Rouge Pirate Legends

  • Played for 2 hours grinding OOS 45+ last night with 3 randoms (one of which was a Legend). The Legend guy said that the reason why he still wanted to do OOS was for an accommodation. No biggie. Everything was cool for the two hours we played - everyone was getting along, we were getting great loot, and just finishing up on Crooked Masts when we noticed the Legend had left the party. He was still in game though, so we tried to type to him to ask if he needed a re-invite, but he never responded nor came back to the party chat. He was still running around the boat though and adjusting the sails, so the other 3 of us continued finishing the island.

    It just so happened that the Crooked Masts was our last stop anyways, so we were headed straight over the the Outpost to cash in. During the 4 minute ride over, the Legend randomly dropped from the game. We tried to message him via Xbox app to see if we needed to wait for him, but no response. We then got a random message in a bottle and the mission was for 4 more skulls on an island that was directly in front of us. We stopped to get that, but when we went to put the skulls with the other 35+ skulls from the last 2 hours, we noticed that everything was gone.

    Basically, this Legend, and for no other apparent reason than to just be a griefing A$$hole to his own team because he's a Legend and has nothing better to do, sailed with us for 2 hours (stringing us along) to toss everything overboard and then leave the game.

    We spent 15 minutes re-tracing the steps to rule out all possibilities including the following:

    • Verified that all 35+ skulls were still present from the previous island before arriving at the Crooked Masts.
    • Nobody joined our party/game during the time in which he had left.
    • We all knew that even though the Legend had left the party that he never left the boat to hide anything on the island. With 35+ skulls, it would have taken him at least 5-10 minutes to move all of that on his own and we weren't at the Crooked Masts for that long.
    • Searched the entire ship in all known secret spots (wall glitches, underneath other loot items, sails, etc...). Also the skulls glow so if in any obvious spot you would have seen the glow.
    • Left one Seafarer's Chest on the boat at the end of the voyage and then scuttled the ship until we saw the chest spawn in the water to verify that any other unkown wall glitch spots weren't used, but the only item in the water after the scuttle was the Seafarer's chest.
    • No point in going back to the Crooked masts to look in the water (the only place he could have dumped it all) because too much time had elapsed and it would have despawned.

    So yeah, I will no longer be playing this game with other Pirate Legends as a level 45 across the board. There is too much risk playing with Legends who don't care about you leveling up and/or loosing a bunch of non-Athena voyage/loot because it doesn't help them progress (they never have anything to lose). I am not saying all Legend's are like this guy, but burn me once sham on you, burn me twice, shame on me. I'll limit my risk/exposure to this kind of toxicity by just not playing with Legends anymore unless we are doing an Athena.

    I usually end my posts by saying "Stay Salty", but I think that goes without saying here. This guy was also reported by all 3 of us for malicious behavior/intent.

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  • @sexyjeep Dannnnngggg

  • MAAAAAAAN thats rough.... People like that should have the title stripped from them and forced to start at the beginning. Not fair? Tough.... smarten up and play like an adult and not a troll baby. Sorry for your loss dude.

  • That's super grimy

  • Those red pirates can be really annoying.

    Next they'll be applying lipstick and eye liner too. ;D

  • @sexyjeep that is awful. i had a bad experience with a legend. LIKE YOU NOT SAYING ALL LEGENDS ARE BAD LOL.

    it was me and a random guy with a legend and his friend. They were in party chat together and communicated to us with nonverbal some reason. we did a bunch of missions on an athena voyage. had like three left and started getting attacked by several ships. we literally had 3 planks left and the guy refused to drop off at an outpost. we did got clear of the ships as they started to fight each other and this fool went to do another map sailing right by an outpost and hogging the helm so we couldnt do the right thing. whatever ship won the battle behind us came and killed us haha. we lost it all. probably 20k worth of stuff. me and the guy jumped off with a villianous skull each so we got about 2k from it but damn what a waste.

  • @sexyjeep It's a mistake to write-off playing with others based on the actions of one individual.

  • @foxdodge I believe what OP was saying was that, they won't be playing with a legend UNLESS it's an Athena's voyage. Which I can completely understand. If they aren't doing an Athena's, then they are probably going to troll since as it stands right now there isn't much else for a legend to do.

  • @foxdodge I agree, but the burn of such an event.. . its hard not to be mad haha at least for a little while. My only advice would be why have 35+ skulls on board. drop off every 15 or 20 and the loss isnt so bad haha. surely you passed a few outposts on the way. at the very least jump off as you pass by to drop the villian skulls and mermaid back on board. would be a better solution than leaving any games you find out contain a legend player.

  • @warspyder I got that, but I thought I'd point out that we are not legion.

  • @foxdodge
    As I already said in my post - I am sure not all Legends are like that, and I know because I played with a Legend two nights ago who wanted to do the same thing, but only with GH and everything was fine with him. However, to me it's not worth the risk of wasting what little time I already have to play the game to have this happen again. It's all about calculated risk, which is why we already have the following "create game" #hashtags:

    • No newbies
    • No squeakers
    • 40+ only
    • Adults only
    • Experienced players only
      ...and now, all I am doing is saying to add "NO LEGENDS" to the list. How is that any different than people discriminating against 40's or below, squeakers, or any of the other many #hashtags that are out there? really?

    All I am suggesting is that players consider this because it's more likely (probability/statistically) to happen in this same scenario then without a Legend on-board when not doing an Athena.

  • @sexyjeep fair enough, bottom line is its your gameplay so play with who you want.

  • It's a pirate game. If you want to be bad, you can be bad. Isn't that the generally accepted excuse for everything here?

    However, I will never understand (or feel sorry for) players that just hoard treasure upon treasure and never cash them in, only to be surprised if they are griefed. That's just asking for trouble.

  • @foxdodge said in Rouge Pirate Legends:

    @sexyjeep It's a mistake to write-off playing with others based on the actions of one individual.

    No, in this game it's a mistake to trust anyone.

  • @sexyjeep The mistake is to categorize legends as the offending party, when it was the action of one. I've got some bad news for you, this happens all the time by people who are not pirate legend. There's no safeguarding against it, but there's also no need to assign blame where it isn't rightly deserved.

  • Only takes one guy with the title to ruin the reputation of the rest. My buddies just brig legends because most are idiots anyways.

  • @sexyjeep Real d**k move. PM me the name

  • @sexyjeep
    Wouldn't this fall in Article 7 of the Pirate code?

    1. Those Who Cheat Shall Be Punished

    Pirates who show bad form and cheat their crew or others shall surely face bitter hardships and punishments.

    It's no cheating with any outside tools but it's definitely bad form which caused him to cheat his crew out of some treasure. I guess this falls more in the trolling/griefing territory though.

  • @x1-two
    You are correct, as Article 5 points out in the SoT Pirate Code.

    Regardless, this is why i'll simply further limit my risk by not playing with Legend's unless doing an Athena voyage. It's as simple as that. If I get griefed by my own team after that, then it comes down to luck and/or learning to socially judge better and just being more aware of my surroundings. All of which are things gained in time.

  • @fishst1ck
    Yeah, but Article 5 covers the Non-Cheat aspect of things. We still reported him, but I doubt anything will be done about it due to Article 5. O-well, live and learn, at least it was only 2 hours worth of loot, but i'll definitely be changing how I invite/play for these last 5 levels in each faction.

  • People are jerks. Plus I have noticed a recent increase of multiple people on multiple ships/crews who are clearly communicating and coordinating to gain some type of arsshattery advantage.

  • @sexyjeep said in Rouge Pirate Legends:

    Yeah, but Article 5 covers the Non-Cheat aspect of things. We still reported him, but I doubt anything will be done about it due to Article 5. O-well, live and learn, at least it was only 2 hours worth of loot, but i'll definitely be changing how I invite/play for these last 5 levels in each faction.

    I guess it won't help you indeed, but maybe if Rare receives several complaints about the same person this can be prevented from happening for his future crews.

    Playing with random people is always a game of chance, but I've had far more good experiences than bad. I don't think you can actually point out specific groups as showing bad behaviour more often though. However it's your choice who you want to share the other 3 spots with, so pick and chose however you want. There's never a guarantee though :)

  • @themuckypaw said in Rouge Pirate Legends:

    Those red pirates can be really annoying.

    Next they'll be applying lipstick and eye liner too. ;D

    I came into this thread just to make sure someone made a comment like this.

  • If you look around the forum, you'll see just as many or more stories about legend pirates who helped out other players, gave loot for free, or other things like that. Obviously in your case the guy was a tool, but that has nothing to do with him being legend. There are a ton of legends in the game now, and more people getting to it every day, so trying to say you won't play with them is really limiting yourself, not to mention it's unenforceable, since all they have to do is unequip the legend title, and you won't know the difference.

    A better plan would be to just watch people better. If they aren't in chat, start doing weird stuff, or aren't helping, put them in the brig or something. If I had a crewmate who had been talking normally, and suddenly dropped out of chat and quit responding, I would 100% keep my eye on them, and likely put them in the brig. Saying "legends are risky" because a few people are jerks is pretty silly.

    What if I said "everyone who wears the admiral coat is a griefer", because one person wearing it did something obnoxious?

  • That sucks dude seriously, had experiences like this myself whilst playing and couldn't quite get why someone would get a kick from someone elses misery....but i guess its the way of the world, its full of (insert your own expletive).

    You shouldnt tar all legends with the same brush tho mate as its not restricted to us that have 'nothing else to do' as you put it. I myself when playing if not hitting up legendarys join random crews, just to meet new people/help them out as my usual crew is not always on.

    Those that play/grief the way this guy has will soon find SoT a very lonely place to sail....after all its meant to be a social gaming experience.

  • lol, everyone keeps saying that it's silly, not right, misjudged, (insert your fancy word here) etc... to say that Legend's are a risk in these scenario's. Yet, I can say with near 100% certainty that all these same people also join and/or create server posts that are "Adult Only", "No Squeakers", levels 40+ only, etc... to filter what they consider to be best because anything less would be counterproductive based on their own experience or statistics.

    If you're going to make a defensive comment regarding how judging/filtering Legends in these scenarios is flawed, then I expect you to only create and join crews that welcome everyone, otherwise you are just as guilty of the same.

  • @sexyjeep
    Terrible story. But you gotta admire the legends dedication to trolling.

  • @sexyjeep
    That's so unfortunate.... Sorry you did experience that. But my question goes to : why don't you guys go to the outpost regularly?! And why don't you check your stuff regularly??

    That's what seems to me the most restless thing to do specially when playing with randoms...

  • Every single "legend" I have sailed with has been an AFK leech. Every. Single. One.

  • @sexyjeep I'll tell you a tip I ALWAYS do, I hide treasure and don't tell the crew where it is until we get to an outpost. Get to the crow's nest, jump to the sails and drop the loot ON THE SAIL'S WOOD, nobody ever notices where it is, I really don't know why... I've been boarded in a solo sloop and the crew who boarded started shouting "they have no loot, lets just leave" whyle I had captain's chests (other tipes too) on the sails, and yes, they checked the crow's nest and didn't notice the chests on the sail's ends.

  • @nunoazuldimeter
    40 of any loot amount in this game is a pretty good average if you ask me. Four people with 3 OOS voyages each, with an average of 3 Captain's per isalnd x3 island's per every level 45+ voyage's = 108 skulls if everyone burns their voyages before you outpost, which is what most crews do as a good check-in point. We had just over 35 skulls, so that's not a whole lot for players of our caliber.

    Regarding checking our stuff regularly, I mean, what are you going for here? I think everyone checks their loot after and during any combat or when bringing loot back to the boat after each voyage because you're right there. However, checking loot after you've been at an island with no other ships around for less than 5 minutes - only in anticipation that your own crew member (who was an awesome contributor the whole time to your team) might suddenly turn and finger your bootyhole... Seriously? So the next time you sail on a Galleon I expect that you will always leave two people on the boat at all times then, because the one person left to guard the ship could go rouge and dump all your loot while you're out fighting the skellies. Where are you going to draw the line?

  • @sexyjeep I draw the line at randos. Rather solo than sail with randoms anymore. Use ta could sink gallies solo, but now we have sharkocalypse so bombing is a lot more dangerous.

  • Before and after reaching Legend I have one real rule I stick by:

    Don't grief one's own crew ;)

  • @sexyjeep " your caliber"?! What do you mean?!
    You're playing with randoms.. you have no long connection with them.
    That's what the caliber in this game mean. You can rest assured if you're playing with friends, and knowing you can carry much.
    The caliber you're referring to just made you lost more valuable items...

    Playing with randoms it's almost the same of playing solo but relying with other 3 players if they aren't doing anything wrong.

    What was exactly the case.. you lost everything because you didn't go regularly to the outpost and didn't check out your stuff..

    Just to let you know. I check my stuff regularly, I go to the Outposts after 1, 2 at Max maps to make sure I don't loss things.
    Playing alone or with other people.
    I protect myself and protect the wealth of my mates. I'm not trying no world record thing.. I want to.make sure the effort we make is for us not others to ruin.
    Plus, I hate to turn in stuff... So the less I carry with me the less I need to turn in..

  • Yeah, thankfully their not all like that. Played with a legend the other night and the dude couldn't have been cooler. Sry to hear about that experience.

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