Dear Rare, Make SoT Great Again !

  • Dear Rare,
    Please take a step back from the ledge and take a long hard look at what you are doing to your game and who you are trying to appease.
    Please stop catering to the fair weather friends who insist on you adapting the game to them instead of them adapting to the game.

    Please start listening to the people who have spent hundreds of hours playing your game every night instead of people who can't be bothered working on a "silly title".

    The core of this game was it's simplicity, level playing field, and sandbox aspect where you could PVE, PVP, or a little of both.

    You have destroyed the game for your loyal PVE and PVP players by taking away accomplishments, making combat way too cumbersome, and allowing cursed cannonballs to make the game unbalanced.

    And please let the next thing I am about to say sink in :
    There is no item or player in this game worth sacrificing the above mentioned core values over.
    Read that part again and let it sink in.

    There isn't one item you could possibly add to make this UI worth it.
    Banjos, jewelry, rowboats, nada, zip, zero.

    You had an amazing vision for the game that you have now compromised heavily and the people who appreciated and embraced that vision are leaving. Stop appeasing the wrong people.
    I really hope you will wake up and see what you have done and are doing and Make SoT Great again. Because right now it's an unplayable mess, and anyone who says otherwise doesn't appreciate the true masterpiece you originally created, they are wanting something entirely different.
    Instead of creating "Sea of Thieves for people that don't like Sea of Thieves" I am asking you to look at the game as it was originally, take a step back and MAKE SEA OF THIEVES GREAT AGAIN ! Because as of now it's broken.

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  • Dear Rare,

    I want my sloop to transform into a mech.

  • Actually (as I've said at least a zillion times before) the Rowboat is going to have a resource chest aboard. If you'd actually watched the Behind-the-Scenes video, you'd know the UI change was necessary to facilitate being able to carry all resource types in one location.

  • if the game is "destroyed" for you then ok but dont claim its been destroyed for all loyal players. dont you normally advise people to get good? im pretty sure i have seen you giving that advice. keep playing and let the muscle memory adapt, inventory isnt clunky when you get used to it.

  • As I was saying....

  • @personalc0ffee the UI is still broke when you are on a moving ship it’s not allowing you to access the supplies when the ship pitches and yaws. So it is not fixed as of yet.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Dear Rare, Make SoT Great Again !:

    SoT is not broken. It is perfectly playable.

    It was broken this past week but it's all been fixed now. All the major game breaking bugs and issues have been dealt with.

    Till the next update comes and the cycle continues. I feel rare bit off more than they can chew and cant keep up with the demands hence the unpolished content time and time again.

    On top of that with the latest title grind we were stripped of, myself and many others dont even play anymore.

  • @messiah-x6

    Shoot for the moon, cause even if you miss, you'll be among the stars!

  • @owl-hisson More like [mod edited].

  • @inboundbomb said in Dear Rare, Make SoT Great Again !:

    the UI is still broke when you are on a moving ship it’s not allowing you to access the supplies when the ship pitches and yaws. So it is not fixed as of yet.

    One of our crew members couldn't stock the ship's supply barrels at all no matter how far or close she stood from them.
    I even went below deck and watched her try.
    She could however. offer her supplies to me.

  • @lu-loop2 As per the Forum Rules we all must remain respectful towards all other community members when posting on the forums. I have moderated your post as it was not in accordance with these rules, failure to remain respectful of all community members will result in a temporary ban from the forums.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


  • SoT is an under construction game, it's gonna change alot over it's life span.
    I advise Getting used to it.

  • @cardshark-360 You made what I said look worse! lol

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Dear Rare, Make SoT Great Again !:

    Dear Rare,
    Please take a step back from the ledge and take a long hard look at what you are doing to your game and who you are trying to appease.
    Please stop catering to the fair weather friends who insist on you adapting the game to them instead of them adapting to the game.

    Please start listening to the people who have spent hundreds of hours playing your game every night instead of people who can't be bothered working on a "silly title".

    The core of this game was it's simplicity, level playing field, and sandbox aspect where you could PVE, PVP, or a little of both.

    You have destroyed the game for your loyal PVE and PVP players by taking away accomplishments, making combat way too cumbersome, and allowing cursed cannonballs to make the game unbalanced.

    And please let the next thing I am about to say sink in :
    There is no item or player in this game worth sacrificing the above mentioned core values over.
    Read that part again and let it sink in.

    There isn't one item you could possibly add to make this UI worth it.
    Banjos, jewelry, rowboats, nada, zip, zero.

    You had an amazing vision for the game that you have now compromised heavily and the people who appreciated and embraced that vision are leaving. Stop appeasing the wrong people.
    I really hope you will wake up and see what you have done and are doing and Make SoT Great again. Because right now it's an unplayable mess, and anyone who says otherwise doesn't appreciate the true masterpiece you originally created, they are wanting something entirely different.
    Instead of creating "Sea of Thieves for people that don't like Sea of Thieves" I am asking you to look at the game as it was originally, take a step back and MAKE SEA OF THIEVES GREAT AGAIN ! Because as of now it's broken.

    Have no fear, the more than likely to be grindy Forsaken Chores will fix it all. Well that is unless it's delayed or patched or something along those lines with another oops we done wrong video... Then again fanboys will defend everything/anything Rare, to be rinsed and repeated... so on and so on. The sooner everyone comes to terms this is basically a non stop beta we've played and has no real foundation anymore if it ever did the better it will be to decide if the game is still worthwhile to you. As for me I think this game still doesn't know what it wants and as with other long term relationships in real life if someone isn't serious about our relationship well then peace out because I'm not playing that game !

  • @sgt-palooggoo We can get used to it if it works properly.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Dear Rare, Make SoT Great Again !:

    SoT is not broken. It is perfectly playable.

    It was broken this past week but it's all been fixed now. All the major game breaking bugs and issues have been dealt with.

    I have sailed almost 9 million meters... but last week I have sailed 100 meter. Because the game is not the same anymore.
    Maybe you need to play once with a very cheap gamepad, then you can experience what it is to play this game like I have to with those stuppid barrels.

    And the bugs have been fixed? Well why do I need to grind lvl 8 athena again? Instead of being 60% or something...

  • @trickrtreat01 sagte in Dear Rare, Make SoT Great Again !:

    Please stop catering to the fair weather friends who insist on you adapting the game to them instead of them adapting to the game.

    lol, adapt yourself to changes and improvements maybe?
    That's funny to read if someone ask for changes :-P

    Please start listening to the people who have spent hundreds of hours playing your game every night instead of people who can't be bothered working on a "silly title".

    Why? Do their voices matter more?
    It's a Company, they must follow the masses and money and not you or me or sspent 50 hours or spent 5000 hours pplayers. That's irrelevant. Relevant is only what sells to more people.
    Hardcore gamers arent a significant audience referring to this.

    The core of this game was it's simplicity, level playing field, and sandbox aspect where you could PVE, PVP, or a little of both.

    You have destroyed the game for your loyal PVE and PVP players by taking away accomplishments, making combat way too cumbersome, and allowing cursed cannonballs to make the game unbalanced.

    I disagree, it's your valid PoV, but not the truth.
    You are just disappointed and overestimating.

    And please let the next thing I am about to say sink in :
    There is no item or player in this game worth sacrificing the above mentioned core values over.
    Read that part again and let it sink in.

    There isn't one item you could possibly add to make this UI worth it.
    Banjos, jewelry, rowboats, nada, zip, zero.

    grilled fish maybe?

    You had an amazing vision for the game that you have now compromised heavily and the people who appreciated and embraced that vision are leaving. Stop appeasing the wrong people.

    There are no "wrong people" unless people who denounce others.

    I really hope you will wake up and see what you have done and are doing and Make SoT Great again. Because right now it's an unplayable mess, and anyone who says otherwise doesn't appreciate the true masterpiece you originally created, they are wanting something entirely different.
    Instead of creating "Sea of Thieves for people that don't like Sea of Thieves" I am asking you to look at the game as it was originally, take a step back and MAKE SEA OF THIEVES GREAT AGAIN ! Because as of now it's broken.

    Boy, stop crying, really you sound like world ends about a game.

  • @captain-fet Ahoy matey!

    @PersonalC0ffee is welcome to his opinion, no matter how different it is to yours, please don't turn the debate personal and let's continue the debate without attacking users.

    Thanks for your understanding.

  • @musicmee My apologies, I hope my edit is more in your guide lines.

  • @captain-fet It's better ;) Just remember no one wants to silence you the same amount no one wants to silence coffee.

    Both are valid points of view, and I want to hear them both!

  • @captain-fet Me matey, please be respectful to your fellow pirates when you post, without directing your comments to anyone personally please. I have removed part of your post to reflect this. I appreciate you have already moderated your post by @Musicmee ’s request :)

    Derogatory Language

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @captain-fet said in Dear Rare, Make SoT Great Again !:

    @personalc0ffee said in Dear Rare, Make SoT Great Again !:

    SoT is not broken. It is perfectly playable.

    It was broken this past week but it's all been fixed now. All the major game breaking bugs and issues have been dealt with.

    You are a gosh darn blinking nuisance to discussion and debate and concern posting about this game. (Mod edited)

    I mean.. this is what.. OPs third thread on pretty much the same issues each time?

  • I quite like ccb it adds a bit of spice to battles but they seriously need to limit the amount you can store. 300 total cannonballs (both standard and ccb) that way people would have to make the decision as to which they go for.

    The new ui sucks! Make it so as bananas, cannonballs and planks spawn as priority item. I'd also like to be able to move any supplies round on my boat to whichever barrel I choose

    Commendations I couldn't care less about

    Biggest thing though test, retest and get as much feedback as possible before you release an update

    I'm quite happy with the content itself so far just bugs and silly decisions by rare which is slightly ruining it for me

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in Dear Rare, Make SoT Great Again !:

    SoT is an under construction game, it's gonna change alot over it's life span.
    I advise Getting used to it.

    Yeah, every game is under construction, but most games do it better and more frequently. And I don’t mean pumping out useless updates every week to fix bugs.

    This game doesn’t have a long enough lifespan for people to get used to anything. It’ll be dead before there’s time to get used to anything. The only people that are still gonna be playing in the long run are the “loyal” players. And those guys aren’t enough to keep the game alive. The people that count are the majority. You know who those people are? The sailors you get tossed with in an open crew... and the reason it’s alllll noobs is because as people discover this game is boring, they leave and the cycle repeats.

    I love this game, you’d be surprised. I’ve always been into nautical stuff. But I’m losing interest and patience and it’s not worth playing. And I’m not gonna baselessly defend this game. I’ve been playing since March and the game is no better than it was then. Wow, they added a bunch of nothing. And go ahead [Mod edited], tell the people who are walking away that no one cares if they’re leaving. You’ll care when the empty wasteland seas are even emptier. Maybe they’ll cater to you then and make private servers so all you guys can collaborate and have a session that’s actually alive.

  • @tre-oni said in Dear Rare, Make SoT Great Again !:

    @captain-fet said in Dear Rare, Make SoT Great Again !:

    @personalc0ffee said in Dear Rare, Make SoT Great Again !:

    SoT is not broken. It is perfectly playable.

    It was broken this past week but it's all been fixed now. All the major game breaking bugs and issues have been dealt with.

    You are a gosh darn blinking nuisance to discussion and debate and concern posting about this game. (Mod edited)

    I mean.. this is what.. OPs third thread on pretty much the same issues each time?

    Apparently the squeaky wheel gets the grease around here. Look at where we are now.

  • @trickrtreat01

    Eh, didn't do the safe zone and "no crossplay" people much good.

  • @v**a-hombre said in Dear Rare, Make SoT Great Again !:


    Eh, didn't do the safe zone and "no crossplay" people much good.

    im guessing the whole game feels like a safe zone now with empty servers and people stuck looking in barrels lol.

  • @trickrtreat01

    Not really. At least from my experience anyway. Actually, with the introduction of the Brig, I've been attacked a bit more in the last three weeks. Just not as easy to run away from those cursed banana boats.

    Led to a pretty amusing incident the other day where I was caught and sunk, but managed to abandon ship via cannon. Thinking I might be able to sneak onto their ladder for some hijinks, I immediately started swimming back.

    Long story short, it all ended with the two pirates who were retrieving my lost loot watching me furiously paddle right past them while pursued by two sharks, screaming the whole way.

  • A rather interesting outside opinion of all this, is I've been gone for quite a while, but I still check in from time to time to see how SoT is fairing. Well, with the media not exactly accepting or promoting it, the patches arguably making more complaints than praises and the same people promoting "It's great!" where as you have the people who aren't pioneers or boatswains or deckhands saying other's a mixed message.

    I could go on a personal level I have with some of these posters, but I am sure he knows who he is. In anycase, hope forsaken shores makes the game a bit better, cause it doesn't exactly look like it's in high sails right now. Good luck guys, I and most likely a good amount of others will be watching to see if returning is a good idea, or a bad one.

  • You have destroyed the game for your loyal PVE and PVP players by taking away accomplishments, making combat way too cumbersome, and allowing cursed cannonballs to make the game unbalanced.

    My exact same feelings and couldn’t have said it any better. All I ever wanted was more things to and not more ways to do the things we already can. I’m so against cursed canonballs being introduced into PvP that I’ve hardly played since their inclusion and I’ve played daily since launch before that.

    I wasn’t happy when Rare went back on their word by allowing A.I ships. I loved that every sail was a real player but theyve incorporated them in a way I can get onboard with. I’m glad it’s not just a random roaming ship.

    However, cursed canonballs break the core gameplay and perfect balance. It adds a sense of randomness that I’m never fond of and especially in a PvP environment. Also anything that takes control away from players shouldn’t be in any game. Curses that affect players are only fun for the players firing and are pure frustration for pirates on the receiving end.

    I’m still looking forward to FS and can’t wait to hop on with my mates but my enthusiasm has seriously took a nose dive over the few weeks.

    Sea of thieves is still a brilliant game but I’m not happy by certain inclusions. Rare can’t please everyone I suppose but there wasn’t a bigger fan of their original vision than me.

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