We'll see. Because there will still be players sabotaging people on thier way to legend in Adventure Mode, so why won't it happen to people in the Arena on thier way to Sea Dog? It makes sense unless you think people need to plaqy fair? I don't think so.

    Remember, I can ambush you whenever I want (even the devs said this) and if we win every time, you're going to have a bad experience and will need to back out because Rare is trying to build rivalry and stories. If you think it won't happen, you're wrong. It's still Sea of Thieves and I still get to make that choice.

    Welcome to The Arena.

    Because sabotage is PvP, thats the point, winning means other people losing. But if your not going after the objectives your just sabotaging yourself as well as 1 other crew. But your not sabotaging the game because your just giving that 1 other crew what they are looking for... so they'll have fun fending you off. And your resentful view will leave you unhappy.

    Like the players your talking about will be there, and they'll just lose and be resentful, other players will have fun. It doesn't matter why your attacking me, it's a PvP game...

  • @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @zeroe1ite said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer dude I dunno if you realize but gta online is getting its tail kicked by fortnite and pubg.most people don't have 3 hours or the mental willingness to commit to a game session of that length and that's why the battle royals are killing it.tbh if rare was shutting down the current game mode id be like oooo hell no but they arnt.to me I see this as a win,its getting the game more exposure which will only make it grow that much bigger.but dude from experience with pre release developers Im going to give you a word of advice,patience and persistence wins the race.if you want it now and don't know when its not your hill to die on then your likely to have a brain aneurism by the years end.

    Bro im fully aware of the BR craze and why it's Popular. I'm also painfully aware of the flaws of Share world game. You fail to understand that this was the reason for Dissapointment. It's now Likely we will never get to see a truly great Share World game as Rare was our last great champion for that. I'm not aganist BR in principle it's a fantastic Mode I just don't want it in every single game I wanted to have a game that could truly provide me the PvEvP Experiance and that for me and many other Was SoT. Rare can go the BR route or just the standered Arena route but they simply canpt hope to compete head on with the top studios in this feild there will be to much market saturation. This a simple Fact of Reality. Now maybe Rare could pull off a miracle as they still have the backing of MS. Still you have to be honest with yourself in whats more likely to happen is MS is going to stuff Rare back on the bench as they did their job of selling the gamepass and will put a whole new studio on the front line.

    Arena mode is a true PvPvE experience though. SoT is a PvE sandbox where you can kill each other to undermine other people's PvE efforts. Shared maps is a PvPvE experience because its merged PvP with PvE objectives.

    While true this will be a PvEvP arena enviroment as it will finally share a Goal. It will not proves the experiance that made me fall in love with the game. As it is a focuse is based on direct combat over loot. Not the stratigic theift of loot. But congratulations you got what you ask for. I tip my hat to you. I will work with you to make this mode the best it could be. I still say it would have been better to make it into designated areas in a session then use the server merging system to fill that particular area. They didn't have to make it a sepreate mode.

  • @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @zeroe1ite said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer dude I dunno if you realize but gta online is getting its tail kicked by fortnite and pubg.most people don't have 3 hours or the mental willingness to commit to a game session of that length and that's why the battle royals are killing it.tbh if rare was shutting down the current game mode id be like oooo hell no but they arnt.to me I see this as a win,its getting the game more exposure which will only make it grow that much bigger.but dude from experience with pre release developers Im going to give you a word of advice,patience and persistence wins the race.if you want it now and don't know when its not your hill to die on then your likely to have a brain aneurism by the years end.

    Bro im fully aware of the BR craze and why it's Popular. I'm also painfully aware of the flaws of Share world game. You fail to understand that this was the reason for Dissapointment. It's now Likely we will never get to see a truly great Share World game as Rare was our last great champion for that. I'm not aganist BR in principle it's a fantastic Mode I just don't want it in every single game I wanted to have a game that could truly provide me the PvEvP Experiance and that for me and many other Was SoT. Rare can go the BR route or just the standered Arena route but they simply canpt hope to compete head on with the top studios in this feild there will be to much market saturation. This a simple Fact of Reality. Now maybe Rare could pull off a miracle as they still have the backing of MS. Still you have to be honest with yourself in whats more likely to happen is MS is going to stuff Rare back on the bench as they did their job of selling the gamepass and will put a whole new studio on the front line.

    Arena mode is a true PvPvE experience though. SoT is a PvE sandbox where you can kill each other to undermine other people's PvE efforts. Shared maps is a PvPvE experience because its merged PvP with PvE objectives.

    While true this will be a PvEvP arena enviroment as it will finally share a Goal. It will not proves the experiance that made me fall in love with the game. As it is a focuse is based on direct combat over loot. Not the stratigic theift of loot. But congratulations you got what you ask for. I tip my hat to you. I will work with you to make this mode the best it could be. I still say it would have been better to make it into designated areas in a session then use the server merging system to fill that particular area. They didn't have to make it a sepreate mode.

    Its not based on direct combat at all..

    And they had to make it a separate mode. You can't just redesign the base architecture of your game. This mode focuses all players attention on a limited amount of loot and creates a win condition. Adventure mode allows players to learn how to sail without much intervention of other players, and a more casual/social experience.

  • This ... is ... so ... WRONG.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    So the base game sucks, no one wants to fight or steal loot so let's create the same game where no one has to really fight? I hope Arena is a HUGE success or we will just end up with two of the same; Arena if you're short on time or Adventure Mode if you have all day.

    There won't be 6 outpost. It's a condensed map. I don't care who has the most loot as long as your crew has 0.

    It will be much more fun to deny people loot that they worked for... We all have the same maps... I just have to follow you around.

    There is more than one person... you can follow someone, and they may turn around and attack you, and everyone else will just scoop up the loot and you will lose.

    Your argument sounds like a resentful child that is bad at a soccer game and keeps kicking it out of bounds so no one can score. There isn't two teams though so you will lose repeatedly while someone else wins because you weren't trying to go after the goal but just sabotage one other ship.

    You think there won't be players who just want to sink ships and they don't care about the loot or sabotaging your voyage? Hmphf. Don't be so naïve, it's a pirate game, remember? Those kinds of players are already in the game.

    Like are you worried about people just playing the game like it's a death match in fortnite? No, they'll lose. This worry is pointless. Your worried that someone will PvP in a PvP mode? If they don't ever go after the loot they will lose though. Which is fine. That's a fundamental issue with all competitions, if you aren't competing to win but to just sabotage your opponent, you won't win.

    Most of the players that play like this want a mode that has something constructive to fight over. Otherwise they resort to just murdering people

    We'll see. Because there will still be players sabotaging people on thier way to legend in Adventure Mode, so why won't it happen to people in the Arena on thier way to Sea Dog? It makes sense unless you think people need to plaqy fair? I don't think so.

    Remember, I can ambush you whenever I want (even the devs said this) and if we win every time, you're going to have a bad experience and will need to back out because Rare is trying to build rivalry and stories. If you think it won't happen, you're wrong. It's still Sea of Thieves and I still get to make that choice.

    Welcome to The Arena.

    Because sabotage is PvP, thats the point, winning means other people losing. But if your not going after the objectives your just sabotaging yourself as well as 1 other crew. But your not sabotaging the game because your just giving that 1 other crew what they are looking for... so they'll have fun fending you off. And your resentful view will leave you unhappy.

    Like the players your talking about will be there, and they'll just lose and be resentful, other players will have fun. It doesn't matter why your attacking me, it's a PvP game...

    There was an objective in Adventure Mode, become a Pirate Legend. Did people care? No, people would sink you and forget about the loot. People hit legend and just became aggressive because they didn't care about the loot. Now all of a sudden we have a PvP mode and it is all about the loot. I remember when people used to fight over forts... What happens when people hit 50 in The Sea Dogs? Keep playing, troll, I mean sabotage other crews, or go destroy people in PvE? All of the above.

    The objective is to get loot. PL is just a long term goal that you'll achieve.

    people will keep playing in the arena because it provides the experience people are looking for, fighting and stealing loot and its designed to curate those scenarios so players don't become resentful and just sail around aimless hopelessly looking for someone to murder.

  • @mancfoo said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    If this new mode selectable from the Main Screen separates the player base between PvP and what is now apparently ‘adventure’ mode then I think the game is heading in completely the wrong direction.

    I love Sea of Thieves, what it is now and what it can become - I’ve been on board for all of the changes so far but when I saw this announcement on Mixer my initial reaction was, ‘Oh God - No’. I really hope I’m wrong but this feels like Sea of Thieves chasing after the Battle Royale craze. Probably didn’t help that it was presented in front of an audience that sounded like the worst ever episode of Jerry Springer.

    yeah, it even feels exactly like h1z1 and fortnite.

    Hey guys here is the new pvp mode for those who like the quick thrill of pvp, we promise it's not going to steal resources from the basegame, how did that turn out... It feels exactly the same, even if the new mode isn't battleroyale fully. Last man standing has just been replaced by a guy with most treasure.

    I was againts PvE servers and now I'm against PvP servers. Taking the bloodthirsty people out of the seas makes the so called "adventure" mode boring as hell.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    So the base game sucks, no one wants to fight or steal loot so let's create the same game where no one has to really fight? I hope Arena is a HUGE success or we will just end up with two of the same; Arena if you're short on time or Adventure Mode if you have all day.

    There won't be 6 outpost. It's a condensed map. I don't care who has the most loot as long as your crew has 0.

    It will be much more fun to deny people loot that they worked for... We all have the same maps... I just have to follow you around.

    There is more than one person... you can follow someone, and they may turn around and attack you, and everyone else will just scoop up the loot and you will lose.

    Your argument sounds like a resentful child that is bad at a soccer game and keeps kicking it out of bounds so no one can score. There isn't two teams though so you will lose repeatedly while someone else wins because you weren't trying to go after the goal but just sabotage one other ship.

    You think there won't be players who just want to sink ships and they don't care about the loot or sabotaging your voyage? Hmphf. Don't be so naïve, it's a pirate game, remember? Those kinds of players are already in the game.

    Like are you worried about people just playing the game like it's a death match in fortnite? No, they'll lose. This worry is pointless. Your worried that someone will PvP in a PvP mode? If they don't ever go after the loot they will lose though. Which is fine. That's a fundamental issue with all competitions, if you aren't competing to win but to just sabotage your opponent, you won't win.

    Most of the players that play like this want a mode that has something constructive to fight over. Otherwise they resort to just murdering people

    We'll see. Because there will still be players sabotaging people on thier way to legend in Adventure Mode, so why won't it happen to people in the Arena on thier way to Sea Dog? It makes sense unless you think people need to plaqy fair? I don't think so.

    Remember, I can ambush you whenever I want (even the devs said this) and if we win every time, you're going to have a bad experience and will need to back out because Rare is trying to build rivalry and stories. If you think it won't happen, you're wrong. It's still Sea of Thieves and I still get to make that choice.

    Welcome to The Arena.

    Because sabotage is PvP, thats the point, winning means other people losing. But if your not going after the objectives your just sabotaging yourself as well as 1 other crew. But your not sabotaging the game because your just giving that 1 other crew what they are looking for... so they'll have fun fending you off. And your resentful view will leave you unhappy.

    Like the players your talking about will be there, and they'll just lose and be resentful, other players will have fun. It doesn't matter why your attacking me, it's a PvP game...

    There was an objective in Adventure Mode, become a Pirate Legend. Did people care? No, people would sink you and forget about the loot. People hit legend and just became aggressive because they didn't care about the loot. Now all of a sudden we have a PvP mode and it is all about the loot. I remember when people used to fight over forts... What happens when people hit 50 in The Sea Dogs? Keep playing, troll, I mean sabotage other crews, or go destroy people in PvE? All of the above.

    The objective is to get loot. PL is just a long term goal that you'll achieve.

    people will keep playing in the arena because it provides the experience people are looking for, fighting and stealing loot and its designed to curate those scenarios so players don't become resentful and just sail around aimless hopelessly looking for someone to murder.

    Lol. Players are already like that. It's funny how you want them out of PvP but argued that they stay should in PvE. Don't worry, both modes will have trolls, griefers, and be subject to open crews and possibly the brig, but I don't know if the brig will be useful.

    Troll's and griefers are just PvPing though. So it won't matter in a PvP mode. It's the way your perceiving "Adventure Mode".. that PvP is sabotaging another players objective... SURE that's the point. Your supposed to enjoy it. The only problem with adventure mode in terms of PvP is the amount of dead time between fun moments, and finding players that just don't want to play or engage in PvP that actually sabotage a core aspect of the game.

    I don't care what people do with the loot if they steal it from me... it's theirs now. I lost it.

  • @mikethemutinous If 'nothing changes elsewhere' would it be possible to stop referring to Sea of Thieves as 'Adventure Mode'. In my mind, it should be Sea of Thieves and Sea of Thieves: Arena.

  • @mikethemutinous said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @x-crowheart-x said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @katttruewalker said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    A couple of questions answered in this tweet -

    Sea of Thieves is already at our fingertips. So our pirate battles and fighting over treasure. Same kind of stories and memories already a click or button press away.

    We could have the same mechanic in the game now with voyages and maps sending us more to the same islands. It is what skull forts did. Rare could have given them renewed meaning as well as add the same map competitions to same sea.

    It is ridiculous how they are hyping and selling us the same game bundled together as compressed miniSoT as an update. They are insulting their players right to their faces. Amazing how quickly another game developer makes an “immortal mistake.”

    Really sorry you feel that way. You have to know that we consider all ways to implement content. Having this seamlessly in the world would be lovely, but most definitely would not be at your fingertips. With sailing times and server matchmaking it would be take too long (upwards of 20 mins probably). Nobody would really want to wait that long. Also you'd be giving players a portal to leave the experience and it would take some time for the missing ships to be replaced on the original server.

    Its optional and you don't have to play it if its really not your thing but I would encourage you to give it a chance. The team is also working on numerous other features outside of this.

    And when are they being released Mike? For some PVP in the way that Arena will provide it is not anything that they want - Is the next fog update the last for "Adventure" before sometime after Arena? I would guess so.... in that case then are we looking at 4 months before more content for the main game? 5? 6?
    What if Arena becomes more popular? Are you going to pull a Fortnite and plow all your dev time and resources into Arena instead? That's the biggest fear you will have read early on in this thread and so far I can't see it addressed.

  • @triheadedmonkey said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @mikethemutinous If 'nothing changes elsewhere' would it be possible to stop referring to Sea of Thieves as 'Adventure Mode'. In my mind, it should be Sea of Thieves and Sea of Thieves: Arena.

    [deprecated mode] and Arena

  • So much delusion taking place here.

  • @jejesasa said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @sshteeve How does this idea split the community? When I want a naval battle, I will play in this new mode, when I want to do quests and have little naval battle, I will stay on the old mode. It's complementary. I doubt that people do only one. The idea of PVE servers is nonsense, the interest of this game is to have a danger that it is an adverse crew or environmental hazards.

    @jejesasa said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @sshteeve How does this idea split the community? When I want a naval battle, I will play in this new mode, when I want to do quests and have little naval battle, I will stay on the old mode. It's complementary. I doubt that people do only one. The idea of PVE servers is nonsense, the interest of this game is to have a danger that it is an adverse crew or environmental hazards.

    There are adverse crews now! The whole game is all about adventure and other crews stealing your treasure! Which involves naval battles!
    There is no mention of larger numbers of ships either, so you can have the same 3, 4 or 5 ship battles now as you will in Arena!

  • @sshteeve In 1000 hours of play, I had less than 10 naval battles with 3 or more ships. Want to have more. Thank you Rare for adding an optional mode that can be nice when you want to fight without having to spend 30 minutes to find a boat in the adventure mode. And having intense fights to several ships that are extremely rare.

  • @jejesasa They have already said that battles aren't necessarily the way to win this! Just like the normal mode. You may still be disappointed here but fair play if your cup of tea.

    I've said my piece more than once here over the past 24 hours and done with the thread now unless Mike decides it's worth replying. Doubtful now the weekend is over.

  • @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @zeroe1ite said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer dude I dunno if you realize but gta online is getting its tail kicked by fortnite and pubg.most people don't have 3 hours or the mental willingness to commit to a game session of that length and that's why the battle royals are killing it.tbh if rare was shutting down the current game mode id be like oooo hell no but they arnt.to me I see this as a win,its getting the game more exposure which will only make it grow that much bigger.but dude from experience with pre release developers Im going to give you a word of advice,patience and persistence wins the race.if you want it now and don't know when its not your hill to die on then your likely to have a brain aneurism by the years end.

    Bro im fully aware of the BR craze and why it's Popular. I'm also painfully aware of the flaws of Share world game. You fail to understand that this was the reason for Dissapointment. It's now Likely we will never get to see a truly great Share World game as Rare was our last great champion for that. I'm not aganist BR in principle it's a fantastic Mode I just don't want it in every single game I wanted to have a game that could truly provide me the PvEvP Experiance and that for me and many other Was SoT. Rare can go the BR route or just the standered Arena route but they simply canpt hope to compete head on with the top studios in this feild there will be to much market saturation. This a simple Fact of Reality. Now maybe Rare could pull off a miracle as they still have the backing of MS. Still you have to be honest with yourself in whats more likely to happen is MS is going to stuff Rare back on the bench as they did their job of selling the gamepass and will put a whole new studio on the front line.

    Arena mode is a true PvPvE experience though. SoT is a PvE sandbox where you can kill each other to undermine other people's PvE efforts. Shared maps is a PvPvE experience because its merged PvP with PvE objectives.

    While true this will be a PvEvP arena enviroment as it will finally share a Goal. It will not proves the experiance that made me fall in love with the game. As it is a focuse is based on direct combat over loot. Not the stratigic theift of loot. But congratulations you got what you ask for. I tip my hat to you. I will work with you to make this mode the best it could be. I still say it would have been better to make it into designated areas in a session then use the server merging system to fill that particular area. They didn't have to make it a sepreate mode.

    Its not based on direct combat at all..

    And they had to make it a separate mode. You can't just redesign the base architecture of your game. This mode focuses all players attention on a limited amount of loot and creates a win condition. Adventure mode allows players to learn how to sail without much intervention of other players, and a more casual/social experience.

    I wasn't asking them to redsign there architecture i was asking for them to fix it and actually have it work the way it was advertised to. Having a sepreate mode is changing the disign architecture. Also the "Win" state is what i'm opposed to cause this game was not supposed to be made a direct competition. Agian I'm not agianst compations as i am very competitive and also i'm not conserned about "Toxic" Players. What i'm concerned about is this game losing it's core concept and providing the experiance i fell in love with as it was truly unique.

  • @sshteeve said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @jejesasa They have already said that battles aren't necessarily the way to win this! Just like the normal mode. You may still be disappointed here but fair play if your cup of tea.

    I've said my piece more than once here over the past 24 hours and done with the thread now unless Mike decides it's worth replying. Doubtful now the weekend is over.

    Take a breather you deserve it mate! Never give up the fight for what you believe in.

  • Arena mode seems cool, and I’m sure to play it, but what about new ways to encourage player interaction and PvP in the base game? The world has always felt a bit empty, and Devil’s Roar only made this worse. Some ideas:

    • Allow higher level players to spawn at Morrow’s Peak (maybe even restrict it to Legends only), and increase the crew size per server to 7.
    • Reduce the length of skeleton ship battles so more players do them. Increasing the rewards was nice, but I think cutting the battle length in half would have been nicer. Right now, it requires too much resource collecting beforehand. Players want to get to the good parts FASTER (this is why you made Arena mode in the first place, right?)
    • Add cursed chests that encourage PvP. This is one idea I had, but I'm sure there's plenty of ways to do it.
    • Add a Sea Dog’s PvP flag that makes you visible on the world map and lets players know you're a threat. This flag can’t be changed until you sink/scuttle, at which point it resets to the default white flag. If you sink non-allies while flying it, you earn Sea Dog rep. If they sink you, they earn the rep, even if they aren't flying the flag. To prevent griefing/farming, you would gain very little to no rep for sinking the same crew twice.
  • Wonder what happened to the "themed AI threat" that was supposed to come with Forsaken Shores

  • @enf0rcer I love the idea. I think it's a very big step

  • I just realised the Sea of Thieves graphic novel was one great big advert/tease/preview for The Arena!

  • Wow Duncan and Joe already showing different rewards for this separate mode at XO18 today. If I could get a refund at this point I would. I enjoy PvP out in the world but a mode that is noting but that with it separate rewards...didn't buy in for this. Disappointed and worried as some others are this will be like STW and BR for Fortnite with the main mode languishing with split rewards.

  • @youngch0p said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer I love the idea. I think it's a very big step

    My problem is not that i think it's a bad idea conceptually. I'm am concerned about the practical concequences of this disicion in it's implementation. I don't think people full understands what they are asking for and have a baised view on what they are expecting to get. Hey look i don't expect everyone to understand. I'm just here to express my concerns and give fair warning on whats most likely to occur from both personal/professional opinion and evidence. I'm not the only one here with these concerns etheir. My advice is not to blindly get on the hype trian cause they are notorious for getting derailed. I simply ask you all to heed my warning as to avoid a desaster by knowing what your getting into.

  • @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @zeroe1ite said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer dude I dunno if you realize but gta online is getting its tail kicked by fortnite and pubg.most people don't have 3 hours or the mental willingness to commit to a game session of that length and that's why the battle royals are killing it.tbh if rare was shutting down the current game mode id be like oooo hell no but they arnt.to me I see this as a win,its getting the game more exposure which will only make it grow that much bigger.but dude from experience with pre release developers Im going to give you a word of advice,patience and persistence wins the race.if you want it now and don't know when its not your hill to die on then your likely to have a brain aneurism by the years end.

    Bro im fully aware of the BR craze and why it's Popular. I'm also painfully aware of the flaws of Share world game. You fail to understand that this was the reason for Dissapointment. It's now Likely we will never get to see a truly great Share World game as Rare was our last great champion for that. I'm not aganist BR in principle it's a fantastic Mode I just don't want it in every single game I wanted to have a game that could truly provide me the PvEvP Experiance and that for me and many other Was SoT. Rare can go the BR route or just the standered Arena route but they simply canpt hope to compete head on with the top studios in this feild there will be to much market saturation. This a simple Fact of Reality. Now maybe Rare could pull off a miracle as they still have the backing of MS. Still you have to be honest with yourself in whats more likely to happen is MS is going to stuff Rare back on the bench as they did their job of selling the gamepass and will put a whole new studio on the front line.

    Arena mode is a true PvPvE experience though. SoT is a PvE sandbox where you can kill each other to undermine other people's PvE efforts. Shared maps is a PvPvE experience because its merged PvP with PvE objectives.

    While true this will be a PvEvP arena enviroment as it will finally share a Goal. It will not proves the experiance that made me fall in love with the game. As it is a focuse is based on direct combat over loot. Not the stratigic theift of loot. But congratulations you got what you ask for. I tip my hat to you. I will work with you to make this mode the best it could be. I still say it would have been better to make it into designated areas in a session then use the server merging system to fill that particular area. They didn't have to make it a sepreate mode.

    Its not based on direct combat at all..

    And they had to make it a separate mode. You can't just redesign the base architecture of your game. This mode focuses all players attention on a limited amount of loot and creates a win condition. Adventure mode allows players to learn how to sail without much intervention of other players, and a more casual/social experience.

    I wasn't asking them to redsign there architecture i was asking for them to fix it and actually have it work the way it was advertised to. Having a sepreate mode is changing the disign architecture. Also the "Win" state is what i'm opposed to cause this game was not supposed to be made a direct competition. Agian I'm not agianst compations as i am very competitive and also i'm not conserned about "Toxic" Players. What i'm concerned about is this game losing it's core concept and providing the experiance i fell in love with as it was truly unique.

    Fixing it requires fundamental changes to voyages. And pirating is a direct competition. Adventure mode was flawed in certain ways but it might be better for casual players that just want to sail around and mess around with mechanics. I don't think taking that away from them would have helped... having a mode that can allow for shorter play sessions and limited loot means will a purpose for piracy outside of a pinata mentality. Instead of kill everyone and see what falls out it. There will be a lot more strategic elements of when and how to address players, or completing a map. Because now they are all oppurtunity costs... currently you can just go out of your way, kill another player, then go back to what you were doing. But if you make that choice now, you might loose an opportunity to pick up another item of value elsewhere.

  • @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @gow-fluid said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @dark-henrik-22 said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @x-Crowheart-x @GOW-fluid @Trickrtreat01 Is there anything in Sea of Thieves that you guys like? even with the stuff that Rare have just talked about will be released in Shrouded Spoils in the Mixer livestream, i'm getting the feeling that you guys will still say "boring, where is the real content, Rare?".

    Then tell me what content they have added to this game that is worth doing more than once, or worth doing beyond getting commendations done? The CORE LOOP of the game is monotonous and repetitive. There is NOTHING to do beyond Athena 10. You think those problems will be repaired by adding an arena mode? Do you honestly consider "fog" to be actual game content?

    Voyaging is still worth doing because of the compelling moments that the game can potentially make. Athena 10 has always been pointless from a functional standpoint.

    Athena is just the same game loop repeated. Pirate Legend 1.1. Total waste of 200 plus hours. Rare “Pirate Legend is just the beginning 🤞🏻“

  • @gow-fluid said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    Wonder what happened to the "themed AI threat" that was supposed to come with Forsaken Shores

    Regrettably, I think that was the volcanoes.

  • @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @zeroe1ite said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer dude I dunno if you realize but gta online is getting its tail kicked by fortnite and pubg.most people don't have 3 hours or the mental willingness to commit to a game session of that length and that's why the battle royals are killing it.tbh if rare was shutting down the current game mode id be like oooo hell no but they arnt.to me I see this as a win,its getting the game more exposure which will only make it grow that much bigger.but dude from experience with pre release developers Im going to give you a word of advice,patience and persistence wins the race.if you want it now and don't know when its not your hill to die on then your likely to have a brain aneurism by the years end.

    Bro im fully aware of the BR craze and why it's Popular. I'm also painfully aware of the flaws of Share world game. You fail to understand that this was the reason for Dissapointment. It's now Likely we will never get to see a truly great Share World game as Rare was our last great champion for that. I'm not aganist BR in principle it's a fantastic Mode I just don't want it in every single game I wanted to have a game that could truly provide me the PvEvP Experiance and that for me and many other Was SoT. Rare can go the BR route or just the standered Arena route but they simply canpt hope to compete head on with the top studios in this feild there will be to much market saturation. This a simple Fact of Reality. Now maybe Rare could pull off a miracle as they still have the backing of MS. Still you have to be honest with yourself in whats more likely to happen is MS is going to stuff Rare back on the bench as they did their job of selling the gamepass and will put a whole new studio on the front line.

    Arena mode is a true PvPvE experience though. SoT is a PvE sandbox where you can kill each other to undermine other people's PvE efforts. Shared maps is a PvPvE experience because its merged PvP with PvE objectives.

    While true this will be a PvEvP arena enviroment as it will finally share a Goal. It will not proves the experiance that made me fall in love with the game. As it is a focuse is based on direct combat over loot. Not the stratigic theift of loot. But congratulations you got what you ask for. I tip my hat to you. I will work with you to make this mode the best it could be. I still say it would have been better to make it into designated areas in a session then use the server merging system to fill that particular area. They didn't have to make it a sepreate mode.

    Its not based on direct combat at all..

    And they had to make it a separate mode. You can't just redesign the base architecture of your game. This mode focuses all players attention on a limited amount of loot and creates a win condition. Adventure mode allows players to learn how to sail without much intervention of other players, and a more casual/social experience.

    I wasn't asking them to redsign there architecture i was asking for them to fix it and actually have it work the way it was advertised to. Having a sepreate mode is changing the disign architecture. Also the "Win" state is what i'm opposed to cause this game was not supposed to be made a direct competition. Agian I'm not agianst compations as i am very competitive and also i'm not conserned about "Toxic" Players. What i'm concerned about is this game losing it's core concept and providing the experiance i fell in love with as it was truly unique.

    Fixing it requires fundamental changes to voyages.

    No it didn't. If Arena is a seperate mode that means it will have it's own voyages and rewards. If that is the case they could have just added a new vendor Or given sepreate Mission Types to the current vendor and have the active quest itself track the ship. If the merging system would actually do it's job then once a ship comes into rendering range of the island they could have been merged with other ship from other servers doing the samething. It would have accomplished the excact same Goal with out a menu option.

    And pirating is a direct competition.
    Wrong sir. Pirating is a profession and a skill that is about surpporting a lifestyle of freedom and surival. Theives don't nomally compete with other theives to steal something nor do merchant directly compete with pirates as they try to avoid them. The Priate Fantasy However is about adventure which this game actual lacks and "adventure" mode will make this abundantly clear.
    Adventure mode was flawed in certain ways but it might be better for casual players that just want to sail around and mess around with mechanics.

    Could have solved this issue long ago with better tutorial and a easier area that they could go back to to parctice or other literny of suggestion offered by the community. But just learning to sail is not gonna help them learn the skills they need for arena mode. I'm telling you now.

    I don't think taking that away from them would have helped... having a mode that can allow for shorter play sessions and limited loot means will a purpose for piracy outside of a pinata mentality. Instead of kill everyone and see what falls out it. There will be a lot more strategic elements of when and how to address players, or completing a map. Because now they are all oppurtunity costs... currently you can just go out of your way, kill another player, then go back to what you were doing. But if you make that choice now, you might loose an opportunity to pick up another item of value elsewhere.

    Agian i will state that this game does need shorter time to content. There where better ways to do this. Making a seperate Mode just mean playing to seperate games as arena mode will require it's own set of skills and tactics. As players are garranted to be in active engagements.

  • I hope we get 3 vs 3 ship arena battles or 2 vs 2 vs 2. Team battles could be amazing.

  • @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @zeroe1ite said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer dude I dunno if you realize but gta online is getting its tail kicked by fortnite and pubg.most people don't have 3 hours or the mental willingness to commit to a game session of that length and that's why the battle royals are killing it.tbh if rare was shutting down the current game mode id be like oooo hell no but they arnt.to me I see this as a win,its getting the game more exposure which will only make it grow that much bigger.but dude from experience with pre release developers Im going to give you a word of advice,patience and persistence wins the race.if you want it now and don't know when its not your hill to die on then your likely to have a brain aneurism by the years end.

    Bro im fully aware of the BR craze and why it's Popular. I'm also painfully aware of the flaws of Share world game. You fail to understand that this was the reason for Dissapointment. It's now Likely we will never get to see a truly great Share World game as Rare was our last great champion for that. I'm not aganist BR in principle it's a fantastic Mode I just don't want it in every single game I wanted to have a game that could truly provide me the PvEvP Experiance and that for me and many other Was SoT. Rare can go the BR route or just the standered Arena route but they simply canpt hope to compete head on with the top studios in this feild there will be to much market saturation. This a simple Fact of Reality. Now maybe Rare could pull off a miracle as they still have the backing of MS. Still you have to be honest with yourself in whats more likely to happen is MS is going to stuff Rare back on the bench as they did their job of selling the gamepass and will put a whole new studio on the front line.

    Arena mode is a true PvPvE experience though. SoT is a PvE sandbox where you can kill each other to undermine other people's PvE efforts. Shared maps is a PvPvE experience because its merged PvP with PvE objectives.

    While true this will be a PvEvP arena enviroment as it will finally share a Goal. It will not proves the experiance that made me fall in love with the game. As it is a focuse is based on direct combat over loot. Not the stratigic theift of loot. But congratulations you got what you ask for. I tip my hat to you. I will work with you to make this mode the best it could be. I still say it would have been better to make it into designated areas in a session then use the server merging system to fill that particular area. They didn't have to make it a sepreate mode.

    Its not based on direct combat at all..

    And they had to make it a separate mode. You can't just redesign the base architecture of your game. This mode focuses all players attention on a limited amount of loot and creates a win condition. Adventure mode allows players to learn how to sail without much intervention of other players, and a more casual/social experience.

    I wasn't asking them to redsign there architecture i was asking for them to fix it and actually have it work the way it was advertised to. Having a sepreate mode is changing the disign architecture. Also the "Win" state is what i'm opposed to cause this game was not supposed to be made a direct competition. Agian I'm not agianst compations as i am very competitive and also i'm not conserned about "Toxic" Players. What i'm concerned about is this game losing it's core concept and providing the experiance i fell in love with as it was truly unique.

    Fixing it requires fundamental changes to voyages.

    No it didn't. If Arena is a seperate mode that means it will have it's own voyages and rewards. If that is the case they could have just added a new vendor Or given sepreate Mission Types to the current vendor and have the active quest itself track the ship. If the merging system would actually do it's job then once a ship comes into rendering range of the island they could have been merged with other ship from other servers doing the samething. It would have accomplished the excact same Goal with out a menu option.

    Yes... yes fundamental changes were required to fixing the PvE...

    The menu option is fine. This is nothing particularly bad about it. Its a player choice if they want loot to be more restricted or not. And as they've already stated they share progression systems... everything you do in the arena carries over to adventure mode, and vice versa.

    And pirating is a direct competition.
    Wrong sir. Pirating is a profession and a skill that is about surpporting a lifestyle of freedom and surival. Theives don't nomally compete with other theives to steal something nor do merchant directly compete with pirates as they try to avoid them. The Priate Fantasy However is about adventure which this game actual lacks and "adventure" mode will make this abundantly clear.

    Your argument is ridiculous. This is a video game. Pirating in a game is a a direct competition when it happens. Its a direct conflict over resources or a space. Your trying to win over another player. It serves no other purpose within Sea of Thieves. Some games support thieves as just a way to progress based on play style.

    Adventure mode was flawed in certain ways but it might be better for casual players that just want to sail around and mess around with mechanics.

    Could have solved this issue long ago with better tutorial and a easier area that they could go back to to parctice or other literny of suggestion offered by the community. But just learning to sail is not gonna help them learn the skills they need for arena mode. I'm telling you now.

    That's only part of my argument. But allowing for a more casual space for non competitive players is necessary now that its in the game. Its kind of like flying in WoW... they admitted it kind of undermines game play but they can't undue it now.

    I don't think taking that away from them would have helped... having a mode that can allow for shorter play sessions and limited loot means will a purpose for piracy outside of a pinata mentality. Instead of kill everyone and see what falls out it. There will be a lot more strategic elements of when and how to address players, or completing a map. Because now they are all oppurtunity costs... currently you can just go out of your way, kill another player, then go back to what you were doing. But if you make that choice now, you might loose an opportunity to pick up another item of value elsewhere.

    Agian i will state that this game does need shorter time to content. There where better ways to do this. Making a seperate Mode just mean playing to seperate games as arena mode will require it's own set of skills and tactics. As players are garranted to be in active engagements.

    A separate mode is ABSOLUTELY necessary for players that just want to fight over loot primarily. Its not fun when the vast majority of players are bad or unwilling to engage that aspect of the game. They had to do this if they wanted to retain PvP players. Everyone is suggesting this is bad because PvP players will leave making adventure mode more mundane... well, they are leaving any way. This just gives us a new place to go to instead of another game. Incentive systems don't work, people don't play PvP games for incentives. They play it for the thrill of the fight and that has to be designed in to objectives. And it can't be some separate layer in a sandbox, all players have to be playing the same objectives either on defense/offence.

  • Hey all,

    just a part of my overall feedback on SoT I wrote elsewhere, I'm putting this in here, so Rare has it in one place as well:

    Yes, I know this is very, very controversial. And to be honest, I don't even know how I feel about it anymore. When I saw the trailer live reveal yesterday, I immediately wanted to come here and start ranting with others, how it's a really bad idea. Luckily I somehow misplaced my pitchfork, so I had some time to really think about it, discuss it in other places and watch today's stream. We don't know much about it yet, but from what I've seen so far, it might be really fun to play. What my main concern is, how it will affect the main part of the game. (I refuse to call it adventure mode) I'm affraid, we'll get posts like „don't attack me you griefer, go play Arena. This is PvE now.“ and similar stuff. Also yes, you can say that you'll support and develop both parts of the game, but experience from other games is a bit different. For example, how many people know there's an actual PvE campaign in Fortnite? And you can blame the companies, for pouring more money into more popular parts of the game. I'm just hoping that this won't happen to SoT as well. Only time will tell I guess. Either way, on that part, we're going to be fine for the next few months anyway.

    What could have definitely been handled better, is the way it was revealed. I feel it was too soon and thanks to the apparent early stage of development, it comes with too little information about the whole thing and it makes people more nervous and angry, than it really needs to. Communication with fans pretty much failed in this case and we see Rare employees trying to explain it now everywhere they can. (thanks for that guys and gals)

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