The people you come across

  • So I was hoping to complete 5 voyages while flying the new reaper mark flag just to earn some extra Doubloons (I'll do a total of 30, 25 more later...), and I was sailing solo. Pretty gutsy, but I was determined to get them done.

    I was completing my 4th one, and I was doing some gold hoarders. I had 1 island left to go to, to Discovery Ridge, but there was a bit of a set back, another ship was there. So I waited at a nearby fort and watched the ship carefully.

    After awhile, I saw the ship take off. I could get this voyage done...but I was flying the reaper mark...the ship knew my location and were heading straight for me.

    Funny thing, I didn't have much on my ship, just 2 chest I found extra (seafarers and mauraders). I could tell what kind of guys these people were going to be already, so I threw my loot of the boat and semi hide it (not really well...they were coming in hot, so I just threw them somewhere semi hidden...), scuttled my ship (gotta try again later to complete a voyage flying reaper mark...), and hid.

    No sooner when I did that, the ship just got there and I watched a person looking around where my ship just sank. "You're not finding nothing" I thought. I didn't stick around long where I was at, so I went to a watch tower.

    I climbed up, and at the top of the ladder, just inside the tower, a gunpowdered barrel was there. I sat down and waited to see if this person would leave, but he either heard me swim to the tower or spotted me while climbing cause I saw him coming right for me.

    "Gees, buddy!" I thought, "didn't get to sink my ship so you want to kill me. Alright, have it your way." I pulled my gun out and pointed it right at the gunpowdered barrel. I heard the guy climb the ladder. Just as he got to the top, I shot, and KABOOM!!! We both died.

    On the ferry, I can hear this guy cursing out words, complaining about how unfair I was, how I cheated...and so on. I just smiled knowing I ruined his fun. Go sink someone else if that's what you like to do, but not me. I'm gonna stop your excitement.

    Afterwards, I completed the rest of the 5 voyages flying the reaper mark. Now I need to do 25 more, but that's for a later day...

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  • @thegreatluthe I mean, the cursing is uncalled for; but you were flying the reaper flag, so you can’t complain about the PvP players.

  • @thegreatluthe You should submit a support ticket on the player who was cursing at you, that’s the best way to handle the situation.

  • @haydensolo I've handled people like him before. I wrote down his gamer tag, and sent a report on his communication...

    I get tired of people who want to do nothing but fight and/or kill others in games for their own amusement. Just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you should always do it.

    If he wanted help with something, he could have communicated better. There is a reason they added the Speaking Trumpet to the game with the Hungering Deep. Also flashing a lantern or something can help...but didn't do that either. Just a l**t for blood...

  • @thegreatluthe Fine work there. Using the tools the game gives us is not cheating!

    I played a little solo last night, also flying the reaper and working on Gold Hoarders for the commendation. I left an outpost having just cashed in and saw a sloop heading right for me, the chase was on. After a bit of battling and kills on both sides I decided I'd had enough and just wanted to continue my voyage. I set sail for Old Faithful for a riddle map, my adversary in hot pursuit, then jumped ship to the island leaving my sloop to sail west with him following. I know it was silly, but it felt rather satisfying watching him chase an empty ship whilst I went about my business!

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