PSA: Locking someone in the brig while they're loading causes the Cosmetic Glitch

  • Half a salt thread, half a community watch out thread.

    The glitch causes you to lose all inventory, and un-equip all clothing. I've seen a few threads wherein people report that, when you die, you lose your character's color information. That including, hair color, makeup, scars, tattoos, skin color, and eye color.

    Even if you don't die, upon being locked in the brig while loading, your cosmetics are gone. I originally found it out my first time playing with friends, they locked me in as soon as I joined, I went from being large and tan, with a map tattoo'd on me, to being bald and completely white. Each time I've queued up with random people (all of which, I've remade my character), I'd get locked in the brig almost immediately.

    With my most recent character, I've finally got a pirate I really like (Hell yeah I beat the IPG and got something I would've made if we did get a real character creator) after about rerolling all day from sunrise to sunset, only to be greeted to losing it all when I decided to go from a solo voyage to a full crew. I suppose my characters mesh is still the same, but losing the exact makeup, hair color, skin color, and tattoos I wanted and rerolled about 18 hours for is a huge b****r to even wanting to play.

    This is also less of a "please don't autobrig people when they join your crew" and more of a "be careful playing the game with anybody period if you remotely enjoy your pirate."

    EDIT: It looks like it even removed all my character randomization and made me the default asian look.

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