Just had an epic voyage with some random people

  • I had to share it has been some of the most fun I've had in the game. We got radomly matched and we went on a five island quest everything was calmed until we saw a skeleton fort so we decide to take it on. We had 300 Canon balls 100 bananas and 100 wood planks. Everything is going well when two galleons show up we all load the loot in then we go off to fight them sinking them both after a long and well fought battle. At this point t we are sailing back to the Outpost when a sloope shows up we manage to take them down as well by me jumping from the crows nest into their boat with a powder barrel in my hands I slowed then up. But one of their guys is in the water climing onto our boat I'm in the water fighting a shark when all of the students the water goes black... Next thing I know the guy from the boat we sunk in on our Cannon with my crew fighting the kraken. Along side all of us ( 3 of us including me) things went South fast at this point we are low in Cannon balls and bananas. So we fought off the kraken with swords and guns. The guy did so well we decided to give him a strong hold chest ones we got to Port. And we still made a 30,000 gold pay out, and a great tail.

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  • Not to bad for a random crew. Nice!

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