Gold, gold, gold

  • I feel that the gold accumulation has a considerably low payout and the items that we can purchase is too steep...
    What is the quickest way to earn gold, grinding is rather tedious...

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  • @sturmtrupper108

    I think the prices should drop on items and there should be way more customization.

  • Best way to earn gold is to do merchant missions and if you don't get one with a gold animal just ditch the mission and repeat until you do get one.

    This map helps;

  • @sturmtrupper108 To get your question right: you quickly want to get gold, but grinding is too boring?
    Grinding is always the most effective way, of course it gets boring for most players.
    I found that shipwreckes can pay out quite nicely, but this is just one quick push, nothing to do all the time effectively.

  • @sturmtrupper108 Skeleton forts are definitely the most rewarding and diverse encounters to acquire gold, however waiting for one to pop up can be a mission in itself; you'd also have to have a crew and hope that there's no one else there. Outside of the skeleton forts the merchant alliance is the most profitable faction (surprisingly) as you can just keep cancelling voyages until one pops up that requires you to find a golden animal; those babies sell for 1.5k a pop! And also, there is literally no other way to play this game besides grinding; you're either grinding quests or grinding skeleton forts, there's no inbetween.

  • No, I have over 300k and have nothing to spend it on, also if you want gold from voyages do merchant.

  • @sturmtrupper108

    The Items - especially the Ship Customization - need to be either cheaper or have cheaper variants. I said that in another Thread already, that for the Ship ones that those can look ugly, a bad Paintjob on the Hull, damaged Sail etc. to show: "Yeah it's cheap but at least i have a customized ship!" Sailing the Sea with the Same boring White Sail for over 2 Weeks now is....well....boring.

  • @lol-dark-wolf said in Gold, gold, gold:

    Best way to earn gold is to do merchant missions and if you don't get one with a gold animal just ditch the mission and repeat until you do get one.

    This map helps;

    You can't do that as much anymore; they put a timer on each merchant's voyage stock. You can only buy 3 before being locked out.

    That's per person though, so if you get a whole crew to do it you'll be good to go.

  • Join a 4 man random galleon and pray they are good then camp out in the crows nest and Alt-Tab out, watch youtube, c***************n, whatever. and by the time you come back hopefully they have completed voyages and turned in mad lootz. :D

  • @rayfromjersey Didn't know about the timer but still been doing it just fine :')

  • @lyk2 said in Gold, gold, gold:


    The Items - especially the Ship Customization - need to be either cheaper or have cheaper variants. I said that in another Thread already, that for the Ship ones that those can look ugly, a bad Paintjob on the Hull, damaged Sail etc. to show: "Yeah it's cheap but at least i have a customized ship!" Sailing the Sea with the Same boring White Sail for over 2 Weeks now is....well....boring.

    you clearly need to make more money then. i have had a fully decked out ship since day3, and now have 300k+ with nothing to spend it on.

  • @lowbei

    Maybe that because I am alone 99% of the Time on my Sloop, no friend of mine is playing the Game and when I want to join someone else I either End up in the Brig or nothing is happening.

  • @lyk2 said in Gold, gold, gold:


    Maybe that because I am alone 99% of the Time on my Sloop, no friend of mine is playing the Game and when I want to join someone else I either End up in the Brig or nothing is happening.

    thats unfortunate. keep trying, you will find decent players eventually.

  • @businessjjj i totally think the priced are too high, 4 times cheaper would be acceptable. I play very casually once a week, and i might get a ship customization item by september. Although i love the fact that gold only buys cosmetic stuff, so i don’t feel left behind playing casually.

  • @lowbei that is unfortunate, i play with random people and i have been with one bad crew and about 5 good ones. Keep trying, i think most single random people just want to play and have fun, it’s the groups that cause trouble because they want to play by themselves, the devs said this should be adressed soon by alowing groups to block random people.

  • @lol-dark-wolf said in Gold, gold, gold:

    Best way to earn gold is to do merchant missions and if you don't get one with a gold animal just ditch the mission and repeat until you do get one.

    This map helps;

    what does the coloured bubbled around some of the islands represent?

  • @dryestnickel815 if you look at the bottom left of the map, just a coloured key of the animals.

  • Can they at least give me a reason to use the Gold besides Cosmetics, like maybe the stuff you buy has a different perk to assist you in travel or combat

  • @acedawgyy Dont be that guy. I leave a crew if anyone is afk and I encourage everyone else to do the same. Usually if me and my friend find someone afk in the ferry or we cant find them on the ship and they dont respond then what we do is take all the supplies from the ship and anchor it. We do that so if anyone joins in they will be less willing to stock up the ship and help out the afker.

  • Be sure you are paying for your commendations/titles that are available at the Hoarders, Skulls and Merchant quest vendors. These give you access to better chances for higher quality loot/payouts.

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