Fleet building

  • I think it would be a great idea to be able to gather a larg group from your friend list and be able to join the Same server. Like you already have 4 for a galleon but what if your friends could get another galleon and be able to select the same server that your on.

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  • @starmaker3 As much as I would LOVE for this to happen I dont see it happening unless they increase the server instanse capacities :(

  • @starmaker3 This was recently posted about earlier today. I just don't think this would be a good idea at all for this game. This would make it too easy for multiple galleons to team up and basically run the whole server. Now if you're able to make friends with another crew on a galleon, and you guys decide you want to play nice for a while, that's one thing. But purposely adding the ability to join a server with multiple coordinated galleons right off the bat isn't a great idea, imo.

  • I'd love that too but I'll be the first to admit it's even more unfair to others.

    Right now when you're on a server the people who work together often have an uneasy alliance. If we were able to form armada's from the get go groups would be sinking people left and right because it's 2v1 all the time.

    Now to find a way to get a fleet deathmatch in the game that would be great :-P

  • @starmaker3 This would [self edited before mod does] up the entire game at it's current state.
    There is no content for it and everyone who happens not to be part of the fleet will be in a serious disadvantage right off the bat. And I can already see the solo sloop vs fleet threads.

    If they want to introduce fleets they have to change the game a lot or introduce a new game mode.

  • That cant happen, what happen if you invite lot of friend and have all session for you ? No ennemi players, you got all fort :/ it’s same at solo session, pve session or other :/

    Iam ok with that but you can only invite 2 people and have 2 sloop. (2 sloop of 2 people are same than 1 galleon of 4 people)

  • @crimsonraziel I agree about a new "fleet game mode." In my eyes, that would be the only way this would work. Essentially have 3 v 3 or 4 v 4 teams in the server at once. Even then though, I don't think that's the direction Rare wants to take the game, which I can understand, as it would be essentially splitting the player base into different game modes.

  • What you’re asking is like meeting someone in no man’s sky lol

  • @daddy-sanctus I wouldn't advocate any of these ideas too.

  • @daddy-sanctus I agree. It's a terrible idea and will be unfair. That's why I'm excited for the Man o war for extended crews!

  • @phillyreid Yes I agree and my game crashed when me and a friend gathered 4 galleons in one place

  • I did not think about all these points and I agree that while it would be advantageous to the two ships it would cause a lot of issus for all the others

  • @drgiggles42069 To be honest, I'm hoping that they don't ever have a Man o War with a crew larger than 4. I feel having crews extending beyond 4 would slowly increase the difference in power and begin to shift the game into something that isn't nearly as balanced as it currently is. While a 1 crew sloop vs a 4 crew galleon at least stands a chance, a 1 crew sloop vs a 6 crew Man o War is a different story. If one ship is able to send 2-3 members consistently to board while still maintaining repairs / control of the ship / firepower, the balance of the game will suffer.

    I could see them adding in a different type of ship other than a galleon that also allows for crews of 4, but not necessarily larger crews.

  • this is why many of us have been hoping either to change the galleon to a 6-8 man ship or add a larger ship. (when I say 6-8 I mean up to...like they are doing now from 1 through the highest number they allow. I am really liking being able to start on a Galleon with 1 or 2 on a closed crew until the rest are ready to join. Thank you Rare!!

  • I love this idea and want it more than anything
    I have way more than three friends, as it is I have to appear offline and play with a select few
    Can it exploited? I'unno, can it? Let's say you get five galleons (the most I've ever seen at once) of people together on one server and you go with the express purpose of doing the raid. Is it easier? Oh hell yeah, but when the door opens, what happens? Only one crew with a max of four people can get credit for a Skull Fort or you divide the max (I've seen) of 16k among five crews.
    And I'm going to go ahead and say right now that it'd be even funnier to betray or fight to the death with people I know and love and a thousand times less frustrating to be killed or sank by them
    There's no guarantee they'd you'd even see them, who knows where everyone's Voyages would take them since you, again, can only share the Voyage and reward with your ship of four, but chance encounters and interactions would be even more dynamic and interesting vs the current "There's someone else here, I have to kill them or run"
    You'd seek out the other ships more readily
    You could compete more openly with certain things
    Multiple ship races or large naval battles where retreat or cheating actually carries a social price as opposed to the fact that people are playing with total strangers they'll never have to see again or answer to and it turns them into giant d-bags.
    "Two galleons have teamed up and are ravaging the seas". You mean an even greater incentive for you to attempt to contact and work with other ships to stop this new menace? That's the whole point of the Hungering Deep, and it could be entirely player driven this way
    The only drawback overall is that you would meet less people outside of your circle of friends. That's honestly not a small problem
    But if a community of 20 people want to get together and play a game, they should totally be allowed to do so
    It would just be a matter of server hardware and programming. Time and money. But god(s) do I want this

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