Forum badges explanation (with pictures!)

  • Ahoy! Although I've been enjoying the game for a while, this is my first time being properly active in the forums and while I read the post explaining what ask the badges mean, some times I just can't figure out which one is which. Would it be possible to add the tiny icons next to the description on the post so it's a bit more clear? Please note that I'm using it from a phone, not sure if it's any different from a desktop browser. May the seas be nice to you in your adventures!

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  • @nukete9


    desktop version shows the name of badges as well. not sure if it's doable in a reasonable way for mobile, especially for smaller screens. maybe have them reactive with alt text when tapping on them?

  • @nukete9
    alt text

    all of which are explained here

    I imagine descriptions are omitted on mobile to avoid clutter and save space

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Forum badges explanation (with pictures!):

    alt text

    all of which are explained here

    I imagine descriptions are omitted on mobile to avoid clutter and save space

    My fault, trying it from the laptop now I can see the text next to the icons, thanks for your quick replies for this @triheadedmonkey and @Sir Lotus . What a community we have on these seas :)

  • Yeah says what they mean on PC. I'm in the pioneer programme but it hasn't shown up on my account, probably have to log in when the servers are running.

  • @nukete9 If you also click on your own account you can see which you have as well as a short description of the roll.

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