Mouse v Controller

  • Earlier…. "Single" pirate boards galleon at skull fort we had almost completed.

    Pirate: lol There [sic] are xbox
    Pirate: lol killed 6 of them
    Pirate: This is so fun
    Pirate: Ahh they killed me.

    Come on Rare, sort it out, had to abort a Skull fort raid as whole crew were Xbox controllers and just couldn't compete.... jump, spin, turn, shoot, dead... whole crew not happy bunnies... Xbox controller on sensitivity 10 can't compete, make the playing field level please.

    Hardened Xbox crew, played together since beta, totally owned… down to the input device (and the awesome exploitation by the mouse user it must be said).... this is not on.

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  • There are plenty of people who play on controller that can compete with plenty of people that play on mkb. Id say you just need to [Mod edited]

  • @corleththefey said in Mouse v Controller:

    Earlier…. "Single" pirate boards galleon at skull fort we had almost completed.

    Pirate: lol There [sic] are xbox
    Pirate: lol killed 6 of them
    Pirate: This is so fun
    Pirate: Ahh they killed me.

    Come on Rare, sort it out, had to abort a Skull fort raid as whole crew were Xbox controllers and just couldn't compete.... jump, spin, turn, shoot, dead... whole crew not happy bunnies... Xbox controller on sensitivity 10 can't compete, make the playing field level please.

    Hardened Xbox crew, played together since beta, totally owned… down to the input device (and the awesome exploitation by the mouse user it must be said).... this is not on.

    "make the playing field level please."
    how do you propose they do that without removing or making crossplay optional?

  • @explosiveboby You are completely correct, that is true and I am one of those, it was me, who after all, killed him. I can't even remember the last time I was sunk.

    It is easy, moronic, and dull, to say "git gud".

    I would wager all my gold there is zero chance the best controller crew could ever beat a competent kbd crew. I know I have played as both, I know how fast a kbd player can spin compared to a controller player.

    But the point is, I will 'never' have the opportunity to be the 'best', that honour is bestowed only for the mkb user.... Those mkb users who know the weakness of the controller exploit that. Those that don't, well don't exploit it, and yes they are equal. The server hoppers at skull forts tend to know what they are doing.. it is them I have an issue with.

    The chat, I wrote, was real:

    "lol There [sic] are on xbox"

    He wrote that for a reason, my entire crew were indeed on controllers...

  • @squaz05 Easy, cap spin speed.

  • Hardened xbox crew... forgot to have one guy watching ladders.

  • @szawel123 He was fired on board during the broadside... cheers.

  • @ExplosiveBoby Please refrain from derogatory language on the forums, as it is a violation of our Forum rules. Your post has been edited accordingly.

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @corleththefey said in Mouse v Controller:

    Earlier…. "Single" pirate boards galleon at skull fort we had almost completed.

    Pirate: lol There [sic] are xbox
    Pirate: lol killed 6 of them
    Pirate: This is so fun
    Pirate: Ahh they killed me.

    Come on Rare, sort it out, had to abort a Skull fort raid as whole crew were Xbox controllers and just couldn't compete.... jump, spin, turn, shoot, dead... whole crew not happy bunnies... Xbox controller on sensitivity 10 can't compete, make the playing field level please.

    Hardened Xbox crew, played together since beta, totally owned… down to the input device (and the awesome exploitation by the mouse user it must be said).... this is not on.

    Have you tried complaining about the hax yet?

  • Bring on optional cross play! K go

  • The mouse gives PC players an edge for combat but I know steering the ship is much nicer on sticks.

  • I sail with a mixed crew most of the time. It's good to have one assassin on your side! I don't mind the cross play because I've met some truly amazing people within the game that I wouldn't have met otherwise. We're usually 3/1 ratio in favor of controllers but sometimes 2/2 and we hold our own pretty well. Since launch we've only run into one crew that gave us fits down near Devils Ridge. They were a well polished crew that was probably a 3/1 pc user ratio. My hats off to them for their "ladder" discipline and boarding shot accuracies. We riddled and boarded them on the initial pass but they swarmed as a team and left no one 1 vs 1. They cleared and patched, cleared and patched and they boarded in tandems. We've been sunk by other ships by getting caught off guard or tag teamed but always exacted our revenge on those that sunk us. I guess what I'm trying to say is that out of 500 or so encounters we felt outmanned once since launch. How bad can the cross play really be?

  • @bern-dimall "how bad can crossplay be"

    The answer, not that bad, the forum is just plagued by people who refuse to accept that maybe they were bested by more competent players and dismiss it as entirely down to input device advantage while ignoring every other variable that might have contributed to their demise, just like this one.

  • SoT is the first title myself and my Battlefield clan have played together and the PC players seem like hackers to us - simply because they can do things we can't. Massively frustrating. Takes all 4 of us to kill one good PC player.

  • @sir-saltybeard *first crossplay title

  • @elchupacabraj86 I wonder how many console players actually know that there is crossplay with PC and how many of these console players are on the forum. Who knows - all the console players who are on the forum might be these that complain about it. I don't know.

    Good PC players are scarce, but boy, when you do encounter them it's dreadful. They have to do something in my opinion.

  • @el-dunco Great, so let's try Forza forced crossplay and see how long it takes PC players to ask for a split in platforms.

    Controller - superior in driving games;

    PC - superior in FPS'

  • @sir-saltybeard said in Mouse v Controller:

    @el-dunco Great, so let's try Forza forced crossplay and see how long it takes PC players to ask for a split in platforms.

    Controller - superior in driving games;

    PC - superior in FPS'

    the great thing about PCs is that we can use:

    Controllers, (even an Xbox One)
    Guitar Hero/Drum set
    Dance Pads
    VR Headset/Controler

    we are not limited to 1 controller type so I don't think a PC player will ask to split crossplay due to peripheral limitations (spoiler alert! we don't have hardware limitations)

    do you know why we don't complain that we don't have our giant 55" + screens and we can game on our couch? because we can play our PC games on our 55" + TVs and sit on the couch.

    PCs are diverse, PCs are modular, PCs can fit any need you need.

  • @corleththefey I to have played more hours than most in SoT. I had two decent crews leave the game because of the PC advantage in pvp. Everyone I played with on console have left the SoT. After one two many PC gamers solo killed my crew we only check forums for word of a fix these days. No more arguing, just waiting.

  • @squaz05 very true. But for casual gamers who play in their sitting room with friends, it's great.

    Regarding the Forza-idea of mine: a PC player would merely purchase a $60 controller to go toe to toe with console players. We don't have that option. We have to grab a Xim connector from some website on the other side of the globe that only accepts goats heads and cocoa leaves as a method of payment. These devices may also waive warrantees on the console. And, if you do get a Xim adapter you have to convert the sitting room into a mobile office with a desk lol.

    I'm looking forward to how Rare handles this, but they have to do something soon.

  • @captgraykid Aye. Plenty of my friends and clan mates have moved back to Battlefield 1 and 4.

  • I believe the group you're looking to blame is Microsoft. Since the game is in first-person it was already a given that MKB was going to be the superior choice of input device, but it's not Rare's fault that Microsoft decided to not allow native MKB support on Xbox. And Rare shouldn't add arbitrary mechanics that end up nerfing MKB as a choice of input.

  • @CorlethTheFey
    " I " am a PC Player with Keyboard and a Mouse and I am "not" invincible or feel greatly advantaged. I can promise You this.

    I think no matter which Device, PC or Console, SOME People have just incredible Reflexes and Speed - and Control over their Character and are good with controlling the Engine of the Game,

    and these Guys will always be the PRO-PvP'ers, Duelists with Swords and Gun's - and probably Cannoneer's with GOD-like Aim they should get rewarded with a Goldmedal and a Title for.

    You can't help it.
    Sometimes You just get your [Mod Edit] handed to People. ¯\.(ツ)./¯ x'D

  • I'll just put these here, timings taken by another long time forum user!
    No, M+KB doesn't have any advantage at all!!!

    **Special note 2: Both of my test cases are on my wireless network. Average Ping for xbox is unknown and Test Results were taken at about 6-6:30 PM CST
    Average Ping for PC was between 77~120 and Test results were taken at about 8-8:30 PM CST. This stated because "Prime time" could have effected results.

    ***Test results were taking while playing solo unless otherwise noted
    Data taken from 1st generation xbox one:

    Full Turn (360 degrees) (default sensitivity 5)
    Average Time to Turn = 2.432 seconds

    Full Turn (360 degrees) (Max sensitivity 10)
    Average Time to Turn = 1.193 seconds

    1/2 Turn (180 degrees) (default sensitivity 5)
    Average Time to Turn = 1.251 seconds

    1/2 Turn (180 degrees) (Max sensitivity 10)
    Average Time to Turn = 0.751 seconds

    *Death Respawn times (from Death animation, until i can move again in the real world.)
    *Special note: Ferry of the Damed door timer seems to chime at 32-33 seconds after death, and you can move through the door about 35-36 seconds after death.

    Death while docked at an outpost:
    Average Full Respawn time = 1 minute 18.5 seconds

    Death while sailing at sea:
    Average Full Respawn time = 48.75 seconds

    Data taken from my "decent" PC:

    Full Turn (360 degrees)
    *Average Time to Turn = 0.588 seconds

    1/2 Turn (180 degrees)
    *Average Time to Turn = 0.397 seconds

    Death while docked at an outpost:
    *Average Time to full Respawn = 58.75 seconds

    Death while sailing at sea:
    *Average Time to full Respawn = 59 seconds

    Death respawn time while playing with my friend on a duo sloop
    Average Full respawn for me = 1 minute 1 second
    Average Full respawn for friend (whos PC is wired to network) = 48-50 seconds

  • @corleththefey

    Easy, cap spin speed.

    Yeaaa no.
    Have you ever played a PC game? Capped spin speed would feel extremely unnatural.

    Level playing field is coming in the form of mkb support for xbox. Finally, there will be no more excuses and whining about PC players.

  • @nebenkuh
    I think you'll find there will!!
    KB+M support isn't going to solve anything!
    Console players use controllers, they are proficient against other controller users & will probably want to continue using the controller.
    A minority may buy the overpriced KB+M if it ever materialises, but most will continue to use the input device they are used to.
    If kb+m on xbox will solve the issue why don't we already solve it by forcing PC players to use a controller??
    PC players would be up in arms if they had to use an input device that they are not used to, so why is it any different the other way around?
    PC players already have the ability to use a controller, so we don't have to wait for xbox kb+m support & the problem of disparity will be solved, why is that not a better solution?
    Typical hypocritical PC players!

  • @caisterkaos
    "If kb+m on xbox will solve the issue why don't we already solve it by forcing PC players to use a controller??"

    Because that's highly irrational and selfish and almost all PC players would stop playing immediately. Why take away choice and force PC players to use an inferior control sheme, when you could instead give everyone the same choice of input device?

    Typical xbox ba.. ah no, won't get into that today. :)

  • @nebenkuh
    It's no more irrational & selfish than expecting the majority of the playerbase to go out & purchase an overpriced MS licensed KB+M to be able to compete fairly with the minority!!
    As i said, if you have to change input device to something you aren't used to that isn't fair. It works both ways!!

    Xbox players weren't given the choice of whether or not we wanted to play disadvantaged, so why should we care whether or not pc players would like being forced into playing fair!

  • @sir-saltybeard said in Mouse v Controller:

    @squaz05 very true. But for casual gamers who play in their sitting room with friends, it's great.

    Regarding the Forza-idea of mine: a PC player would merely purchase a $60 controller to go toe to toe with console players. We don't have that option. We have to grab a Xim connector from some website on the other side of the globe that only accepts goats heads and cocoa leaves as a method of payment.

    lol First off, thanks for the giggles. Please accept this turtle shell as my gratitude. :o)
    Ok, your first part of what I've quoted, "a PC player would merely purchase..." That's on top of the price of their PC, right?

    I just googled "Xim" and the very first result gave me website where they also list shops where you can purchase this item in American currency as well as UK, JP, NO, CN and FR.

    Here in Australia we could probably let you have one for 3 crocodile teeth, a six pack of snake venom and two leaves of tobacco.

  • @admiral-rrrsole
    XIM & related products are not perfect as they are still confined to the controller speed limitations set within each game.
    So they don't give true KB+M results!!

  • @caisterkaos Ahoy matey. I have very little knowledge of this product so I don't doubt your input.
    I was more so replying to @sir-saltybeard's amusing post.:o)

  • @corleththefey if he was fired... well... he is very good at pvp or you were not moving when they pop up horizon.

  • Also someone said that 14% of all players are actually pc players... if they split servers well... pc sessions would be empty.

  • @szawel123
    PC sessions will be empty!!! What rubbish!
    Each instance is populated by around 24 players.
    14% of 4 million (the apparent amount of players!) is around 560000.
    560000 pc players is hardly empty is it???

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