Camp Pioneer (sung to Camp Granada), Im sorry Rare

  • Hello Rare and, Hello Micro
    What I found out, I may go PSYCHO
    Pi-o-neer, status missing
    And it cant be for the Players I've been dissing (there-are-none)
    Ive stuck with yinz
    Thru thick and thin
    "Wheres the Content?"??
    Where yinz been!?!
    "We need safe Zone", "Lets all be friendly"
    And "I cant cash in the Campers just wont let me" (next-out-post)
    So I gave Tips, and Tricks to better
    From the "newbie"
    To the "sailor"
    I know Ive received, some "Forum Warnings"
    But that was due to all the haters yelling "BORING!"
    Now Im sorry, that my posts catered
    To the Censors
    And Moderators
    But I loved Thieves, since the ALPHA
    Even more than Darla loved that boy Alfalfa (lil-Ras-cals)
    Taaaake me back, oh Rare and Micro
    Taaaake me back, I miss the Pio
    Neer Program
    That's where I met the Par-rotheads
    My Sea of Thie-eves Fam
    ( Id go on, after 8+ hours of sailing after I found out my Pioneer status didn't carry over, this is all I sung in my head all night lol)
    IM SORRY ssoorrrrrrry, please take me back baby, please. d;^J

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  • @capt-poky-ph lol. I can't say I've ever seen such a post but I love it. Hope Rare accepts your apology. Sounds like you genuinely want to work things out

  • It sounds like someone broke the NDA...

  • @capt-poky-ph they have moved on....pretty sure they were 'seeing others' all the time :D

  • @mad-jack-ketch Deff NOT....have I come close, according to them, once I was boarder line (by giving % on my...MY opinion lol) And actually I didn't do anything, just didn't get chosen for "new" Pioneers. I assumed (NEVER assume, as they say, it just makes an _____ of U and ME lol) that Pioneers from ALPHA got "free entry" so to say into next round. ALOT of my old Pioneer friends didn't make this round too, I was just tryin to COMIC my way back in lol. Like I said, just figured "Once a Pioneer, always a Pioneer" and theyd pick new Sailors to go with us old sea dogs....I was wrong lol.

  • @capt-poky-ph
    I am sorry, for you my friend
    But the Alpha, has passed it's end
    About your rhyming, although it's great
    It has come a beta and a game launch way too late.

    I am sure that, you have read
    What triheaded-monkey said
    Rare have moved on, so should you
    There are plenty of fish in the sea of blue.

    Don't feel bad, it wasn't you
    We understand, your heart was true
    But my friend, it's time to yield
    Rare are still out there now playing the whole field.

  • @admiral-rrrsole
    Hello Admiral, 3 R Sole
    ALPHA's done yes,Truth be told
    But a Session, of Pioneer
    "May or may not" be hap'ning right now I do fear (lol)

    And I do love, doing Testing
    Finding Glitches, is entertaining
    See that rock way, over yonder
    "Why wouldn't you try to climb it?" I would ponder

    Helping Rare out, was an Honor
    Find a Bug and, make it a Goner
    Testing Solo, Id always fall
    Buuut that all changed once I met @Bern-Dimall

    Killing Testing,Testing Killing
    Stealing loot, is fulfilling
    Laying waste to, anything that floats
    "HEY! They said no Sloops man, didn't you read the Patch Notes?!?"

    Thanks so kindly, fun reply
    I do enjoy this, I cant deny
    Thanks for Playing, whats he Won
    Its the "Sea of Thieves Home Version", have some fun

  • @capt-poky-ph
    Captain Poky, I feel your pain
    All that time spent, now down the drain
    But holding onto, what doesn't remain
    It is destined to send you quite insane.

    Does that rock, have a throne
    Something you could, call your own
    Or are you speaking, off the cuff
    Better man the life rafts the seas are getting rough.

    You are welcome, I've had fun
    But I guess that, now we're done
    Until next time, I bid adieu
    Hoping everything turns out well for you. :o)

  • Those last 3 messages were a blast to read LoL

  • @simplybutta
    Thank you kindly, my good sir
    I hope that others, will concur
    We tried hard, to keep it afloat
    Glad you liked it so much now please give them an up vote. :o)

  • @admiral-rrrsole
    Youre very welcome, upvote done
    And tho our time, has just begun
    Im so sorry, i gotta goes
    Cuz my girl just finished makin a bunch of tacos 🌮

  • @simplybutta
    Farewell it's been, short 'n' sweet
    As all pirates, you've got to eat
    But the Admiral, is old and knows
    So see you after you paint the nails of her toes. :o)

  • We all know @SimplyButta is
    He paints her toes for the food
    She cooks
    Once he's finished with her toes
    He paints his own
    Then dawns the Bilge Rat dress
    As he sits on a throne
    His legs are hairy
    So is his chest
    Both of these features
    That @Admiral-RRRSole
    Loves best😀
    The two of them together
    Is a sight to behold
    Two cross dressing pirates
    Without any gold
    Meanwhile Bern sails
    Without any crew
    The Pioneer seas
    Once red are now blue
    Pokey is missin
    Swanny is too
    Bacon made it
    Murph thinks he got screwed
    Irbtr missed the ship
    @Bradbte 360's crime?
    He's an Aussie!
    Bern wants to know
    Where the hell is his posse?!!!!
    Let's submit a bug to RARE
    For Bern's lost all his mates
    The Pioneer seas are blue
    Now Ol' Bern is irate!
    In protest he sails
    Alone on a galley
    Owning the seas
    Like a cat in an alley
    He hides in the shadows
    Sniping his foes
    Until his wife calls him
    To paint all of her toes😀

    👲👲Pokey I hope you & the guys make it in soon! Love testing with you guys!👲👲

  • ..….alls Im gonna say is Thank you d;^J

  • The Parrotheads are the true pirate chantiers of the Sea , Rare should invite a few of your best singers in the live stream and should record thy voices ....when a few of you sing together , then it really brings spirit over the Sea surface...

  • @admiral-rrrsole A chest of sorrows just sunk my sloop because I was distracted and getting spun out by this thread. FeelsbadMan

  • @capt-poky-ph Please don't resurrect old threads, it is against the forum rules. This thread will now be locked.

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