TIGA: Game of the Year Vote

  • Hello all, as I am sure you have already heard, Rare - SoT - has been nominated for several awards this year. The game of the year is one of those nominations. I'm just suggesting that you take the time to click that "yes" button for SoT here:

    Whether you love to "hate" the game or simply "hate" how much you love this game; get out there and vote!!


    I now return to the seas

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  • I'm sorry but I can't vote for something I don't believe in. That's how people like Trump get into office. lol

    Although I openly admit to being addicted to it at one stage, SoT is the only the second game I've played this year and the other was sold as an early access which still beat it for content.

    We're only at Athena 7+ yet my crew mate and I are looking at other games and currently "S C U M" ($19.99) early access already has more to offer. He's playing that right now.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in TIGA: Game of the Year Vote:

    I'm sorry but I can't vote for something I don't believe in. That's how people like Trump get into office. lol

    Nah, people like Trump get elected because of a faulty winner-take-all electoral college and nothing more... With regard to you not voting for SoT; no worries there I get it you may like another game; clearly you put time into SoT to be Athena's 7 so you must have enjoyed it; in terms of something other than SoT that could be game of the year, in an honest sense, what game?

    And in terms of "more to offer" I don't think I can go: "he says she says and such;" I mean I'll just have to disagree and say sure there were times that I dabbled in other games - I'm Athena 5+ my crew is somewhere between there and Athena 10, but yeah we keep coming back and Rare keeps giving us more reasons to do so. imo.

  • @the-estler
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Unfortunately my system specs has a lot to do with which games I play. Otherwise I wouldn't be here.

    If we pat the back of every half-a***d attempt we're not doing anyone any favours. Make them earn the title or they'll just sit on their hands and continue to operate like pouring molasses through a funnel on a cold day.

  • @sardukar1234 said in TIGA: Game of the Year Vote:

    Game of the year............Wheres the game?
    They can have my vote when i get a game worth the AAA price.

    Yah. I've played this game alot but the last four weeks have left a sour taste in my mouth... If they would have addressed the bugs and not skipped maintenance periods. I would totally vote for them but they really burnt me with allowing some really frustating bugs stay in the game so long. Really ticked me off. We'll see if they redeem thereselves tomorrow but. I doubt it.

    It'll probably be yet another update riddled with bugs... That people will claim that the game is still playable... Game of the year is more than playable... Game of the year is OMG I must play... Oh no it 4 am... Man I still wanna play. Not these bugs a re so FRUSTRATING! Ahhhhhh

  • how are we voting for game of the year of 2018 if it isn't even over yet, blizzard might release stacraft 3, that is instantaniously a goty.

    reviewed the list of nominees, the best thing in there is probably detroit, not that it is a fantastic game but it was one of the most influential games of the year, really popular, decently packed with stuff.

    second one that is sort of decent is god of war, but that was kinda dissapointing, it wasn't bad but it wasn't a game that raised the bar for cinematic action games.

    cuphead is in the list despite being a 2017 game, and the rest is indie whats-your-face games nobody played.

    so yeah basically SoT wins by default in there if you discard detroit/god of war.

  • @urihamrayne it'll be a sad day if sot sets a precedent for what a game of the year is.. don't get me wrong I like sot.. but it is far from game of the year.

  • @the-estler SOT has my support I voted

  • @treefittymonsta constant free updates, no microtransactions even deep into 6 months of the game running, a long alpha phase with a concrete release date, feedback that is heard and applied, constant bug fixes, interactivity between devs and community, game is greatly optimized for both pc and console allowing for even potato pcs to run the game, localization is pristine, servers work with low netcode issues, low ping on most servers.

    No standards set here, just bad game because cursed cannonballs. Leech.

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