Is there anyone we can contact for a personal request?

  • Hi, I’m new to the forums and couldn’t find an answer online.

    I was hoping to contact someone at Rare with regards to a personal request. I don’t want to use twitter or reddit as it’s a surprise for a friend.

    My friend, my best man in fact, has moved away to the other end of the country and is about to buy a house (he’s renting at the moment) in a month or so.

    We are both huge gamers and inspired by my games room full of old consoles and games, he is planning on building one himself.

    I’ve told him I will come down to help, when he moves in, but I want to get him something special as a house warming present.

    As we’re both massive fans of this game and have both pre ordered several things from the sea of thieves shop, I was hoping to buy one of the poster and ask some designers to sign it to make it extra special, then I could frame it for his new games room.

    I’d obviously pay for postage both ways and the poster etc... I just don’t know where to ask?

    Anyone have any suggestions? Is there anyone I can contact for this type of thing?

    Many thanks,

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  • Bump. I hope fortune finds you mate. I’m sure someone will help you with your quest.

  • @mikefish Give them a call.

  • @cappjacksparrow thank you

  • Ahoy!

    I think your goal is commendable and I sure hope you will be able to offer your friend a truly wondrous Sea of Thieves Housewarming Gift.

    I'd suggest taking it up to the Support Team, maybe they would have some insight on this. Contacting a Deckhand could also help!

  • @mikefish Try through support as @SirioNDB mentioned or maybe message @khaleesibot (Rare's Forum Community Manager)

  • @logansdadtoo hi, thank you both for the suggestion. When you say contact support I’m not sure how to go about it? The only way I know of is to use twitter which I cannot incase it’s seen. But I will message the contact you suggested.

    Thanks for the help.

  • @mikefish
    No problem m8.
    Here's the link to support, there is a general enquiry heading in the drop down list :)

  • I would also suggest getting the hardcover book with the kraken shirt; the book is signed by everyone from Rare. That is what I did.

  • @rogueaxel thanks for the suggestion, however we both have the book (and comic on amazon) preordered. As well as the coin and cards. He has an art print ordered too. I’m pretty sure more stuff is coming and he’ll preorder that, this is why I was hoping to get something with a more personal touch.

  • @logansdadtoo thank you for the info. Big help. I’ll get on it after work.

  • @mikefish maybe @Deckhands would help you

  • @mikefish for this it is definitely going to be best to go through support for assistance in this matter!

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