Suggestions for new items

  • I would ultimately love to see the fiddle make an appearance. I know it was talked about in one of the updates I don't know why it was cut from the game, but it would be a good instrument to have. Maybe add a d-pad switcher so you can switch from the hurdy-gurdy to the fiddle. Also new skins for speaking trumpets and drums... they don't quite fit my sovereign theme. I would love to see the black dog, ferry man and mercenary packs available for everyone or have weekly events that give away past limited edition items, like e.g. the day one eyepatch or launch crew eye of reach. Also, customizable cannons.

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  • There is going to be different-looking skins for the instruments mentioned here once THD comes to an end. This was mentioned (I believe) in one of the note updates (I can’t recall which, though) previously.

    The current skins for the trumpet and drum are THD themed and limited time, thus making them limited edition items almost like the Day One Eyepatch or Launch Crew rifle.

  • @will4331 I have the launch crew rifle, and I saw the day one eyepatch in stores but didn't have enough gold for it and didn't know it was limited edition at the time. I also didn't think back then that en eyepatch with a giant 1 would fit my character so I never got it. Jumped on the eye of reach tho!

  • @hrubixcube I bought both for the sake of having them as keepsakes, but I haven’t equipped any eyepatches nor do I use the Eye of Reach too often, so I can’t say the purchases were my best moves (even though the pricing was dirt cheap). ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • @hrubixcube I just want a battle horn in order to make it sound every time I go into battle against another ship, you know? Like the sound a wave makes every time it starts at a fort?

  • @will4331 really? I use the launch crew eye of reach quite often. Maybe it's me, but i feel the zoom on it is better by default than a regular eye of reach and it does wonders for my aiming.

  • @carlosylu yeah that'd be cool. But I would also love to see a ship where you can get those wild looking cannons like the ferry of the damned has.

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