What happens...

  • When you’re on a Legendary Voyage and the Merchant Voyage expires? Do you still get the Legendary Chest?

  • 9
  • @king-deka Ahoy matey!

    Yes, you do... it's just that the Merchant Alliance quests take some time to expire.

  • Yes, u do, have fun waiting 4 hours for them to expire tho

  • I'm amazed that someone actually tried that, they run for a really long time, unlike the normal merchant voyages. 🤣

  • 12 days around when im not wrong,how long is a day in sot? i would say it takes more than 4 hrs to wait

  • If you're stuck with your MA Voyages because you've lost your crates and you don't wanna wait for the time to pass by, you can find another ship and ask them to produce Crates for you!

    Better yet, offer them some Loot and get their sloop and start a second Athena Voyage!

  • @siriondb thats possible? i can give other crews voyages?

  • @weedstar-deluxe

    No, it isn't possible within the current game mechanics.

    There is a workaround.

    You can ask them for a spot in their ship and then set down your own voyages!

  • @weedstar-deluxe everyday is 24mins, by the time u finish the OOS/GH missions of the mission and figured out u lost a crate or whatever the reason is behind not being able to complete the MA quests you have about a 4hr wait time for the Merchants to expire. Happened to us twice (both times using a random LFG for a 4th person) luckily one time we ran into another boat willing to get crates for us in exchange for a couple skulls

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