Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.

  • 293
  • @soulless-rager SOT will not have that big playerbase after 1 month or two. So turning off crossplay will reuin the matchmaking. SOT is not sucessful and bugfree game like reocket league

  • @techtox said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    Yeah and on BOTH platforms. Not just Xbox. Rocket League is even meant to be played with a controller, so for that game there isn't even discussion between KB+M vs controller. Just simply frame rates and input lag.

    Rocket League is great with a KB+M. Double jumping for no reason. Back flipping in front of goal when it would have been easier to score. Using all your boost in one last futile attempt to fly in a straight line.

    We have the odd night where everyone has to use a keyboard. Usually after a few beers.

  • @soulless-rager You again ah? You really set out on a campaign to get rid of crossplay, thank you for diverting the attention of players from the real issues like lack of content, initial burst of gamepass players, we were all needing a new thing to whine aniways.

  • @acekaze24 said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    @soulless-rager You again ah? You really set out on a campaign to get rid of crossplay, thank you for diverting the attention of players from the real issues like lack of content, initial burst of gamepass players, we were all needing a new thing to whine aniways.

    No, I love that crossplay is available. And those don't nearly cover all the issues.

  • Agree 100% - make Cross Play an option.

  • @soulless-rager I agree, though I dont think most issues are that serious, Specially in 14 days when the trial is over we should see a improvement in server in stuff like hit detection lag, and server side issues.

    I understand some people can be frustrated over the crossplay but I truly dont think the advantages from one side to the other are that big, Maybe if this was a highly competitive game filled in rankeds with fast passed combat, but anything outside the naval battles is clunky, unbalanced, and extremly limited WHiCH i truly dont mind for now because I want more of this game, I want more to do, I want more to keep my friends playing after their 14 day trial, I just want this game to be what it has the potential to be. And right now these crossplays issue seem insignificant because they hold absolutly no meaning within game, its not like you earn or lose anything from being better or worse than others.

  • @mrn-monir How can you say SOT is not successful lol ?

  • @acekaze24
    Crossplay balance is most relevant in PvP scenarios. PvP scenarios are when everything you've been working for can be at risk. The most competitive encounters are around forts, which are the most challenging/rewarding task in the game. Therefore, the most competitive players flock to the forts. If console players want to jump spam more effectively they have to remap their controls so they can keep their thumbs on the sticks while jumping with trigger fingers, and even then they don't have as convenient of a control layout as PC. The mouse precision makes it incredibly easier to track opponents with precise blunderbuss shots and other attacks while spam jumping all over, which is the most effective way to combat opponents. Console players are significantly handicapped in the most important aspect of the game. Not to mention the PC cheats, which I'm not as informed on as to how prevalent they are.

    The bottom line is that different platforms with different hardware and settings and control inputs are inherently unbalanced. If players are allowed to mix platforms together, there needs to be an option to disable crossplay if they prefer to be on a level playing field.

  • You know about XIM right? Everyone I know that plays shooters seriously on Xbox One uses mouse and keyboard anyway.

  • @soulless-rager Serious question now, is it possible for xbox players to use mouse / keyboard on this game? Because if it is, I am not sure how cross play would exactly solve the issues you want solved.

  • @acekaze24 I'm pretty sure the xbox one x is mouse and keyboard compatible

  • @t377y https://www.windowscentral.com/how-use-mouse-and-keyboard-xbox-one
    Not currently you need to buy a something like a XIM

  • @acekaze24 said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    @soulless-rager Serious question now, is it possible for xbox players to use mouse / keyboard on this game? Because if it is, I am not sure how cross play would exactly solve the issues you want solved.

    Only through third party hardware like the XIM adapter that costs over $100. Regardless, it defeats the point of a lot of players preference for playing on console in the first place. Many xbox players play on consoles to be on an equal form factor with everyone else. Not having to deal with upgrading different processors and graphics cards etc. We all are using relatively the same hardware and game performance settings. And again hacks/cheats are nowhere near as prevalent.

    It's great that friends who play on different platforms are allowed to crew up and sail together, truly. But that should be optional, and is no excuse to force others to play handicapped.

  • @flashmanstrikes said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    @t377y https://www.windowscentral.com/how-use-mouse-and-keyboard-xbox-one
    Not currently you need to buy a something like a XIM

    or wait, Mouse and keyboard support is already in xbox but the devs need to add it into the game. Being an MS feature and an MS game I am sure its being worked on es with cross play in mind.
    Either way this moaning isn't going to get anywhere MS is trying to merge its xbox and pc game market. There is very strong suggestions this is the last generation that there will even be a difference at all other than a ui designed for the living room.

  • Honestly if you tried both platforms, you know that the extra slowdown in scoping was put there to slowdown pc players from having an easy time shooting xbox players, honestly I find it a good solution, from far away its so clucky to aim.

    When it comes to FPS, offcourse 60 fps Is better than 30 but this honestly seems like a rare Issue , because lets be honest here alot of PC players have c**p potato pcs, playing this game with very inconstant FPS, or even lower than 30, and even alot of us players with mid range or older builds we need to decrease the quality of graphics to improve FPS, give xbox players the same option then, less graphics for more FPS.

    Hacking is offcourse less prevalent on xbox, but this is again an issue rare must fix, all serious gaming companys in PC have managed to keep their hacking under control, its up to rare / microsoft to do the same.

    If it makes you happy, in a couple months the PC community in this game will be extremly thin, with the lack of content, lack of incentive PC players just move on, and this is why alot of us are really against allowing a crossplay block. Because we pc players will have bought a game that has no population, I talk for myself, but knowing there was crossplay was 1 of the main reasons I bought the game on day one, Its no secret that the XBOX is thin on good games meaning alot of xbox players will play this for a long time out of anything better to play, pc players will not. Just wait for a new fun game come out and they are all jumping ships.

  • @acekaze24
    No excuse is good enough to force players into playing handicapped. It is selfish for PC players to demand consoles play handicapped just to help populate their sessions. It's not a request to remove the ability for crossplay, you and the rest of PC players will still have plenty of console players to mingle with and abuse gratuitously. This just allows the portion of console players who prefer a level playing field to be happy too.

    Also, the slow aim mechanic only applies to ADS. Players are just as capable of snapping aim near an opponent, then aiming in before taking the shot. Regardless, the blunderbuss is the most dominant weapon and doesn't need aiming down sight at all.

  • @soulless-rager Its funny though, that only a small chunck of Xbox players consider that pc players are unleveling the playing field. I for one I really have no idea when I am playing with xbox players or PC players, everyone feels the same to me.

    Lets be Honest here though, you are a Pioneer, Founder, Insider, this means you have been in this community for a long time, you played the betas, are you seriously gona tell me you didnt knew before you bought the game it was like it is? You are saying no excuse is good enough to force players into playing handicapped, but still you made a conscious choice to buy the game as it was, then come on the forums and make more than 1 post over the same issue because its your personal preference.

    You are treating this game like its some kinda extremly competitive game, when its suposed to be a sandbox experience with PVP envolved, you are sugesting a split between communities even though you knew it was gona be like this before you even bought the game, I am sorry but I just dont see this as a major priority, it just feels to me like a personal quest, and one that comes from a very small chunk of players playing on the xbox.

    I believe there are just plenty of other ways to go around this issue later on other that cutting pc players from xbox, but I believe that with all the lack of content and problems this game has right now this is definitivly not a priority.

  • @acekaze24
    I'll chime in on this.
    There is a large (not small!) chunk of xbox players that consider crossplay as uneven & unfair!

    Also being a Pioneer, Founder, Insider i knew (or hoped) that the game would carry on being played like it was in the earlier test sessions. It was a much nicer, friendlier game to play & enjoy. There was hardly any trolling or griefing, the pvp was a small part of the game, it was possible to approach other ships or park at the island without getting insta sunk & there were no cheats or hacks!
    We weren't to know the game was going to turn into a griefers paradise, well we hoped it wouldn't, but here we are!

    You are correct, this is supposed to be a sandbox experience with PVP elements, but unfortunately the realism is that it's being turned into a PVP game with tiny amounts of PVE. It's not ultra competitive, but when a crew of average skilled pc players rocks up on an average xbox player who has been collecting treasure for 2hrs, the xbox player should stand a chance of defending himself, but inevitably the pc players will win! Again, it's not a minority of xbox players who want the option, its quite a lot!

    The only ways this can be a truly level playing field are
    1 Option to disable crossplay
    2 Option to specify Controller only servers.
    3 MS allow KB+Mouse support on Xbox One
    4 PC Players are forced to use a controller

    Anything else & the pc players will always have an advantage!

  • Disabling crossplay will in no way reduce the grief or trolling.
    When it comes to chasing and be chased XBOX players have absolutly no disadvantage on naval battles the cannon speeds are so slow, that it doesnt matter if you play with a mouse or keyboard, The main advantages pc players can arguably have is turning speed with mouse, better fps, but when the whole pvp of this game is based on Blunderbuss this truly hardly matters, 1 one to close shoot wins ( And this is one of the major problems with close combat pvp right now)

    PC players are being has hurt by hackers as xbox players, so blocking crossplay would be a bandaid, and only for half the population, and when we pc players payed the same as you did, we expect the same respect from the devs. I wouldnt honestly mind being forced to play with a controller, controller only servers is absolutly fine by me also, but the more logical choice here seems to be giving mouse and keyboard to xbox players, and why ? Well its g******n awfull to play this game with people who neither use voice chat, not have a real option to type back, a keyboard would easily fix this.

  • I seriously don’t understand you lot with this. Yes I can get that keyboard and mouse may seem better in melee, but in naval fights the controller has far better control. What you are suggesting would segregate the community.


    For all involved.

  • @soulless-rager said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    Exactly what am I suppose to be seeing, because the image is not showing for me?

  • @cayden-black agreed

  • @VVoIfey

  • @soulless-rager lol that sensitivity though

  • @soulless-rager said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    @acekaze24 said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    @soulless-rager Serious question now, is it possible for xbox players to use mouse / keyboard on this game? Because if it is, I am not sure how cross play would exactly solve the issues you want solved.

    Only through third party hardware like the XIM adapter that costs over $100. Regardless, it defeats the point of a lot of players preference for playing on console in the first place. Many xbox players play on consoles to be on an equal form factor with everyone else. Not having to deal with upgrading different processors and graphics cards etc. We all are using relatively the same hardware and game performance settings. And again hacks/cheats are nowhere near as prevalent.

    It's great that friends who play on different platforms are allowed to crew up and sail together, truly. But that should be optional, and is no excuse to force others to play handicapped.

    You're right. You're not forced to play "handicapped." You can play it on PC with no additional game purchase.

  • TLDR: OP just wants to play against 9 year old console kids rather than face adults on PC.

  • @cayden-black said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    I seriously don’t understand you lot with this. Yes I can get that keyboard and mouse may seem better in melee, but in naval fights the controller has far better control. What you are suggesting would segregate the community.


    For all involved.

    Naval fights are one thing but to successfully sink another ship, one has to board the other (most of the time). Shooting with cannons is just half the story.

    And it is not a bad idea to enable the option for fair play. Pc players will always have their easy targets so don't worry, you'll not lose those.

  • @soulless-rager said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:


    "I can never tell if someone is on Pc or not."

    I could always tell.

  • @logansdadtoo said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    I'll chime in on this.
    There is a large (not small!) chunk of xbox players that consider crossplay as uneven & unfair!

    Also being a Pioneer, Founder, Insider i knew (or hoped) that the game would carry on being played like it was in the earlier test sessions. It was a much nicer, friendlier game to play & enjoy. There was hardly any trolling or griefing, the pvp was a small part of the game, it was possible to approach other ships or park at the island without getting insta sunk & there were no cheats or hacks!
    We weren't to know the game was going to turn into a griefers paradise, well we hoped it wouldn't, but here we are!

    You are correct, this is supposed to be a sandbox experience with PVP elements, but unfortunately the realism is that it's being turned into a PVP game with tiny amounts of PVE. It's not ultra competitive, but when a crew of average skilled pc players rocks up on an average xbox player who has been collecting treasure for 2hrs, the xbox player should stand a chance of defending himself, but inevitably the pc players will win! Again, it's not a minority of xbox players who want the option, its quite a lot!

    The only ways this can be a truly level playing field are
    1 Option to disable crossplay
    2 Option to specify Controller only servers.
    3 MS allow KB+Mouse support on Xbox One
    4 PC Players are forced to use a controller

    Anything else & the pc players will always have an advantage!

    It's funny how you all complain how PC players have this huge advantage, when knowing how to sail and how to engage in combat is 90% of the battle.

    1. would increase matchmaking
    2. Not even possible
    3. KB+Mouse are already supported on the Xbox, devs just have to enable it
    4. are you for real lol
  • @sir-rhavi said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    @logansdadtoo said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    I'll chime in on this.
    There is a large (not small!) chunk of xbox players that consider crossplay as uneven & unfair!

    Also being a Pioneer, Founder, Insider i knew (or hoped) that the game would carry on being played like it was in the earlier test sessions. It was a much nicer, friendlier game to play & enjoy. There was hardly any trolling or griefing, the pvp was a small part of the game, it was possible to approach other ships or park at the island without getting insta sunk & there were no cheats or hacks!
    We weren't to know the game was going to turn into a griefers paradise, well we hoped it wouldn't, but here we are!

    You are correct, this is supposed to be a sandbox experience with PVP elements, but unfortunately the realism is that it's being turned into a PVP game with tiny amounts of PVE. It's not ultra competitive, but when a crew of average skilled pc players rocks up on an average xbox player who has been collecting treasure for 2hrs, the xbox player should stand a chance of defending himself, but inevitably the pc players will win! Again, it's not a minority of xbox players who want the option, its quite a lot!

    The only ways this can be a truly level playing field are
    1 Option to disable crossplay
    2 Option to specify Controller only servers.
    3 MS allow KB+Mouse support on Xbox One
    4 PC Players are forced to use a controller

    Anything else & the pc players will always have an advantage!

    It's funny how you all complain how PC players have this huge advantage, when knowing how to sail and how to engage in combat is 90% of the battle.

    1. would increase matchmaking
    2. Not even possible
    3. KB+Mouse are already supported on the Xbox, devs just have to enable it
    4. are you for real lol

    The 90% aren't that important. The 10% matter when you get smacked while repairing and bailing. Pc has a clear advantage in close combat and this matters the most.

    I don't want to play while handicapped against Pc players and I don't want to play with KB+Mouse.

    What's the argument against having the option(!) to disable crossplay? We just want to have a choice.

  • @cnt-thelrox said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    @sir-rhavi said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    @logansdadtoo said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    I'll chime in on this.
    There is a large (not small!) chunk of xbox players that consider crossplay as uneven & unfair!

    Also being a Pioneer, Founder, Insider i knew (or hoped) that the game would carry on being played like it was in the earlier test sessions. It was a much nicer, friendlier game to play & enjoy. There was hardly any trolling or griefing, the pvp was a small part of the game, it was possible to approach other ships or park at the island without getting insta sunk & there were no cheats or hacks!
    We weren't to know the game was going to turn into a griefers paradise, well we hoped it wouldn't, but here we are!

    You are correct, this is supposed to be a sandbox experience with PVP elements, but unfortunately the realism is that it's being turned into a PVP game with tiny amounts of PVE. It's not ultra competitive, but when a crew of average skilled pc players rocks up on an average xbox player who has been collecting treasure for 2hrs, the xbox player should stand a chance of defending himself, but inevitably the pc players will win! Again, it's not a minority of xbox players who want the option, its quite a lot!

    The only ways this can be a truly level playing field are
    1 Option to disable crossplay
    2 Option to specify Controller only servers.
    3 MS allow KB+Mouse support on Xbox One
    4 PC Players are forced to use a controller

    Anything else & the pc players will always have an advantage!

    It's funny how you all complain how PC players have this huge advantage, when knowing how to sail and how to engage in combat is 90% of the battle.

    1. would increase matchmaking
    2. Not even possible
    3. KB+Mouse are already supported on the Xbox, devs just have to enable it
    4. are you for real lol

    The 90% aren't that important. The 10% matter when you get smacked while repairing and bailing. Pc has a clear advantage in close combat and this matters the most.

    I don't want to play while handicapped against Pc players and I don't want to play with KB+Mouse.

    What's the argument against having the option(!) to disable crossplay? We just want to have a choice.

    the argument is that it would A) increase matchmaking times, which trust me, the 14 days are almost up, they will take a severe hit, and B) would literally ruin the point of microsoft's push for one game platform.

    and are you [mod edited] me with only the 10% that matters? I've sunk galleons where after i put holes in them I boareded them with an empty pistol and blunderbuss combo, and all i had to do was run around distracting them long enough for them to sink.
    Earlier today i matchmaked with 2 randoms (after 2 of my crew ditched) and they followed commands from the helmsman to perfection, we managed to turn a losing fort battle of 2 Galleons and 3 sloops and sank them all and took the loot, in the end i asked them to join my discord server only to find out they were both xbox players, just goes to show you it doesn't really matter.
    If you believe you're handicapped fine, be it so, if you're saying you'll never win then you're just bad.

  • @sir-rhavi said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    @cnt-thelrox said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    @sir-rhavi said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    @logansdadtoo said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    I'll chime in on this.
    There is a large (not small!) chunk of xbox players that consider crossplay as uneven & unfair!

    Also being a Pioneer, Founder, Insider i knew (or hoped) that the game would carry on being played like it was in the earlier test sessions. It was a much nicer, friendlier game to play & enjoy. There was hardly any trolling or griefing, the pvp was a small part of the game, it was possible to approach other ships or park at the island without getting insta sunk & there were no cheats or hacks!
    We weren't to know the game was going to turn into a griefers paradise, well we hoped it wouldn't, but here we are!

    You are correct, this is supposed to be a sandbox experience with PVP elements, but unfortunately the realism is that it's being turned into a PVP game with tiny amounts of PVE. It's not ultra competitive, but when a crew of average skilled pc players rocks up on an average xbox player who has been collecting treasure for 2hrs, the xbox player should stand a chance of defending himself, but inevitably the pc players will win! Again, it's not a minority of xbox players who want the option, its quite a lot!

    The only ways this can be a truly level playing field are
    1 Option to disable crossplay
    2 Option to specify Controller only servers.
    3 MS allow KB+Mouse support on Xbox One
    4 PC Players are forced to use a controller

    Anything else & the pc players will always have an advantage!

    It's funny how you all complain how PC players have this huge advantage, when knowing how to sail and how to engage in combat is 90% of the battle.

    1. would increase matchmaking
    2. Not even possible
    3. KB+Mouse are already supported on the Xbox, devs just have to enable it
    4. are you for real lol

    The 90% aren't that important. The 10% matter when you get smacked while repairing and bailing. Pc has a clear advantage in close combat and this matters the most.

    I don't want to play while handicapped against Pc players and I don't want to play with KB+Mouse.

    What's the argument against having the option(!) to disable crossplay? We just want to have a choice.

    the argument is that it would A) increase matchmaking times, which trust me, the 14 days are almost up, they will take a severe hit, and B) would literally ruin the point of microsoft's push for one game platform.

    and are you s******g me with only the 10% that matters? I've sunk galleons where after i put holes in them I boareded them with an empty pistol and blunderbuss combo, and all i had to do was run around distracting them long enough for them to sink.
    Earlier today i matchmaked with 2 randoms (after 2 of my crew ditched) and they followed commands from the helmsman to perfection, we managed to turn a losing fort battle of 2 Galleons and 3 sloops and sank them all and took the loot, in the end i asked them to join my discord server only to find out they were both xbox players, just goes to show you it doesn't really matter.
    If you believe you're handicapped fine, be it so, if you're saying you'll never win then you're just bad.

    Let me take a guess. You think having 60 + fps and KB + mouse gives you literally no advantage against xbox players? If it gives you an advantage then xbox players are handicapped and its not fair at all.

    I don't care about microsoft and their push for crossplay. Matchmaking won't take a hit anyway. You'll always have those xbox players that don't care so there's no lack for easy prey.

    I demand an option to turn it off for those that want to play on an equal playing.

  • Invite more ppl - get Crossplay on Wii, Switch, PS4, Casio pocket calculator, MS Dos, Etch-A-Sketch, IBM, MAC, Intellivision, Hortons Reality Escaping Magic Brick!

    More inclusive gaming environments - less of OP's attitude - less exclusion - More Inclusion!

  • @cnt-thelrox said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    @sir-rhavi said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    @cnt-thelrox said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    @sir-rhavi said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    @logansdadtoo said in Rare, take a lesson from other highly successful games that allow crossplay.:

    I'll chime in on this.
    There is a large (not small!) chunk of xbox players that consider crossplay as uneven & unfair!

    Also being a Pioneer, Founder, Insider i knew (or hoped) that the game would carry on being played like it was in the earlier test sessions. It was a much nicer, friendlier game to play & enjoy. There was hardly any trolling or griefing, the pvp was a small part of the game, it was possible to approach other ships or park at the island without getting insta sunk & there were no cheats or hacks!
    We weren't to know the game was going to turn into a griefers paradise, well we hoped it wouldn't, but here we are!

    You are correct, this is supposed to be a sandbox experience with PVP elements, but unfortunately the realism is that it's being turned into a PVP game with tiny amounts of PVE. It's not ultra competitive, but when a crew of average skilled pc players rocks up on an average xbox player who has been collecting treasure for 2hrs, the xbox player should stand a chance of defending himself, but inevitably the pc players will win! Again, it's not a minority of xbox players who want the option, its quite a lot!

    The only ways this can be a truly level playing field are
    1 Option to disable crossplay
    2 Option to specify Controller only servers.
    3 MS allow KB+Mouse support on Xbox One
    4 PC Players are forced to use a controller

    Anything else & the pc players will always have an advantage!

    It's funny how you all complain how PC players have this huge advantage, when knowing how to sail and how to engage in combat is 90% of the battle.

    1. would increase matchmaking
    2. Not even possible
    3. KB+Mouse are already supported on the Xbox, devs just have to enable it
    4. are you for real lol

    The 90% aren't that important. The 10% matter when you get smacked while repairing and bailing. Pc has a clear advantage in close combat and this matters the most.

    I don't want to play while handicapped against Pc players and I don't want to play with KB+Mouse.

    What's the argument against having the option(!) to disable crossplay? We just want to have a choice.

    the argument is that it would A) increase matchmaking times, which trust me, the 14 days are almost up, they will take a severe hit, and B) would literally ruin the point of microsoft's push for one game platform.

    and are you s******g me with only the 10% that matters? I've sunk galleons where after i put holes in them I boareded them with an empty pistol and blunderbuss combo, and all i had to do was run around distracting them long enough for them to sink.
    Earlier today i matchmaked with 2 randoms (after 2 of my crew ditched) and they followed commands from the helmsman to perfection, we managed to turn a losing fort battle of 2 Galleons and 3 sloops and sank them all and took the loot, in the end i asked them to join my discord server only to find out they were both xbox players, just goes to show you it doesn't really matter.
    If you believe you're handicapped fine, be it so, if you're saying you'll never win then you're just bad.

    Let me take a guess. You think having 60 + fps and KB + mouse gives you literally no advantage against xbox players? If it gives you an advantage then xbox players are handicapped and its not fair at all.

    I don't care about microsoft and their push for crossplay. Matchmaking won't take a hit anyway. You'll always have those xbox players that don't care so there's no lack for easy prey.

    I demand an option to turn it off for those that want to play on an equal playing.

    well, good luck with your demands then, the only reason this game exists is because microsoft wants to push cross-platform hard, why else do you think they paid Rare to make it?. I think you're just [mod edited] you didn't buy a pc :)
    but don't ever kid yourself you're good if all you ever play with is xbox [mod edited] who think the FPS portion of this game is the most important aspect.

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