The explosive barrel should not be able to damage ships from underwater

  • Bringing an explosive barrel to a Shipfight seems okay. But please let us bring them properly everyone and respect how physics work.

    An explosion is not a ball of fire in its deepest core.
    It is a shockwave of force which is pushing outwards and in all directions if possible.
    As proofen by science an explosive of the same kind is much stronger in a confined space as it is out in the open or "with more ways to escape".
    Also Water has a higher density as air and is weakening explosions additionally.

    My point is, that if you want to sink an enemy Ship in Sea of Thieves, via an explosive Barrel like some kind of B****s, please do it just as in the first Movie of the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' Series.
    The one in which Barbossa has send his two Undead Crewmen two blow up an unwanted Ship FROM INSIDE and not from... Underwater, as they could have actually tried to do.

    Once again, high risk and high reward.
    May it be so that an explosive barrel can blow away at least 2/3's of an Galleons lowest deck full of holes, if that is not the case already.
    But from Underwater and with such little defense to fight through? LAAAAAAAAAME !!

    Please nerf the inflicted damage to the ships from Underwater into the deepest depths dear Envelopers.
    I beg you so much I cannot even put it in words. Only if it is not too much of a hassle.

    And if the shipladders that we can hoist up make it in the game, this would be a nice challenge for all this adrenaline seekers out there.
    Allthough I imagine it to be more attractive for many people to just grab the steering wheel and try to ram the enemy Ship into some hopefully nearby "objects".

    But those Ninja-highdmg Suicidebombers? I am not impressed.
    And maybe the respawn for killing yourself with the Barrel should be doubled.
    At least survive man! Be immersive!
    We must not just play to win. Why not also play in order to look cool?!

    I am not a Barrel-carrier type and I have seen many Crews ( on YouTube, lol ) wiped out on Deck just by having an explosive Barrel unluckily placed nearby.
    In a regular Shipbattle also. One that could have went on much longer as it did thanks to that.

    But smuggling a bomb in and inflicting major damage to an enemy team? Hell why not?
    All that I wish for myself is that we can do this in Style.
    Not as the ever "lame PvP Progamers".

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  • @schelmflosse300 Are you sure we're talking about the same physics here? Like physics that function on earth? Because an underwater explosion definitely would damage the hull of a 15-17th century wooden ship. Hell, they would damage the hull of a modern steel ship. Why do you think Germany filled the Baltic sea with mines during WW2? Even to this day undetonated mines are a hazard to modern boats. 5 seconds of google searching should save you rants about real-world physics.

  • Hmmmmh okay maybe you are right.
    Alltough this "primitive gunpowder" barrels and WW2 technology stuff is not something I would compare which each other. :)

    Ahhh, a pity. That means we will see this "Pirat hu Ackbar" players regularly.
    Means I can just hope they won't try it and play with more style.

  • First of all they change it so if someone kamikaze himself from under water he blow himself up also if someones end up sneaking under your boat and drop a explosive barrel who then hit the haul and do some holes then its a legitimate and very nice tactics and should be here to stay ...

    There is nothing wrong in it ... also blowing the explosive barrel from inside the ship cause more damage than just blowing it from under water

    I blow up barels from under water by strategically placing them And i never suicide myself while doing so i have addapt to the change they made to under water damage ... so they are like timed bomb or i put them at the last momment in front of the ennemy ship and act as " water mine " and should be here to stay ...

    Its the way it should be and actually create some ellement of suprise you should be looking for if not then you pay the price if it happen

  • Physics! Physics you say sir! This game lets you swim with a box of 50 cannon balls in your hands haha!

  • @xxxrookxxx and replaces oxygen with bananas!

  • @xxxrookxxx And another 10 in your pockets... Without bulges. Not to mention the planks and bananas... Oh and the weapons.
    Edit: Almost forgot all the tools.

  • If you are not vigilant, you will pay the iron price.

    I can't wait until the other warfare types come into play.

  • as annoying as it is, it should stay, blowing up a barrel underwater is great, especially stealthy since it reduces sound significantly, on-top of this shrapnel is a think considering it is encased by wood and cast iron.

    It may be a pain but its a viable tactic

  • @a-trusty-mango TL;DR, in the revolutionary war, this guy pretty much filled vessels with gunpowder to make early, rudimentary mines. So in real life, someone has tried this with a small degree of success.

    The "Jacobi mine" example was the equivalent to 14kg black powder, so not to far off to say the sea of thieves gunpowder barrel could carry at least 14kg, assuming one could create conditions to ignite it. No recorded verified "sinkings" due to these, but apparently they were serious enough to discourage British ships from getting too close. And to disagree with your "big wave" theory: Granted the mythbusters were using much more equivalent kilotons gunpowder, however they were deliberately trying to use a "slower" explosion to deliberately create a wave without destroying the boat. As you can see by the missing boat at the end, they were unsuccessful. Funny enough, this other test from mythbusters shows that because of the properties of water it actually makes water a better conductor of shockwaves generated by an explosion, potentially doing more damage than a surface or air-based explosion of the same kiloton-force And yes, what other people mentioned about healing yourself with bananas and carrying a 50-cannonball crate can be taken into consideration here. Of course, you could call discovery and have them re-instate the mythbusters series to try to detonate the assumed kiloton-equivalent of the SoT gunpowder barrel against a wooden hull to see what happens.

    I have too much free time in my life.

  • Drivel. Just stop.

    Ever heard of depth charges? Small(ish) canisters dropped in grids at various depths and timers to pummel submarines... small explosion, big damage.

    Please just stop rambling. I had an aneurysm just trying to wade through all the nonsense.

    Please just stop.

  • Calm yourself. It’s a relative comparison to modern weapons. It’s also a cartoony game we’re in... not looking for a history lesson here.

    Barrels to damage. Deal with it.

    Mic drop

  • @SchelmFlosse300 @A-Trusty-Mango

    It's a pirate fantasy video game, bud.

    We fight skeletons, shoot ourselves out of cannons, use bananas to heal life threatening wounds and prevent suffocation, and transport back to our ships via magical mermaids, but you're going to go on about the logistics of igniting a powder keg under water putting holes in a pirate ship?

    Quit arguing realism for a fantasy game. It's the most pointless and fruitless endeavor anyone could pursue.

  • @schelmflosse300 Just google how a modern torpedo works, the thing blows up under the ship. It does not try to penetrate the ship to cause damage but basically breaks the ship in half, the explosive power of a barrel of gunpowder i do not know but it would definitely cause significant damage.

    In case you were wondering how a torpedo aka explosive barrel works on a modern ship :

  • @a-trusty-mango Of course it is, i am just demonstrating the principle of how effective blowing something up under a ship is. This is a game after all with cartoon y effects so cant compare it to much more than how far you can stretch the imagination.

    I use these barrels almost every day fighting other ships, both outside and inside (if people are dumb enough not to watch for it) . If you simply pay attention to what is going on around your ship you will spot someone swimming with a barrel and one shot will stop the situation and kill the carrier.
    It is a high risk high reward strategy that is easily stopped by just paying attention.

  • @a-trusty-mango Deal, we can pretend that ;)

  • Is it potentially quite fun to blow a few holes in a ship ala pop cultural understanding of 'depth charges"?


    Then get over it.

    mic drop

    Is it appropriate to dislike the inclusion in the game?

    Yes it is

    mic drop

    is it appropriate to approve of the function in the game?

    Yes it is

    mic drop

    Does anyone here really give two hoots who can google what information better than the other?


    Poor broken mic... what did mic ever do to anyone anyhow?

  • @a-trusty-mango

    Sure, but if you want to debate logistics of how ole timey ships and such actually worked compared to Sea of Thieves, there's an entire section of the forum dedicated to out of game discussion.

    Discussions of realism vs. fantasy don't really belong in feedback/suggestions. It just clogs up the already over crowded line of threads.

  • Hang on here, I need to shoot this explosive barrel while I'm submerged so I can blow holes in this enemy ship. Drowning? No problem! I'll just eat my handy-dandy banana!

    Shark!?! Avast, have at ye! My sword swings shant be affected by weight of the sea! C'mon guys this is a game lol....

  • No to all counts, including ladders, especially the ladders, do boarders really need to be easier to deal with than they already are? Against an even remotely competent crew, trying to board is a suicide mission and unless you hit them with a barrel first you'll end up with 1-4 blunderbuss shots up your nostrils, and that s*** aignht easy to wrangle outta your nose hair... tbh, I kinda like it when people hit me with a barrel and then try to board, tells me these people have at least some sense of strategy and that the fight might actually be worth it, as for the retractable ladders, great for aesthetics and immersion, terrible for gameplay, having said that, if they do add that feature, they should add climbing/grappling hooks, or something you can use to draw your ships together and board that way, else boarding will be 100% impossible, unless you wanna ram, but that's easier to avoid than people on the ladders

  • @a-trusty-mango

    @a-trusty-mango said in The explosive barrel should not be able to damage ships from underwater:

    @supriseautopsy @BaconWrappedSAC No. Here is why. In the article you linked, and I am pulling directly from it here is what it says

    "In September 1776, he had engaged in a brilliant but failed attempt to use what is called the first submarine to attach a time bomb to a British warship. The attempt failed because the operator of his vessel, called the Turtle, could not bore a hole into the submerged vessel’s hull."

    The first attempt was that they tried to bore a hole into the hull of the ship to place the charge inside the ship. Then later on a second attempt, which was successful, they used two mines attached to a line.

    "Thinking it was a fishing line, the sailors aboard the schooner hauled it in. When they got to the strange heavy iron mechanism, three men struggled to bring it onto the schooner’s deck. About five minutes after it was hauled aboard, while three sailors were tinkering with the mechanical device in the stern of the schooner, the mine exploded. The explosion destroyed the schooner, instantly killed the three men, and blew a fourth man in the bow of the vessel into the water, wounded. Captain Symons immediately dispatched a boat to rescue the survivor and ordered the line towing the second mine to be cut. The log of the Cerberus stated the explosion set the schooner “on fire and burst the sides of her out so that she sank immediately."

    It blew up on board the ship, not outside it. And not just on board the ship, but in the stern as well. It is also worth mentioning as well that the vessel in question was a schooner which would be along the lines of a galleon in Sea of Thieves.

    I read the article, he also mentioned testing the idea on smaller bottles before being given the supplies to attempt this. Would have been interesting if the British hadn't seen the mine and brought it on deck.

    So now, back onto the powder kegs. A traditional powder keg weighs 100 pounds, now to which you might say well Mango that seems to be a sufficient enough charge to do some damage. And you would be right if they were filled with only black powder, but unfortunately, they weren't. The majority of powder kegs were in fact carrying Brown Powder and not Black Powder. It is a much more slow burning powder

    So the kegs would have been filled with this brown powder instead of just solid black powder.

    "Slow-burning" here is a very relative term. Brown powder was used primarily as the propellant for cannons, if you want to argue that cannonballs are moving too slow to damage a wooden hull then this debate has hit a wall lol. Watch the "blown out of the water" mythbusters clip, in the episode they mention they used ANFO precisely because it is a more "slow-burning" blast, as I said they were not trying to destroy their test subject, they wanted to replicate the idea of making a ship bounce on the water. They followed their small-scale observations but as you can see, there is little boat left after this "slow-burning" blast.

    And now the final point of this long winded reply, I have made a image of the text that I had originally linked that pertains to this.

    Guncotton was used to blow holes from one side of the ship to the other and not blackpowder. And here is the link to the information of guncotton if anyone is interested. (

    So in conclusion, a full barrel of gunpowder being set off outside or under a ship would do nothing but cause the boat to rock as in a heavy sea and maybe have a chance to set it on fire. But not blow holes clean through.

    The book is interesting, but I read it and it is just anecdotal q&a session with a naval commander with no evidence provided, or any theoretical math behind his assumptions. In this book, the same commander says that "several feet" of water between an explosive device and the hull of a ship will protect it, even though evidence shows that water is an excellent conductor of shockwaves. Is it possible that under certain conditions a barrel of gunpowder (that somehow was detonated, that's another problem in itself as our revolutionary friend was working on) would do nothing to a ship's hull? Sure, if the conditions were right. Maybe if the charge was very far away from the hull, or if for some reason a weak spot on the charge caused the explosion to direct away laterally or down towards the sea floor. Still, my money says an underwater charge of the same kiloton force of a 100pound powder keg will do plenty of damage to a wooden hull.

  • @schelmflosse300 All underwater explosions are called an UNDEX. Due to the unique way water behaves it actually doesn't absorb the pressure of the explosion due to it being incompressible and having a higher inertia than air so instead the water molecule simply move with the pressure wave. This makes water an excellent conductor of shockwaves. Also I wouldn't apply thermodynamics and fluid mechanics to this game considering it hasn't been implemented and as other people have said bananas help you breath underwater.

  • I never tried to blow up an explosive barrel on a ship but I will certainly try!
    I was wondering how does it work? Do you need to place it closely to the hull and then shoot it?
    And what if a ship is in (full) speed does it self explode on impact? Then I can simply drop some barrels when I am chaced!

  • I hope they don't get rid of hull damage from explosive berrals. I solo sloop and have gotten to the point of having around 10 explosive berrals on board at the earliest convenience. I have sunk several persistant 4 man crews and other sloops this way. Sail between unmarked rocks like the one by ancient spire, and dropping explosive berrals off the ship. They either don't see it or can't avoid it. Giving me a chance to lay traps on the run and outsmart my persuers.

  • Okay so if these powder kegs aren’t supposed to damage the ship, let me get those devastating rubber ducks so they can start squeaking the wood off the ships!

  • Tell me what grade did you get achieve in physics again...what a painful read.

  • @schelmflosse300 basically, it's just a game. Why are you just complaining about physics? Why not biology? Chemistry? Geography? IT'S A GAME!

  • Easy answer: It's a game and it's a fun thing to do, this is not a simulation in any shape or form.

    Might as well remove eating bananas to replenish air, fire yourself from a cannon, fire weapons underwater of any kind, in fact, let's remove the 5 fun things about this game since it has so many already (I kid I love you SoT).

  • I stopped reading your post when you said water diminishes explosions. Water multiplies the strength of and explosion X10. how do you think depth charges work man. Barrels are the same concept. If you took a depth charge and set it off above water with you standing about 50 ft away you would probably be knocked off your feet and maybe get hit by some chunks of debris. Now go underwater with the same charge. You would be bleeding from the ears your eyes would probably be popped and you would have major internal injuries. I for one think the underwater barrels need a buff. three holes for a point blank explosion underwater is not enough IMHO but thats just because I love using this method so much. We pulled up to a skull fort yesterday and two sloops were co-oping it. I dived into the water with one barrel and sank them both. It was epic.

  • @xxxrookxxx And lets you shot yourself out of a cannon meant for cannon balls.

  • @supriseautopsy said in The explosive barrel should not be able to damage ships from underwater:

    @a-trusty-mango TL;DR, in the revolutionary war, this guy pretty much filled vessels with gunpowder to make early, rudimentary mines. So in real life, someone has tried this with a small degree of success.

    The "Jacobi mine" example was the equivalent to 14kg black powder, so not to far off to say the sea of thieves gunpowder barrel could carry at least 14kg, assuming one could create conditions to ignite it. No recorded verified "sinkings" due to these, but apparently they were serious enough to discourage British ships from getting too close. And to disagree with your "big wave" theory: Granted the mythbusters were using much more equivalent kilotons gunpowder, however they were deliberately trying to use a "slower" explosion to deliberately create a wave without destroying the boat. As you can see by the missing boat at the end, they were unsuccessful. Funny enough, this other test from mythbusters shows that because of the properties of water it actually makes water a better conductor of shockwaves generated by an explosion, potentially doing more damage than a surface or air-based explosion of the same kiloton-force And yes, what other people mentioned about healing yourself with bananas and carrying a 50-cannonball crate can be taken into consideration here. Of course, you could call discovery and have them re-instate the mythbusters series to try to detonate the assumed kiloton-equivalent of the SoT gunpowder barrel against a wooden hull to see what happens.

    I have too much free time in my life.


  • @a-trusty-mango said in The explosive barrel should not be able to damage ships from underwater:

    @supriseautopsy a gunpowder explosion damage a wooden ship if it was in the water&f=false

    there you go bud. Understand how gunpowder works first. It is not a explosive persay as a seamine would have been lol. All a gunpowder barrel or even several would do to a wooden ship if it was exploded outside in the water would be, make a big wave.

    Well myth buster have debunk yout theory of the " big wave " precisely , your sloop would be shred into piece of a black powder barel would explode under it under water and your galeon would be insanely damage and sink in no time go to the real life test with a real sloop size boat and you will realise that having 3 to 4 little hole isnt what would happen IRL the boat would be shred into pieces so SOT outcome is by far less damaging than reality

  • @schelmflosse300 really? It's a freakin' video game.... Boo this man, Boo, Boo........ Are you really that bored that you had post this? How long did it take you to think of something rediculous to post? Some people's kids...

  • Damn people! There is a Kraken, you can shoot yourself from a cannon filled with gun powder you never have to refill, walking and fighting skeletons, a magic skull in the sky, a hidden bar filled with ghosts, ships that get repaired one plank at a time...and we are discussing real world physics of an explosive barrel?

  • Awww gawd... Reeeaaalllyyy??!

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