Gunpowder Plot issues

  • I have been attempting to complete all of the Gunpowder Skeleton Commendations since day 1. Our first attempt at the gunpowder plot gave us a small number of points towards the Legendary Commendation. How ever... I have done 3 more skeleton forts since then, and I am getting nothing. I currently have 4 points in it, but shouls have near 15 by this point. I have these instances recorded if proof is needed. Help please, I really don't wanna miss out on this. My crew man who has been helping me is also being screwed over by this...

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  • So I think the points go to the crew that gets the kills you need to switch back and forth because the person who gets the kill gets the points but I could be wrong I haven’t done the legendary yet I just finished the regular challenges

  • @otherfanboy I did 13 or 14 of mine by hiding in a tower while another crew wiped them out. I didnt fire a shot.

  • @archangel-timmy well guess was wrong lol tho it I just figured if their not in your crew they don’t earn point for kill you make but if that’s not the case then it maybe they just didn’t get the proper number of skeletons at once

  • Im not a legendary but I too have been working on my individual skeleton powder commendations today. i killed the correct number of plant skeles ,twice, with the gunpowder skelly, and i killed a couple batches of bone skellys with a powder keg skelly. I only received one commendation. I did run around the islands to make sure i round up the correct amount (3 +the kegger). I havent seen the other commendations today and its been an hour. Does it sometimes take time to receive the commendation? The skeleton throne commendations happened pretty quickly. I also captured video of my fights.

  • Same here my crew member and I have tried this over 5 different times and cannot get the number to change. We have finished all the other accommodations but this one. Just sucks.

  • @archangel-timmy I got most of mine by a similar method, except we had a galleon crew that left one person in a tower while the other crew did the work. All 4 of us in my crew got credit while we were all off grinding order of souls missions.

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