What a way to end a night of voyaging!

  • So I was just on my merry way doing my last merchant voyage for the night until everyone's friendly neighbourhood shark came to say hello!

    Here's the video link for if ya wanna check it out: Friendliest Megalodon

    It was fun to see Meg up so close and just nuzzling my lil sloop~ I tried giving her a chicken but that didn't seem to appetize her much. She also didn't like me trying to get a ride on her back and left shortly after. Oh well, until we meet again, Meg! And the next time we meet she'll probably swallow my whole ship with me included, Yaharrrgh!!

    I raise meh grog ta ye and have a nice day further~

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  • Awww... it looks like you got a broken meg! Out of the 5 that I have encountered they always turn back and swim away when we get the island name notification. I wonder what causes them to continue to follow others to islands.

  • @yobri-the-prinn Maybe it was the same Meg I saw yesterday. She was right at the stern of our sloop and followed us from Plunder Valley to Lone Cove like she was pushing us forward. Or she checked our map out, I don't know. As we arrived at Lone Cove and set anchor she decided to fly away.

  • the first friendly meg I've ever seen.

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