• ![so who's idea was this??????

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  • @zodemere all the casuals who cried the commendations are to difficult to complete!

  • Why are we supposed to care?

  • @zodemere **Sorry for my bad spelling. WHOSE IDEA WAS THIS & WHY DID NOBODY SPEAK UP THAT IT WAS A SLAP IN THE FACE OF YOUR VETS? Maybe hire better people who have spines????

  • @zodemere Or maybe nobody cares about your commendations? They’re still yours btw. Your spelling is fine mate.

  • @jacketedlawyer6 the people who arent bad at the game who actually earned them care

  • @jacketedlawyer6 said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    @zodemere Or maybe nobody cares about your commendations? They’re still yours btw. Your spelling is fine mate.

    i must agree that OBVIOUSLY the devs dont care about my grinding for RAIDER!!!!

  • @zodemere Rare doesnt care about anyone

  • @blatantwalk4260

    Apparantly they care about us casuals.

  • What number has it been reduced to?

  • @gordy908 said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    What number has it been reduced to?

    i have 500/120, so 380 less clears.

  • @zodemere unacceptably low

  • Why do most of you guys get mad??? Buying letters for lvl’s to get PL faster??? No one Cared for the PL’s that grinded the hard way.

    No one complain about the ally system (so you can massrole athenas and get alot If XP)

    So befor writing about the commendations think about all the easy stuff they put in for people.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    @zodemere unacceptably low

    i would have no problem with 120 fort clears if it started that way.

  • @zodemere but nope they wait till after we do the work

  • @alzheimeers said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    Why do most of you guys get mad??? Buying letters for lvl’s to get PL faster??? No one Cared for the PL’s that grinded the hard way.

    No one complain about the ally system (so you can massrole athenas and get alot If XP)

    So befor writing about the commendations think about all the easy stuff they put in for people.

    G'day mate,
    Actually it's the same deal for those of us who did grind every step of the way to PL and have been aiming for all achievements.
    I think we have every right to complain about them lowering the standards by moving the goal posts of achievements and commendations.

    Fair enough 1,000 banana crates was just ridiculous considering how rare they were but the other goals weren't.

    We are now given even less incentive to play this game. :/

    Athena voyages: broken
    Feeding pigs: broken
    Achievements: broken
    Commendations: broken
    Supply barrels: broken
    Inventory: broken
    Sea of Thieves: broken

  • You guys have something new to brag about! “Guess what guys, I got to the harder commendation before it was made lower!” They did this because it was too high in the first place for casuals, but apparently not for all you 24/7 gamer bois and g0rls

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    @alzheimeers said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    Why do most of you guys get mad??? Buying letters for lvl’s to get PL faster??? No one Cared for the PL’s that grinded the hard way.

    No one complain about the ally system (so you can massrole athenas and get alot If XP)

    So befor writing about the commendations think about all the easy stuff they put in for people.

    G'day mate,
    Actually it's the same deal for those of us who did grind every step of the way to PL and have been aiming for all achievements.
    I think we have every right to complain about them lowering the standards by moving the goal posts of achievements and commendations.

    Fair enough 1,000 banana crates was just ridiculous considering how rare they were but the other goals weren't.

    We are now given even less incentive to play this game. :/

    Athena voyages: broken
    Feeding pigs: broken
    Achievements: broken
    Commendations: broken
    Supply barrels: broken
    Inventory: broken
    Sea of Thieves: broken

    i just want to know who signed off on this drastic across the board changes?

  • @zodemere said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    @jacketedlawyer6 said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    @zodemere Or maybe nobody cares about your commendations? They’re still yours btw. Your spelling is fine mate.

    i must agree that OBVIOUSLY the devs dont care about my grinding for RAIDER!!!!

    i specifically thought of you when i saw this.. absolute c**p

  • @shuoink said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    @zodemere said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    @jacketedlawyer6 said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    @zodemere Or maybe nobody cares about your commendations? They’re still yours btw. Your spelling is fine mate.

    i must agree that OBVIOUSLY the devs dont care about my grinding for RAIDER!!!!

    i specifically thought of you when i saw this.. absolute c**p

    ah ty man! Yea its pretty lame they did this. NOW WHO MADE THE FINAL DECISION ON THIS?**

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    @jacketedlawyer6 the people who arent bad at the game who actually earned them care

    Just because someone hasnt earned them yet doesnt mean they are bad at the game. Maybe they just dont have too much free time.

  • I am no where near completing these, but I am disappointed. For me the banana type commendations were extreme, but something that you chipped away at whenever you could. I knew it would take years lol

  • They may as well add a safety net around the ship to protect you from falling off. Seeing as the primary goal seems to make everything easier

  • @omnipotence13

    There is.

    It's called a mermaid.

  • Wow i was actually looking forward to grinding this. Damn man

  • @combatxkitty thank you for the defense. Ay, i focus on school in the REAL WORLD to get a better future. When I am able to play, I relish the fun adventures, not work on a grind like achievements.

  • @capoditut1icapi i just wanna know who decided this NEEDED to happen, can't Rare respond?

  • @zodemere i didn't even think people we're asking for it. I mean the banana and wood crates obviously needed something done there but the rest were fine.

  • @capoditut1icapi said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    @zodemere i didn't even think people we're asking for it. I mean the banana and wood crates obviously needed something done there but the rest were fine.

    i kno my man! Everything was working gud til this load of crud! Who thought this was a good idea??????

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in BULL CRUD I GRINDED 500+ FORTS/FORT SKULL!:

    @zodemere but nope they wait till after we do the work

    Please stop calling getting achievements work. You are playing a game for fun, the achievements come for free.

    No one cares how many chests you have collected or how many skull forts you have done. Nothing changed as you have still done whatever you did.

    There was never any value in the achievements so really this is just drama for nothing imo.

  • i guess we should expect more lowering in this game as time goes on & that's ok? Soon u can simply log in a paazam...you're a PIRATE LEGEND! What's next, LOOT BOXES & pay 2 win, yayyy i can't wait 4 these amazing"updates"!

  • Server hopping doesnt pay anymore. Good riddance.

  • @zodemere Let me doubt you have " grind " 500 forts ... i have done and win almost 100% of the forts i did and played a c**p tons of this game and i was about 150 ish fort compleated but yeah ...

  • @stew360 most fort hoppers were close to 500 some people would fort hop and get 10+ forts a day and were done with it awhile ago

  • Fort hoping kind of defeats the object of the game anyway, so people who completed it by fort hoping shouldnt be complaining.

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