Constant crashing

  • Ever since the latest update for the 2nd half of Forsaken Shores, my game constantly crashes, sometimes before I can even load into the game; when it doesn't crash (which is rare, no pun intended), I get graphical glitches (like colored static snow you see on TV sets), or I can't interact with items in a barrel; OR, if I CAN manage to take items from barrels, they become invisible when holding them in my hand. I REALLY hope I don't have to do a complete reinstall of the game, because that will take FOREVER.

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  • @dredpiratedski Are you on Xbox or PC? If Xbox, have you tried a hard reset? Sorry to hear you are running into issues.

    When you have a minute, I definitely suggest creating a support ticket here. The more info you can give the better!

  • I'm on PC; I did submit a ticket right after posting this. I've tried all of the fixes suggested, and none of them seem to have worked, so I'm now reinstalling the entire game. If that doesn't work, I'm not sure what else to do but wait and hope I get a resolution.

  • Sounds like a graphics card problem.
    Most likely a driver issue, try reinstalling them. Clean the fan on the card too if it has been a while since you did that(It may be overheating).
    If that doesn't work, it may be that your card is malfunctioning and needs to be replaced.

  • Now I can't select Open or Closed crew; I click and hit Enter and neither registers.

  • Ours is exactly the same. I ran around an island then i appeared on the boat. Freezing and slow at points.

  • Aye, I am having constant crashes, can't pull out my watch/maps/ etc... This did not happen until the Cargo Runs came out. I sailed around with out any issues in the Roar..Game is unplayable for me. Updated graphics card, just cleaned my computer not too long ago..Had no issues until this Cargo Update....I'm on pc

  • Im on xbox one, i crashed at least 4 times today, 3 while playing and 1 while loading after chosing open crew, no other issues aside of that.

  • Quick question, is anyone else that is having issues playing the game through Game Pass? Just wondering because I am, and I wonder if that is somehow related, because I've attempted all of the fixes suggested in the ticket I submitted, and nothing worked. I know it's probably not related, but I can't figure out what else it could be.

  • @dredpiratedski I'm still having the same issue but i bought the full game. Did you manage to resolve this problem?

  • @dredpiratedski It's the same here but it's usually when im in a game i notice how it freezes and then my game crashes....but it comes with a update here and there, not always but sometimes.

  • @disturbed3003 Unfortunately no, I'm still having issues. I can't even get to the title screen most times now. :(

  • I was having it crash shortly after spawning in when the cargo update dropped. I'd get an out of video memory error. Filled out a ticket and a suggestion was, with an AMD driver, to clear the shader cache. I didn't try doing that, but instead shut it down and turned the PSU switch off and pressed the tower's power button to possibly discharge the caps. Turned it back on and loaded in with no more crashes so far. So I'm not sure exactly was happening, but what I did worked.

  • @dredpiratedski you’re not alone, I’ve had all the same issues as you. I’ve reinstalled the game about 6 times now, no improvements. I was concerned about my gpu having issues with the memory, so I loaded up forza 7 at 8k and completely filled the ram on my gpu with no issues. I haven’t heard back from support yet other than the normal advice and giving them logs.

    Edit: my ticket just got renamed to “rendering/package corruption” so it looks like something happened to the game download.

  • It happens to me on random updates....first its good then its crashing like crazy and then the list goes on.
    Most of the time after updates it dosen't crash at all and resetting my xboxapp or reinstalling the game does not help.
    So i feel ya....somewhat :P

  • @dredpiratedski I finally heard back from support. It seems my antivirus, trend micro, was the culprit. They had me uninstall it, reboot. Seems to have fixed my issue.

  • @snake-plisk That was my issue as well; I've had a similar issue in the past with Trend Micro and State of Decay 2, and the fix was pretty much the same; here's a link to my support thread, as well as the relevant State of Decay 2 support fix: (fix is near the bottom) (for step 9 here, you may have to search for the actual directory where Sea of Thieves is installed, but it should be similar to what's posted; if you have multiple hard drives like I do, you may need to find it on more than one of them as well)

    Basically, you just need to add the game to your Exceptions list in Trend Micro (possibly works for other antivirus programs as well).

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