LEGEND ideas and upgrades

  • been having some ideas about the new ships and man-owar rumor floating about, 1- love the brig idea coming to the DLC but hate a lot of the fact to many new players get to access this amazing vessel with no experience on how to use it properly so after the curse sails dlc is done I was thinking making it a legendupgrade only avalible to legends int he vault turing yoru sloop in to a brig same with the man-owar if a legend is on yoru crew they can upgrade your galleon to be this amazing over gunned tank called the manowar giving another 4 crew access

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  • if any one has anyother good ideas for the legend vault to give more of an elusive reason to get legend lets hear them out

  • I don't think they should be locking ships away from players - that gives legends an unfair advantage - which I may add that they already do by knowing the ins and outs of the game over someone who's just started playing learning the ropes.

    I would however like to see an option in game at the shipwright to upgrade a sloop to a brig, or a brig to a galleon, and vica versa. Sometimes crewmates need to drop in later, or have to leave the game unexpectedly for whatever reason. Leaving the game to choose a different ship isn't good UX, but I understand there's some server limitations to get this to work

  • @thetwistedtaste
    its not about the unfair advatages I jut wana see the legend have a bt more reaon to obtain. to many new players on the game play around and dont strive much to getting anything cuz they know they dont have to basicly making the legend title a mocked achievement, so I wana see a little more for the legends and a little more reason to strive to obtain it because I get tired of being the only legend on a crew full of new players and they end up jsut sicking our ship in horse play instead of working and trying to get all of us gold,

  • @thetwistedtaste
    also be kinda nice to be able to NAME or vessels having a legend captian on yoru crew they can put a name on the hanging panel naming our ships give them recogniztion

  • A core aspect of this game is that everyone, despite thier number of hours played, has access to the same tools as everyone else. Locking a ship behind legendary status would divide players by filling brigs with legends (since only legends can select them).

    If you are being mocked on your boat for being a legend, that might have something to do with how you share your status. There is a joke, “Do you know how to discover if there is a legend on your ship? (Pause) They’ll tell you.”

  • @ghostpaw bwah ha ha, I like that joke.

    As a Legend myself I tend to try to defend Pirate Legends from undue criticism. Last night though, myself and my regular buddy (both Legends since a long time ago) were running a Brig incognito - (no legendary cosmetics, titles or ship stuff)

    We get joined by a fella in full Pirate Legend gear. We were doing Merchant missions, he wants to do an Athenas, we explained that we were Pirate Legends and if we wanted to do an Athenas we'd already be doing one, no dice, not sure if he actually spoke English or just wasn't into listening to sounds other than his own voice but either way it didn't seem to register.

    Then he decides that our ship should be in the Legend colours. We were rocking the Huntress Figurehead and a nice blue hull but he wanted the Pirate Legend cosmetics on there, didn't ask, just changed them.

    If he'd asked we could have compromised on the paint job, maybe even on the type of voyage we were doing. But he didn't ask, just presumed that because he was wearing a purple coat his word was law.

    Seeing as he didn't ask, we changed the cosmetics back.

    Two seconds later - BOOM gunpowder barrel.

    We had to brig him, repaired the damage easily enough. Thankfully he left soon afterwards.

    Anyway - the point of this rambling diatribe is that: if Pirate Legend is a mocked title, it's because of people like the fella above, not because Pirate Legends aren't the only people who can spawn Brigantines.

  • @boxcar-squidy
    true toxic players like them dont need to be apart of the legend ranks there are those who make our good name as legends a joke but I do wish to see more to the legends making it a a renowned title to strive for were legends cuz we put the effort in to the game to earn it, I jsut wana see it a little more recognized, a few more impliments to the legend vault so people wana earn ti ffor them selves

  • @nathang86 pirates legends will get more fancy thing this year. Devs have said they will add more for legends to do and get.

  • @weststormborn
    yea but there are those who already got athenas 10 and haven't even got legned cuz they camp off real legends I dont mind helping out players but when I feel like these players are only using us legends to gain somthing they haven't really earned yet I feel like they mock what the legend title realy means... I spent months grinding and fending off thieves and pirates to get my gold turned in safely to get my reputation I feel it being a bit of an insult to my hard efforts that some player who hasn't even been here as long as I .. gets to walk around in Athena outfits and doesn't even have legend yet, I want a little more for just us, theres a level of helping players and a level of jsut being USED by players

  • @nathang86 As I suspected, you have adopted an attitude that most likely results in other players mocking you. Let’s get some things straight.

    First, Athena voyages, faction, and access to the hideout are not intended to be for legends only. It is something extra that legends have to OFFER the crew. Legends are not expected to do Athena voyages themselves or only with other pirate legends. If you are feeling used by your crew for you legendary status then hide your status and just focus on being a good crew member. See how long you can go without bringing up your legendary status.

    Next, your condescending attitude concerning the Athena progress of other players is misguided. They did the work. Players who reached PL said to themselves, “I could use some help!” They offered their crews the opportunity to earn rep and gold, the crews agreed, and they all set off TOGETHER to find their fortune. If only PL could benefit from Athena voyages then no one would want to help complete them. I personally do not enjoy soloing Athena voyages. The crews helped and they deserve to share in the rewards.

    It sounds like you are craving respect. That is not earned by showing off what you have that others don’t have. That is status. Seeking status warps people and distorts the meaning of achievement. You do not get automatic respect by putting on a purple coat. You might inspire envy, and they might acknowledge the time you have put in, but that will not necessarily lead to respect. If you want respect, remember you are just a part of a team. Be a leader, not a dictator. And show the rest of your team respect as well.

  • @ghostpaw I think people have been conditioned by other games where being max level gives a mechanical advantage so you have to respect higher level players because they are actually more powerful than you.

    SoT is different. There's no mechanical advantage to being Pirate Legend. No one needs to respect you through fear. You have to earn that respect.

    If PL's had all decided to lead by example, maybe it'd be a more respected title, but the first PL afk/subscriber farmed to get there, and we've all seen PL's rotating afk on the ferry, so the prospect of people respecting you because you've got a purple coat is pretty much nil.

    The reality of the game is that without a mechanical advantage for leveling up respect needs to be earned, both within your own crew and with others that you meet on the seas. The beauty of this is that you can earn the respect of your own crew and others with little more than your words and your attitude. No need to grind for months just to get some respect, you can get the respect of your crew in 5 minutes with the right attitude.

  • @nathang86 although I wasn’t talking about the issue of using legends just to get the good stuff, I do see your concern. I myself am not a legend though close being 42/41/34 though merchant could use work. I had friends who do Athena’s so I ended up with Athena at level 2.9. If a legend doesn’t let me go to the hideout or place down Athena’s I have no problem. I only mock a legend if they flaunt it like some special badge or if they act all tough but fail at basic PvP. I respect a Pl who is considerate, places a nice Athena’s down, sinks a ship but doesn’t brag about being a legend, and just good hearty player in general. Truthfully, without you legend I wouldn’t even be able to wear me booties.

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