The Re-Colonisation Of Chicken Isle...

  • "Do you like chickens?"- Senior Trader Mandy 2018

    Why yes, it just so happens i do Mandy, it also just happens Chicken Isle has been my favourite island since i first sailed these waters back in the TA. The name always resonated with me and i always knew they would have to put chickens there one day! (This was before animals where in the game)

    So it was much to my disbelief as i was sailing from Plunder outpost and happened to be passing my little slice of heaven on the seas, to see there was no chickens! Not a feather in sight!

    My home away from home had been plundered and my feathered friends had been hunted into extinction! I was not amused and had not the heart to tell Mandy the bad news, there was only one thing for it....It was time to Recolonise Chicken Isle!

    My current voyage got cancelled, there was more pressing matters to attend to. I went straight for Plunder outpost to go make an arrangement with the Merchant Alliance. (I didnt have the heart to ask Mandy) Upon arriving they were not willing to make a deal, if i wanted only one specific cage i had to get them like everyone else! Mumbling profanitys under my breath i smiled and thought of drawing my blunderbuss...but remembered im not 50 in the alliance yet and might need this fool later, so i started doing it the hard way.

    I collected a decent amount of cages when a Brig came towards the outpost and started opening fire! Was it just me and Mandy who cared for the chickens!? Fortunately i had prepared for this, it wasnt my first rodeo after all. The anchor was already raised and i dropped the sails, i started charging them head on, just before impact i spun the wheel to the left and fired an anchor ball which only just hit them, (M**o to self practice more with the CCs) i was gone into the sunset on my new pilgrimage.

    I docked at "Old Salts Atoll" to start my journey, there was chickens and i was im business! I started to round them up. After collecting the ones on the island i knew this was not going to be no simple task, i didnt have no way near the amount of cages or time i would need to complete such a venture, i needed help but who else did i know who was an animal fanatic and would invest time to help them.... Then he came online.. @Tartansnake-8 of course, who else.

    So i dispatched Salty the newly formed parrot with a message:
    "Wanna help me with something thats stupid and a complete waste of time?"
    Now all i had to do was wait. And low and behold 30 seconds later i heard a load "Ahoy" blast through my headset and make me jump 20 feet. (He has a habbit of that) He was happy to help and over the next 2 hours we sailed from isle to isle and outpost to outpost trying to fulfill my dream! We had a good chat about the game, forums and many other stuff including the hype for Forsaken Shores and the hours rolled by.

    Theres always time for a quick selfie ;)

    And then it was time! My time was running low and i had to depart the waters soon, so we made our way to Chicken Isle.
    We started offloading the Chickens to there new home and had to constantly fight of the skeleton hoards for the land, while making sure the Gumpowder skellies didnt kill all the new habitants. We got there and it was time to leave them to there new paradise.

    And there you have it. Phase 1 of the recolonisation of Chicken Isle! If you pass by feel freel to give them a wave, or drop off a new addition to the island im sure they will appreciate it, i know Mandy will!

    And as always a massive thank you to @Tartansnake-8 for joining me on my wacky adventures on the EU servers! You just never know whats going to happen over here!

    And to all those who are probably thinking im Clucking mad.....You're probably right to be fair!

    P.S Dont tell Colonel Sanders!!

    EDIT: Sorry about how the pictures are, im on my tablet and am using a an Xbox DVR site.

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  • Aye @KnifeLife, this has been bothering me for some time so I'm glad someone finally took action against this foul turn of events.

    I can just imagine violent caw-ing echo across Chicken Isle come the dawn.

    Fun fact, did you know that Chicken Isle was one of the first charted islands across the entirity of the Sea of Thieves?

  • @knifelife oh poor little fellas, left on an island, prisoners of themselves inside those cages. 😔🐔

    Someone doing merchant must have felt lucky, if stumbled with that island

  • @pikaaroon Aye it was an injustice I just could not stand by to see!

    And I actually didn’t. Needless to say the Art team and cartographers have impeccable taste ;)

    Also there’s a video with a banana and it’s not buck? What is this blasphemy xD

    @NunoAzuldimeter They are not cages mate, before we left we opened the doors and left them that way, each chicken has its own little bit of personal space xD

  • @knifelife said in The Re-Colonisation Of Chicken Isle...:

    Also there’s a video with a banana and it’s not buck? What is this blasphemy xD

    Bunch of posers if you ask me... hahaha

  • @pikaaroon Your right they don’t seem that a-peel-ing..

  • @knifelife lol, awesome work and great tale! Now chicken island finially has its chickens back!! ☺

  • @stacky-a Ayeee! Phase one has been completed xD When I have a lot more time I will be bringing a whole lot more! #BeMoreChicken

  • @knifelife
    Great job!

    It also shows the feature that the game is lacking the most of all! The option to release an animal from a cage! I fully understand that they removed that feature because @Tartansnake-8 just moved all the snakes on the server to Sanctuary Outpost constantly, but that issue can be easily solved by keeping that crazy person confined in the brig on every game he joins :)

  • Don't let this guy know... he might open an outlet :)

  • last time i pulled up to chicken isle this kinda explained what happened to the population....

  • @fishst1ck I find like the snakes in game if you just play a shanty now and again he seems to calm down! xD

    @IceMan-0007 That might explain a lot to be honest! xD

    @PirateCraggy And anyone but him!! Also does it make me a hypocrite that I might have had a KFC last night....Pmsl!

  • @KnifeLife - Always happy to help the chicken population :-)

  • @knifelife


    You see...

    When a mummy chicken loves a daddy ROOSTER very much they snuggle and (censored, censored, censored) and that's were baby chicks come from. :o)

    Without a rooster they can't populate. Stuck in individual cages they can't populate, eat or drink.

    So now you've left a heap of starving chickens to die in their cages. I think you had better turn that ship around and go straight back there to save them. lol

    Great tale. :o)

  • @admiral-rrrsole A CHICKEN CAN DREAM ADMIRAL

  • @tartansnake-8

    Thank you for changing that horrible video of a snake approaching an infant chick from behind.

    This one is MUCH better. :o)

    @BecauseSCIENCE1 lol

  • @admiral-rrrsole Don’t know what your talking about mate! Everyone knows when you leave the area or the whole crew is on the ferry they breed and there numbers go up xD

  • @Tartansnake-8 Seriously where do you find these gifs! 😂

    I look forward to giving Snake island the same treatment with ya! However, you will need to bring me lots of anti-venom, some of us arnt immune to there bites! :P

  • Aaarggh! A tale to tale for the grand kiddies to be told time and time again, me thinks!

  • @mitz75 Your not wrong! I’m in the tavern now and getting weird looks for my story of chicken isle! XD they just don’t understand xD

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