What is stopping people from just joining a crew?

  • We have had a Megladon, Gunpowder skeletons and now Statues.

    The Meg required 5 people so theoretically a solo player could just be that 5th man to a galleon crew. The Gunpowder skeletons were more of a blessing then a curse to solo players since they make skeleton encounters more fun and faster solo.

    Now these mermaid statues sometimes require 4 people to slash at them repeatedly to destroy. (yeah I know you can 2 man it but seriously 4 people take a couple of seconds)

    I've been reading posts on the forums of people asking for solo tricks and even demanding rare to change this because they somehow can't do this.

    Here's my question: What's stopping people from joining a Galleon? It's so cildishly easy and the event is structured to you can just do a voyage and you'll come across the statues anyway.

    Aside from that it's so much faster with a crew of 4 then just solo'ing it and you only need 15 Ruby ones to be done with the 4 player ones after that you can just go back to solo.

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  • @hynieth Small correction: It's 15 of each color. Not that it matters in this context...

  • @crimsonraziel Thnx, I corrected it.

  • Sapphire (Blue): 1+ players required.
    Emerald (Green): 2+ players required.
    Ruby (Red): 3+ players required.

    You can solo the red statues with gunpowders, but it's quite tedious and extremely slow.
    Yes, when you've reached 15/15 Ruby Statues, you can basically go back to solo, which is nice.

  • @hynieth I have no idea.

    It boggles the mind and beggars belief.

    Even if you've had a bad experience or two, the vast majority of SoT players are nice people and fun to sail with on a crew. Maybe not so nice to other crews they meet on the waves, but it's unusual to be on a crew that is actively trolling each other (unless you go open, never go open)

  • @emanuel-wynnn said in What is stopping people from just joining a crew?:

    Sapphire (Blue): 1+ players required.
    Emerald (Green): 2+ players required.
    Ruby (Red): 3+ players required.

    You can solo the red statues with gunpowders, but it's quite tedious and extremely slow.
    Yes, when you've reached 15/15 Ruby Statues, you can basically go back to solo, which is nice.

    Two players with swords + bananas do work for ruby statues too. Unless they are very deep down below.

  • @crimsonraziel

    Our experience was that they regenerated too fast inbetween the banana eating?
    Oh well, gotta try that.

  • If you join a soccer team you're supposed to play with the other kids, same applies to Sea of Thieves. It's a team game.

    The good thing is that everybody can learn to work as a team. It's a skill. Therefore I think Rare forcing solos to play with others is the right move in respect of what is best for the game as a whole. A server full of passive solos that just stand still or scuttles if approached is not fun.

    That being said I've noticed the repetitive and boring nature of the mermaid statue event pretty much brings the worst out of people. So I don't think that it's the right event to show people that working in a team is fun.

    So what Rare needs to do is to make the "fun and interesting ways" actually fun and interesting.
    As a hint, if you need to repeat the same gameplay loop over and over for 10 hours and it is never changing then it's not fun nor interesting.

    To get back to the topic's question: I think we could convince many solo players to join a crew and enjoy it IF the events that require teamplay actually focused on teamplay instead of repetitive grinding.

    There needs to be a conflict which can only be resolved if working as a team. And this conflict needs to be dynamic with multiple ways to solve it.

  • @emanuel-wynnn start with 2 and then alternate who goes up for air and who chomps O2 bananas so that there's at least one person hitting it, won't regen then.

  • @boxcar-squidy

    Yeah, i can confirm this. Just finished them with my lad.

  • Simple answer is because no one has to. In spite of Rare promoting this as a team based game most are solo players from what I can tell. Speaking for myself I find more time is wasted just getting everyone on the right track when I'm in a crew and not in a fun way. I find there to be no real incentive to join a crew from practical standpoint as I get things done quicker solo and hardly run into players when I do crew up. Sure you could say "the events are the incentive", but I argue they could fit in the game more organically as opposed to what I think is a bit forced. Needless to say I think events still need work.

  • I've soloed since I started other than when I team up with my one friend. I just don't like the galleon. I like being able to manhandle everything myself. I like meeting people that could have killed me but didn't versus those assigned not to kill me. I like the freedom to do what I want. I like the sloop. I like my way...

    As far as the topic goes...I have no problem teaming up...when it makes sense. Hungering Deep made sense, chairs did not. I haven't messed with statues yet but it already sounds like one that won't interest me in doing the co-op dance. We shall see.

    To clarify I don't want them to tailor the game towards my playstyle. I just ask for doable. Doesn't have to be easy, doesn't have to be logical, just doable. Large scale content like hungering deep makes sense to group up. Small time events I feel should just be for everyone any way with the few co-op legendary commendations.

    I get they want co-op but if this is supposed to be a sandbox they also have to let us breathe and do things our way...even if it doesn't make sense to some.

  • Well, I have a crew that I play with, but there is only one day we can get on at the same time, and only for a few hours that day. The rest of the time I play solo, not necessarily because I am unwilling to play with random players, but because I can usually only grab 20 minutes to an hour to play while my kids nap, and may have to leave at any time if they wake up. I don't consider these conditions conducive to team work, so I don't join a crew. On the other hand while I am opposed to some changes players have proposed, such as larger crew sizes, because they would make the game harder for solo players, I have no issue with having events you have to cooperate to do. In fact, I would argue that the only event like that so far has been the megladon (all the bilge rat adventures have allowed you to get enough doubloons to purchase the limited time objects on your own, so cooperation is NOT required) and it was my favorite so far.

  • @emanuel-wynnn THe trick is with how close you get to the statues. Atm, you’re able to get close enough to the statues to slash them without taking damage from them so all you have to worry about is drowning and your patience ;)

  • @emanuel-wynnn said in What is stopping people from just joining a crew?:

    Sapphire (Blue): 1+ players required.
    Emerald (Green): 2+ players required.
    Ruby (Red): 3+ players required.

    You can solo the red statues with gunpowders, but it's quite tedious and extremely slow.
    Yes, when you've reached 15/15 Ruby Statues, you can basically go back to solo, which is nice.

    Sapphire takes 12 hits with cutlass.

    Emerald takes 50 hits have had no issues doing these solo.

    Ruby 100+ I was lucky and found one not fully submerged, I was hitting it for a good 5 minutes, but it is possible to solo them given the right conditions.

  • @prodigy-burns said in What is stopping people from just joining a crew?:

    In spite of Rare promoting this as a team based game most are solo players from what I can tell.

    Most? Lol not even..

    This kind of "im supposed to be able to play solo" thinking is why despite being told "this makes the game harder" or "get out of your comfort zone and make some friends this is an online, heavily team based game" people still complain and act surprised when the game tries to push them to interact.

  • I sail solo, and prefer this, but for the events i dont mind changing. Got half my ruby ones in open crew, had fun but still prefer solo. I dont mind changing for the sake of the event. I would like to see more people willing to do the same. Personally, ive enjoyed this event for what it is, plus the minor boost for loot in GH.

  • In my many years of gaming, I have spent countless hours randomly matchmaking with all sorts of people. 9 times out of 10, the experience isn't very worthwhile. Quite often I get paired up with people who are either toxic, silent or otherwise unpleasant to play with. As a result, I tend to stick with people I know and am comfortable with. Life is too short to waste time with miserable people, and I'm just anti-social by nature so it's tough for me to find people I'm comfortable with. Granted this is a mentality I developed before Sea of Thieves, however my few times attempting to randomly matchmake have resulted in silent crews who didn't know what they were doing, or people who actually didn't want someone else around. So, I just avoid the awkwardness and either stick with my crew of 1 or 2, or solo it.

    I actually dig the fact you can do this one with just one other crewmate, even if it does take a bit longer. I really wouldn't mind joining another crew to get it done quicker or even lend a hand, but the effort to success ratio has discouraged me from trying much more. I dunno w*f I'm going to do when my crewmate finally does quit the game. Hopefully that never happens.

  • Psychological fears, past experiences, introverted, non social. Take your pick.

  • @aristonsparta said in What is stopping people from just joining a crew?:

    Psychological fears, past experiences, introverted, non social. Take your pick.

    Basically all that and then some.

  • Read around the forum, some of us just like playing solo. I think it "boggles the mind" to have a game marketed as playing one's own way be so constricted by rules on "how its supposed to be played." Yes it is a multiplayer game, which means when I join there will be other players in the server. How I choose to interact with them should be up to me. The issue I have is that most AI threats are being presented as only available to groups of 4 or more, which goes back into complaints of hoping to find an available, and friendly other crews, and finding them early on in the event before most are done and uninterested. As a solo player I agree, the gunpowder event was great for me. For this one I like that I can do this on my own, completely without another crew present. I also like the feel of the event, I was really just sailing from island to island looking around, which fits in well with the bilge rats theme. I don't like that the highest doubloon unlock is reserved for groups of 3 or more, but I'm not threatening to boycott anyone over it. Here's hoping somewhere down the line Rare shows the soloers some love

  • @tre-oni I'm sure you're trying to say something insightful, but you're really not doing a good job of illustrating your point.

  • @prodigy-burns said in What is stopping people from just joining a crew?:

    @tre-oni I'm sure you're trying to say something insightful, but you're really not doing a good job of illustrating your point.

    Then you're just failing to understand it. Idk man.

    Most people play solo? I don't know how anyone comes to that conclusion..

    I also fail to see how people act so surprised when the game specifically tells you sloop doesnt = singleplayer, it =hardmode. Rare themselves continuously try to describe the sloop as tool for getting comfortable with the game and then hopefully confident enough to move on to proper crews as the game is actually built around.

    The events now don't even require to to have to reach out to other crews, now all you have to do is team up with like minded people within single crew to get anything done.. they literally made finishing them already easier.

    At that point, whatever someone's reason for deciding to not even use LFG, or any method of easily connecting with like minded players sharing the same goal, that's on them.

  • Some of us are basically insecure. Solo slooping means we can play without having to have any interaction with anyone. That said, galleons can be fun, tis a shame I need a grog or two for that confidence!

  • @tre-oni said in What is stopping people from just joining a crew?:

    Most people play solo? I don't know how anyone comes to that conclusion..

    It might be right, might not...do you know for sure? I've encountered both almost as often. Would a large portion of players play solo be better than saying most?

    I also fail to see how people act so surprised when the game specifically tells you sloop doesnt = singleplayer, it =hardmode.

    It's designed specially to be able to be used by 1 person. 2 is a bonus. Hardmode? No. Harmode = easily griefed by others. The content might be a bit challenging a times, but hardly hard mode.

    Rare themselves continuously try to describe the sloop as tool for getting comfortable with the game and then hopefully confident enough to move on to proper crews as the game is actually built around.

    I wouldn't say a galleon is a proper crew. Who are you to make that judgement? Certainly allows for a larger crew of people to work together. But the content in the game outside of PVP hardly requires 4 people.

    The events now don't even require to to have to reach out to other crews, now all you have to do is team up with like minded people within single crew to get anything done.. they literally made finishing them already easier.

    Gosh they made an event (if you can call it that) easier...probably because...I dunno feedback...people having problems teaming. That's crazy I know right.

    At that point, whatever someone's reason for deciding to not even use LFG, or any method of easily connecting with like minded players sharing the same goal, that's on them.

    Yup that's open minded. Many people have conditions that prevent them playing with others. Some have handicaps that make playing with others difficult. Some have very busy lives and can't commit to playing with people for hours without going afk alot and getting accused of leveling for free etc.

    I think it's unfair of anyone to judge people because they play solo.

  • @tre-oni Well that's a little more I can respond to.

    "Most people play solo? I don't know how anyone comes to that conclusion.."

    From what I can tell You must've overlooked that part of the quote

    "I also fail to see how people act so surprised when the game specifically tells you sloop doesnt = singleplayer, it =hardmode. Rare themselves continuously try to describe the sloop as tool for getting comfortable with the game and then hopefully confident enough to move on to proper crews as the game is actually built around."

    Debatable and I think I 've given my reasons why well enough. Currently the sloop is described in game as "a small nimble ship which is more fragile" I do think before it had some warning, but I'm sure the term "hard mode" has never been used in game. Also there's a difference between hard and impossible which some of these events have been for solo/duo and even full crews.

    "The events now don't even require to to have to reach out to other crews, now all you have to do is team up with like minded people within single crew to get anything done.. they literally made finishing them already easier."

    Good let's hope they keep improving them for all to enjoy.

    "At that point, whatever someone's reason for deciding to not even use LFG, or any method of easily connecting with like minded players sharing the same goal, that's on them."

    It is, but I don't see how that waives away any right to complain or suggest improvements.

  • I use the discord server and have 10 times out of 10 found people who are at least pleasant to sail with.

    Though, people do need to realize that just because the option to take out a Solo Sloop exists, doesn't make the game any more geared for single players at all. It was always designed around getting a group of friends on a Galleon and sailing the seas together.

  • My thoughts are we may need some better community tools to match players with. Some examples:

    Voice chat only
    Search by language
    Search by activity type

  • @capn-clegg I'm sure you don't need the grog. Galleons are way safer, you have 8 eyes watching your back instead of just 2!

    We're grinding Athena's mostly but have no problem doing other stuff since our group (around 10 or so people) aren't all PLs yet. You should join sometime!

  • @aristonsparta Join the discord or send me a message! We wreck forts, crush events, and focus on levelling (Athena, too!) on the regular!

    You don't have to talk much, if at all, as long as you can shoot straight and turn a sail!

  • Maybe communication.

    Many people dont want or dont have mic.

    Also if you play in xbox text chat is a problem.

    And then the language. It is not easy to find someone who speaks you language.

    Maybe they could add the option of matchmake only people who speaks your language.

  • Nice to see some differing points of view on this, and gladly most people understand that in a game made with co-operation in mind an event like this is something that's logical. And choosing to solo isnt a bad option but that you shouldn't complain about not getting certain things galleon players do get.

    I also read about a lot of you who don't like to be social and only gravitate towards friends.
    I'm the opposite so I get along quickly with lots of people. This is why I've been Guildleader in many an MMO guild and Raidleader in many others, have been head of a large CS beta 5 clan back in the day etc. (yet people IRL always laugh at me when I say I've got leadership qualities, go figure :-P)

    I can totally understand that going into a random crew is daunting. Heck I'd never do it as it stands. Random crews are awefull because you'll never know who has a mic who doesnt and you only need 1 or 2 trolls to ruin your day.

    When I started playing this game I didn't know about discord. I'd always used in-game guild systems up untill now and programmes like Mumble and Teamspeak.
    Discord is an awesome app that's easy to use easy to configure and helps people connect in an easy way.
    If you join a discord you're not forced to do anything, you can use it as you use this forum to talk to people, strike up a text conversation. But it also has voice channels, I always just drop in a "Galleon crew" voice channel on my discord and in no time there's a crew of 4 people there, often even a 5th one there just for laughs.
    I've met people on discord that I'd otherwise wouldn't have met. Some are like some of you guys a bit shut-in, but running with a crew of 4 that communicates and works together made them never go back to solo slooping.

    Sure there's always some rotten apples in social communities, everyone has them. I've had brushes with people who did verry childish things and I've tried to avoid contact with people who are opposites of me, that's normal.

    What I'm trying to say is, try Discord, find a group that speaks to you. A Smaller discord with a group of dedicated people in it's core or a language based discord, maybe even a Huge discord where you won't stand out. But try it, it's a lifechanger.

  • @boxcar-squidy said in What is stopping people from just joining a crew?:

    @hynieth I have no idea.

    It boggles the mind and beggars belief.

    Even if you've had a bad experience or two, the vast majority of SoT players are nice people and fun to sail with on a crew. Maybe not so nice to other crews they meet on the waves, but it's unusual to be on a crew that is actively trolling each other (unless you go open, never go open)

    Had a troll who joined through LFG yesterday. Blew up our barrels costing us all loot on board. On the ferry he waved and left the game.

    Blocked and reported the guy, I don't see why people need to act like this.

  • @mighty-ace123 nor do I, but they do.

    In my experience it's quite rare, but I know it happens.

    I enjoy being on crews with less confident players. When I'm online and in real life I'm confident (to the point of arrogance some might say) and enjoy socializing. So it's nice to try to help bring less social players out of their shell to see what personalities, knowledge and talents are hidden beneath. I see the most important role on the ship (and in my view the entire purpose of the game) as being the social development of a group of people who don't know one another into a functioning and cohesive unit.

    This starts by asking questions and interpreting responses. Show an interest, find out what the common ground is amongst everyone on the crew (all people are driven by the same fundamental needs and emotions) then you can start to build upon this common understanding and establish a state of trust.

    Forming bonds with people is a skill, it can be both learned and practiced, some people are naturally good at it but anyone can learn how to do it. Humans respond in predictable ways to certain stimuli, as much as we are all unique we just aren't all that different from each other when you boil things right down to the most basic level. We are emotional beings, you can manipulate this to your advantage and use people's emotions to form the bonds necessary for group cohesion.

    Humour is a fantastic tool in this regard, but it is best used only once you've established what the common ground of the group is: here's a little tip though, there's a reason that the jokes that they put in xmas c******s are always bad. A bad joke that everyone recognises as a bad joke establishes an element of common ground in the group.

    What people find humerous can be deeply personal though, so stay away from offensive humour as this may divide/alienate, reach for your best Dad jokes, a collective groan is a better measure of group cohesion than one person laughing and two people being politely offended.

    Use of self is also very important here, you need to consciously play upon your own strengths and experience while always being mindful of your ultimate goal. Everything you say and do should be considered and deliberate and intended to foster group cohesion.

    Calculated and intentional development of relationships to achieve a specific goal isn't easy. It's challenging, it can take years to become proficient and no one fully masters it but if you learn how to do it in SoT, you've learned how to do it in real life.

    This aspect of SoT above all else is why I keep playing it, it's good to practice and much like in PvP, each new person brings unique challenges. Well that and I only get to use my powers for good in the real world, whereas in SoT sometimes I also get to use them for evil.

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